Want to make bread in your Instant Pot, but don’t have any yeast at home? Never fear— you’ve come to the right place!
In this video, I’ll show you How to make an easy, delicious, savory bread using BEER in place of packaged yeast! This quick bread has a dense, delightfully cakey texture that you will love. It’s perfect by itself, or with butter, olive oil, hummus…the sky is the limit!
I made this in my 40-sq-foot camper using a 3-quart Instant Pot and a 6-inch cake pan. Recipe below!
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We are Devon and April, and we live and travel in a tiny house that we built out of an ambulance. Come follow us on our journey throughout North America by subscribing to our YouTube channel!
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3 cups flour
1 T baking powder**
1 tsp salt**
1 tsp dried rosemary
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup olive oil
12 oz beer of your choice (I recommend a light lager or ale)
**Omit if using self-raising flour
Grease or oil a cake pan that fits inside your IP. I recommend using a 6”cake pan with sides that are 3” high.
Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl. Mix well.
Add beer and olive oil, mixing until just combined. Do not over mix.
Pour batter into cake pan, and smooth with a spoon.
Cover top and sides of cake pan with foil.
Place trivet and 1 1/2 cups of water inside the IP metal insert. Lower the cake pan into the IP in a silicone or foil sling.
Cook on High pressure for 65 minutes, followed by a natural pressure release for approximately 30 minutes.
Enjoy warm or at room temperature with your favorite toppings!
Music obtained from YouTube Audio Library:
1) Sunshine samba
2) “Woodlands” by Wiljan and Xandra
#vanlife #instantpot #beerbread
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]welcome to amble life today I’m going tobe showing you how to use the instantpot to make a rosemary and olive oilbread using beer this is a great optionfor those of you living in it in a smallspace and for those of us who do nothave any yeast because it uses the yeastthat’s already in the beer the othernice thing is that because this is aquick bread it does not require anyneeding more proofing so let’s getstarted so I have my flour here bakingpowder salt rosemary[Music][Music]there’s our olive oil and a 12 ounce canof beer[Music]for this step is very it’s veryimportant to just mix gently and to notover mix it because otherwise your beerbread will be too tough[Music]so that’s it and now now we’ll add ourbatter to a to a greased cake pan thiscake pan that I’m using is a six inch indiameter pan with a three inch side soI’ve just greased this with a littleolive oil and now we’ll add in thebetterso now I’m just I’m just going to gentlysmooth this with my spoon as much as Ican just a little bit[Music][Music]I’m going to put my foil sling insidehere now I’ll I’ll put the cake pan inthe bottom okay so now we’re going to tobake this the instant pot on highpressure manual for sixty five minutesfollowed by a natural pressure releaseso the dial was on ceiling mode and I’mgoing to put this on I’m gonna saypressure cook high make sure this isturned off and I’m just gonna put thisdown to 65 minutes great stay tunedall right so so our bread has beenbaking it baked for 65 minutes on highfollowed by a natural pressure releasefor about maybe 30 minutes and let’s see[Music][Music]so to take this bread out I’m just gonnajust run a knife around the edge just tomake sure nothing’s stuck and it seemslike nothing did so we should be all setand so hopefully this will work[Music]there we go yeah it worked yes just popit on our serving plate now let’s try ityeah so as you can see this is a fairlytall loaf because I’ve made it in thissix inch cake pan so it’s a good idea toget one that’s about three inches tall[Music]hmmm that is really really good so thiswould be perfectdipped in seasoned doll avail or with alittle bit of butterso there you have it folksa delicious easy quick bread made withbeer and it’s got a lovely rosemaryolive oil flavor and it’s really reallygoodso hope you enjoy this please feel freeto subscribe to our channel for more vanlife cooking been life how-tos andtravel destinations thank you so muchfor joining us see you next time peopledid such a fantastic job well thank youso delicious if you all are looking foran easy wonderful board recipe and thisis a true winnerstay tuned for some delicious breaddon’t you think you may want to do thatagain that’s 75 Ben that’s an olive oilflavored beer bread beer bread rosemaryand olive oil flavored beer bread Ialways stumble on B’s rosemary and oliveoil bread using beer that’s what I’mgoing to do okayyou