Local government relief programs require recipients to have a cell phone and bank account. The poorest people here have neither. They’re hardworking people that are scrapping by with rice and beans and if they’re lucky an occasional egg or two. They mostly work in agriculture, and since exports have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, they’re trying to survive with less than usual.
It’s important to us to not create dependency the way a government program might, we’re just trying to lift their spirits of some very kind and generous people that happen to be going through a tough time right now.
We we’re able to provide a little work for the baker in this vid, who’s been laid off as a result of the down turn. Everyone else involved has volunteered their time, and the distributor whom we bought the materials for this project doubled our contribution with their own support for this project.
Stay tuned for the 2nd video, where we distribute our produce.
If you’d like to support this project, please say so in the comments for info. I can’t imagen you’d get more bang for your buck anywhere else, as all contributions go directly to those in need, and everyone involved has volunteered their time, (except the baker) down to the transportation to deliver these goods. Thanks for watching.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes