Hello in this video I am making bread with wholemeal spelt flour it is very delicious & has a nutty flavour it tastes similar to malt loaf. I used Apricots & Walnuts but you can put in whatever you like. Remember cooking is supposed to be fun!
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello there sue here from Sue’s dollbrought my kit in here to make you alovely recipe today I’m going to be outactually making some spelt bread but thespelt bread is actually going to be madeand with walnuts some apricotsso apricot and walnuts spelt bread soI’m using this spelt flour here fromthis company called Bob’s farm okay sothis is spelt flour brown wholemeal okayso we’re using this and we’re just gonnaget crack on with this recipe code wellhope you enjoy it and let me know if youdo or you don’tokay then so what we’ve got here I’vegot to repackage cuz I’ve just I’ve gotthis off the back of this pack actuallyso someone’s going to go and get arecipe book and all that but I thoughtwell actually it has it on here and Ilikes the sound of the the bread butthis one is bigger walnut I didn’t wantto do this big so I thought I’d usethese apricots instead because Iactually have some of these these areunselfish fight and they all nuts areorganic so just so you know so so I’vegot 500 grams of wholemeal spelt flourin this bowl here which were actuallygoing to dip into this bowl because it’sbigger okayand into that we’re going to actuallyput the we’ve got some hold on let mejust go through the ingredients sorryabout thatso we’ve got 500 grams of spelt flourwe’ve got one teaspoon of quick yeastyeah and one teaspoon of salt and oneteaspoon of sugar okay and then we have300 meals of tepid water typically neenot hot not cold just the top bodytemperature type that’s what the tepidautomates one tablespoon of oil you canuse any oil but I actually havethis organic or nut oil so it seems asweird of making it walnuts I thoughtwhat better Nonna to put some more nutsaway and then we have I’ve swapped thesemounds so you like swapping everythingaround so I’m not got that much of asweet tooth and I don’t want my breadtasting too sweet so I’ve used only 50grams of the the apricots not they’renot that sweet anyway but I’ve usedinstead of 100 grams of walnuts itsupposed to be the oven for the oppositeway ranges plus years 50 grams ofwalnuts and a hundred grams of thissweet stuff I would like it more withthe walnuts in I never think when youbuy something with walnuts in it neverseems to have enough walnuts in don’tyou think like coffee and walnut cake Ican never find a ball nut in it couldyou just just for I put throw it outthere and it never tastes of coffee andI love coffee and walnut’ cake so I’mgonna have to make a coffee a more nutcake that actually tastes of coffeebecause it should taste of coffeeso anyway getting away from that andthen pass that you need four tablespoonsof orange juice so I’ve just got thisorange juice that I’ve got for my guestsin them on it it’s just a normalstandard orange juice you could squeezeyour own oranges but today I’m not doingthatso in this large bowl we’re going to mixtogether the flour yeast salt and sugarso in here we have a yeast salt and wehave our sugar okay so we’re doing andthen we’re going to stir in the wateronce we mix this it then we’re stir inthe water well that looks weird I wearmy glasses because ivory didn’t mix inat the same time everything looksenormous in these magnifying glassesright and then we’re gonna put in thewaterokay stir in the water and while thelick the mixture is still lumpy we’regonna put in the oil so let’s just putthis in first mix this up a bitokay if you want to know what any of theingredients are what I’m using in any ofthe dishes that I use or where I buy myingredients just let me know I buy itfrom all different places some from thelocal food shop which is in Mac I tryand buy organic as much as I can butit’s not always possible sometimes Idon’t have a car which makes my lifeextremely difficult but at the moment Ihave my car so I’m quite happy so I’mgonna throw me near the ear so that isquite lovely isn’t itso we’re gonna throw in the oil so weneed a tablespoon of walnut oil orwhatever oil but try and stick to likereel oil and not sort of them you knowmade-up ones trying to use them as muchas you possibly can it’s better for youokay so we’re gonna we’re gonna needthis now because there’s no way I can dothat with my handokay so basically gonna meet this fromthe net and then while that’s that’swe’re going to need that but in thisbowl here I’m gonna put in this orangejuice okayit’s were there and into there andputting in these apricots and thesewalnuts okay so they spoke in that for awhile and then you’re going to tip themout of that I’m just gonna put a littlebit more water on mouse so so it softensthem up there and then we’re gonna chopup the apricots anyway before we putthem into the breadthat’s all the way over to here oh myapricot food company and its whole foodcompany and then we’re going to let itrise and then while that’s rising we’llthem chop up the well I’m going to putthem in what littering machine sobecause it’s quickerokay so just gather the dough