Make BREAD in ROBLOX SKYBLOCK!! How to make bread in roblox skyblock!! *EASY*
What is Roblox?
Roblox is a global platform where millions of people gather together every day to imagine, create, and share experiences with each other in immersive, user-generated 3D worlds. The types of gameplay on Roblox are just as limitless as the imagination of the creators themselves.
All the online games you see on the platform have been built by members of the Roblox community for members of the Roblox community. Players can build the ultimate theme park, compete as a professional race car driver, star in a fashion show, become a superhero, or simply design a dream home and hang out with friends. Roblox is free to download and free to play on all modern smartphones, tablets, computers, Xbox One, Oculus Rift, and HTC Vive.
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Video Transcription
all right we’re just going on YouTubeand today I’m gonna be showing guys howyou guys can make bread in robotSkyblock which will help you outwhenever you guys go into that oneportal where it could fight slime andstuff and you can regenerate your healthby eating bread so the first thing youguys want to do is I should go to yourbasic work work bench press F and thenyou guys want to go to the cooking tableand craft it you guys are in need 3030wood and ten iron you could you know getwood by chopping down the trees and getiron by mining it out at the portal bythe way guys big thanks and shout out tomega who actually showed me how to dothis so thank you very much mega for forshowing me how to do this alright nowyou guys want to go press E to backpackand over here you guys are actuallygonna have your cooking table so thenyou wanna click on it and then justplace it down right there okay now youwant to go ahead and press F now now youhave something called dough in yourcooking table which you could get by bygetting wheat so that wheat turns thedough and the dough turns into bread byheating it up which says it right thereheat up to bake into bread so we’regonna do is press craft it and as youguys can see now we have dough now whatwe need is a small furnace so let me goand just press this and just place asmall furnace right here I have it righthere okay place it down and then youguys want to go ahead and put some coalinto here okay now it’s heating up nowwe need to press F and then go on to ourdough here so that you could break itinto breadall right there we go BAMand as you guys can see our dough is upthere and it’s getting heat it up andboom it just turns into bread if we pickit up now we have bread and guys that ishow you guys can make bread in robachSkyblock it’s a very easy process to doand you know it’ll take you like fiveminutes to do I mean really it’s reallyreally easy so yeah guys that is how youguys can make bread in roblox I’ll buckif you guys aren’t checking out thestreams make sure you guys go ahead andjoin in on the streams where we do itdaily on roblox Skyblock and wait andmore games and I’ll see you guys in thenext one bye