How to make sourdough bread
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Video Transcription
alright guys I just wanted to do a quickvideo well actually it’s not really aquick video on how to make sourdoughbread this is a sourdough starter andstarted I don’t know probably four orfive days ago something like that keepan inner feeding it each day equal partswater equal parts flour hope you can seethere is bubbling so it is good to go sowe will get all of our stuff togetherhere okay so I’m gonna move you aroundhere a little bit as I do this I’m goingto add that started pun intendedabout half of us give or take okayscrape it does let it settle back downwell actually I’ll show you how to dothat here while I’m at it as well so Ihave on the scale I just hit zero andI’m gonna add about two ounces of flouryouthere we go and then I may get about twoounces of water as well and we’ll hitzero again this end whoops2.30 and I’m gonna get a butter knifeand stir it up that is it and I’m gonnaput this back on top my rubber band backon and it’s set okay and turn this offand get back to the bread meat so like Isaid I put about half of the sourdoughstarter in there raise up raise this upstarthave a couple in timeprobably a vendor and I cannot be thereone cupand while we’re at it I may get my saltnothing can be moved by Megancan you read that as I surely can’tsays half teaspoonhalf teaspoon and a quarterthat fella wasn’t handling film eitherhalf of teaspoon I just want these and ahalf of it trusted wateranother half cup flour inand we’ll get a little more water wewere about a cup of water previouslyvery technical enough if you can filmwho’d havethree cups of flour how do we let meknow if I’m right or wrong with a littlecracklet’s work a little bitit’s taping the edges it’ll eventuallyget there but a little bit wolvesmissinglet’s scrape it off the spatulapopped up more flour we’re getting thereand speeded up soon when I say someanymoreand every conceivable for sourdoughWillie give a lapse of texture to it wecan see it’s not clumping it’s notreally super sticky I got real – lets goother flame for like happy okay so it’snot moving them and okay about whatthe Floridaokay that will be doneor nowum you can see it kind of dropping downI’m gonna scrape this off the dough hookI’m gonna set the camera down Molly grabthis and bring it over so I’m gonna getperfect we’ll go right in this area soyou can see everything for the most partif you can’t well sorry about thatah so good a little bit flour just so itdoesn’t stick to this as much if youhave like stainless steel cameras not asmuch of an issue but stone graniteanything like that it’s super supersticky so don’t come off but it makes itkind of pain but anyway let’s get thisout of here on counterthere we go oh well shake just a littlebit more flour doing too much I’ll do alittle bit just keep it from stickingtoo awful much grab a towel oil for myhands I’ll keep it from sticking tooawful much and take ring off actually soit doesn’t end up in the sourdoughsomewhere do this keep sticking too muchwithout having to add too too much flourall right so it’s sticking this a littlebit to the counter get that off so it’sstill super sticky so we’ll need toknead it a little bit more but we’reabout done with the mixer but not somuchI think Babbitt seems what the flowerknows if you go or flour dough letsourdough is if you go real quick itdoesn’t stick to your hands too much butif you let it sit anywhere on hands onthe counter anything like that it stickslike crazyso it seems to be the key is just tokeep it moving super quick spreadingsome of that flour around and then it’snot quite as sticky some of that doughup that stuck all right sort of gettinga pretty good tough consistency it’s notquite as sticky Basara dough in generalis just sticky so it is what it isa little bit more flour not to go up alittle bit more than I thoughtall right just gonna let that sit for aminute I’m gonna flour my bowl here ifyou can see it it’s gonna just got towelin there it’s gonna shake some flour init hopefully you can see this because Ican’t move the camera because my handsare covered in flour but you get thejust got bowl with the towel in it andcovering it in flour so if you can’t seeit so I got that fold it fold in onitself and then I make it smooth on topand we are set I’m gonna wash my handsand then I’ll show you clean up thecounter here and I’ll show you our breadso this is our bread in the bowl I’mgonna cover it up with towel put a nearheat register because it’s cold here inMissouri and let it rise well let itrise about three hoursno three or four some around there andthen we will bake it off some people doa second rise I don’t know if I’ll dothat or not because I like the breadairy but we’ll see so I will be backwith you alright guys so it’s been aboutthree hoursI like the sourdough rise I just wantedto show you real quick I’m gonna get itmoved over into this pot stock upI guess that’s what’s called not reallysure honestly works for meI got set on five hundred it’s raisingup and quick so by the time I’m donewith this that’ll be ready so anywayjust gonna put a little olive oil inherespread it around coat the side so itdoesn’t stick not a ton of it but somethere we go and I’m just gonna rinse myhands real quick some of that extra Ican worry about it too much because it’sjust gonna get oily again so all rightso we’ll undo this I’ll show you thebread and it’s rising nicelyit’s not super warm in house I thinkit’s 70 degrees so it’s slowly andsurely rising so I’m gonna get thisbread off of here onto the counter I’mjust going to roll in the flour a littletuck the edges over and we are almostdone just pull on my hands coat thebread doesn’t stick and I’m gonna tossit but and I’m gonna watch me eat I’llshow you so here is the flour in the potand you get a sharp knife and just scoreat the top of it few timesput the lid on Webster and we will putit in nothin just a little bit there soyou can see awesome it’s at 390 nowRay’s super quick I’m not gonna be tooworried about it and we will see you inabout an hour I’m gonna actually takethe lid off in 15 minutes I’m not gonnashow you that though that’s not superexciting but I’ll take the lid off in 15minutes after it’s kind of formed acrust and steamed inside the stockpotwhatever you wanna call it and then I’mgonna leave it in for about another 3030 to 45 minutes and then I’ll say finalresult okay so I decided to show youanyway that’s like 15 more seconds butI’m just gonna take it out anywaywhy because bikini I’m not gonna take itout I’m just gonna take the lid offhow’s thatgot to get a sneak peak here in the oventurn this time off folks I want tobeeping at me take that off we’ll slidethis out so you can see the whole thingup and you can see it’s kind of steamingitself and I’ll put it on for put thisback up at 500 I don’t know why thisovens goofy it’s already at 500 thatwell 435 because I opened the door timerlet’s say 30 minutes and we’ll see howit goes all right so I took it out it’sbeen an hour 15 minutes with the lid onand turned right at 40 to 45 with thelid off so it just took that oven of ithere to rest and a little slice didn’teat it as always please like share andsubscribe thingsyou