Как приготовить Мучные Нагетсы или Бурсаки дома
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi theretoday i would like to show you how toprepare traditionalprimary bread nuggets and pamilthey called burso so for preparation oftraditionalfamily nuggets we need bread nuggetswe will need one cup of all-purposeflourone teaspoon of yeast half a teaspoon ofsalttwo teaspoon of oil vegetable oiland then about 110 milliliters of warmwaterso keep in mind that the water for thefor the dough needs to be warm it can’tbecold so let me just rinse my hand and wewill start to make a doughso this is a flourso we need to add the yeastthen the saltso just mix it like thisthen the oil goes into the warm waterand we will start to maketo add this into ourand the dough for the bursahas to be firm becausewe have to shape small roundholes like this and then fry themin a vegetable oil in itand once it’s ready the dough is readywe have to cover itand let it stand in a warmthe warm placefor about one and a half two hoursit has to double in sizeis so now i’m gonnacover itwith a towel and let it standin a warm place for about one and a halfto a half until a double in size thenwe come back and start making our breadknifeokay so here you can see that our doughlike doubled in sizehere so it’s readyso we can start making anugget spread nuggetsand herewe have an oil that we have to heat upand start frying upnuggets inside that also i’m going tolet it heat upso we start working with that doughso what we’re going to dookay here we go we’ll startcutting small pieceslike this see it’s ready and we wannamake like round rolls like thisnot too big and nottoo smallso i’m gonna continue doing themworking with them like this and then soyou don’t want them to be like this andnormally youwell if you want to give them a designso that’s what you can useso i’m just going to go like thisand seelike thisand there it isokay so now uh oil isready and we will startfrying uh bread nuggetsbut don’t forget to get alike a dish like that and put some platewith a paper towelat the bottom becausethe bread nuggets will be a little bitoilyso that could could also absorb some ofthat oil sowe’re gonna put one in here[Music]okayyeah goodso we’ll startokayand be careful don’t let them burnso it will go fastand as you can see it’s reallyeasy to makebur sauceyou’re readyso you need reallybrown them really nicelybut not too long because they’ll be dryand we don’t want them to be dry they’renot supposed to be dryokayso i’m going to continue frying themand we’ll be back when it’s doneso as you can see our bread nuggets areready so i’m just going to show you howthey lookand boursonand palmiers are not everyday food sothey justthey prepare them during specialfestivitiesso that’s what my mother would do getthem you know to prepare them for us andyeah so it’s good so andit’s that this is like considered asa well i would say as a snackso and as it’s it’s a salty dessert iwould sayso that’s how it’s normally served but iwould like toshow you how to serve it as a dessertbecause that’s how i do it so i’m gonnatake two really like thisthen i have like some dry fruits you seetherei pre-coatwalnuts andraisins so just put them in hereand i would like sprinkle it with alittle bit of cinnamonjust a little bit and herei have a syrup so the syrup is made outofone tablespoon of honey three tablespoonof waterand then half a tablespoon of sugar soyou just put it in the top of water bathand you justlet it let it boil forthree five minutes and then it’s readyso then you’re just gonna pour it overthisand then you will haveyourself a dessertso let me try nowi don’t know if you can see there i’mgoing to show you and i’m going to tryyeah it’s good tastes good soi hope you enjoyed the recipeand you enjoyed the video too oh ialmost forgotso it’s um this is spring right springfirst spring day is here and theni would like to wish everyone that iscelebrating narrowshappy nowruz to you and for pioneerpeople for all primaries thatare watching me i would like to sayso hope you enjoyed see you next timebye