something for the slightly adventurous bakers among you. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
today I’m making dandelion bread forthis you’ll need of course dandelionflowers you can find them anywhere evenin cracks on the pavementif your country is still under lockdownmaybe use your daily exercise to walk orrun in a forest and on the way backgather some flowers other ingredientsyou’ll need are 500 gram of flour I’musing spelt flour but use whatever youhave around 300 milliliter of warm water1 tablespoon of yeast 1 teaspoon of salt1 tablespoon of dark molasses if youdon’t have molasses you could use honeya little bit of sweetness just reallysuits this recipe 150 milliliters ofvegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of chiaseed the chia seeds are an eggreplacement to make things sticktogether but have since made it withoutand everything worked out fine to behonest so Co was what you prefer beginwith the dandelion we want to use onlythe petals and as little green aspossible the easiest way to achieve thisis with a pair of scissors the pollenthat cling to the petals will give thebread its distinct flavor gather as muchas you want but I recommend about 2handful[Music][Music]now for the dough place the flour in alarge bowl and using a spoon form alittle crater place the yeast in thecrater and add warm water this willactivate the yeast give it a few minutesto wake up[Music]meanwhile grant the chia seeds[Music][Music]once you remove the towel you should seelittle bubbles and smell the scent ofyeast now add chia seeds salt oil atablespoon of molasses the dandelionsand work everything into a dough[Music][Music]give it another rest in a warm place forat least 30 minutes but 45 is better foreasier kneading sprinkle flour on thedough and spread some oil on your handsthen knead work up some frustrationsjust really get in there[Music][Music][Music]look at that pretty baby place it on abaking sheet and make some cuts in thetop throw a towel over it for another 20minutes now it’s ready for the oven 45minutes at 150 degrees Celsius Oh[Music]beautifulplace on a rack until it’s completelycool and it’s ready to enjoy by the byyou can use the same dough and form itinto rolls very nice very tasty and theymake great buns for a vegan hamburgeralternative thanks so much for watchingif you enjoyed this video when itsubscribe[Music]you