togetherand we’ve put it on hereand now we need it so we’re justkneading it use the palms of your handsto knead and just keep turning itfolding it and knead itokay so turn fold need and just keepdoing that making sure your board isnice and floured okay and then what wedo after this we put it in a greasedBowl to rise all right and I’m justgoing to leave on the top of my cookerbecause my cookers on at the moment thethe ovens on at the moment getting readyfor this and also I have my dinner inthere so today I’m having Benny slicesbecause I love those and I will justhave those with some brussel sproutshuh because Brussels sprouts are myfavorite vegetable and I’m trying not toeat carbs at the moment Stacy makingbread which I won’t be eating but Ithought spelt flour is better thannormal flowers and old-fashioned flourmade from the original sais quoi that’snow sort of like this huge tall no nowit’s this short plant and and we used tobe tall but nowadays shrunk it becauseit’s better for the market and for themto cut it and all that sort of nonsensethere anyway so we’re making this thisnice traditional old-fashioned speltflour recipe okay so that will probablydo for now okay so I’m gonna grease thebowl where things on the move so good atgrease well I’m just going to use thatbowl there actually and if it sticks itdoesn’t really match something I justput some flour in it right so there weareit smells nice so we just put this flourin here and just spread it round a bitlike that about two and then put this inhere and then cover it with a tea towelpreferably one that you’ve dad wound soI’m just gonnait won’t stick to the top of it so Ijust dude that act that’s that okaytoday we are so we’re gonna put it on astove in there and sleep rightwell that’s rising Willam we’re gonnablitz these all nuts and apricots but Iwon’t be able to do that for another fewminutes so I’ll cut back to this in aminute okay then I’ll see you in aminutehi then I soon hear from Sue’s dog brokemy kitchen againwe’ve just been writing our dough hereand we’re never gonna eat it again andthen we’re going to put in these Icrushed up the the apricots from thewalnuts and drained off the juice allright so now we’re going to need thisagain and then we’re going to put theseinside this and then knead it again okayand then basically if you put it in thetin and then you you let it rise foranother 40 minutes and then after thatyou put it in the oven for another 40minutes so we’ve got a lot of minutesyet to use so this will be done instasisso I’m sprinkling the the walnuts andthe apricots on and then we justbasically fold it over and just keepdoing this until all those stuff that’sgone maybe you need this is the way Ineed him so I hope this comes out allright I’ll let you know at the end andhopefully I’ll put this creature onscreen so I mean an inch on with thebread made hopefully cut slice a bit soyou can actually see what the inside ofit looks like this video who had to bedone insidebecause it’s a long process this somegreat making so putting some more bitsin now and my fold it over again need itsome moreand just keep doing this until all ofthe mixture is gone right so we justkeep beating it and use Plymouth laughsthis obviously it’s getting wet with theyoung I tried to strain off as much asthe wet mixture as possible andobviously bits are going to come out ofthis but it will get lots of bits ifhopefully it tastes gooddecided to create videos and I hopeyou’re enjoying them I hope let me knowif you’re not I hope you are and I hopeyou’re learning some things if you ifthere’s anything you want me to makethat’s different then just let me knowok leave a comment below and I will tryand make it for youand then hopefully when it rises it willfill up this whole tin but I’ll show youat the end because this has got a risefor another 40 minutes so I will stopthe video and then I’ll come back whenit’s risen and then we’ll see if it’sbuilding up if it hasn’t I’ll transferinto the other two okay so that’s theway I’m going to see how big this tin isall right okay then so I’ll just stopthe video for a minute and I’ll be backin a minutehi there souvenir from suit storebrought my kitchen for the bread so Ihave just finished cooking the breadit’s very dense it’s not like normalbread this is very very dense this willbe extremely filling to eat okay I’vecut off from the flow piece and you cansee in here there’s the apricots inthereI’ve only cut off this tiny piece thathaven’t actually got any butter downhere so I’m going to have to take itupstairslet the rest of it cooled down but asyou can see it’s a very it’s a verynice-looking loaf of bread but very verydense this is gonna be extremely fillingyou would not need to eat much of thatto fill you up okay because it’s madewith spelt bread spelt flour which is alot different than a normal flat andvery very very different to the breadthat you buy in the shops so okay it’snothing guide the bread you buy in theshops so I just don’t taste it it’s nicebut it’s not sweet even though I put theapricots here but I go sweetie anywayuh-huh yeah you wouldn’t need much of itso you can have this with them savory orsweet topping or just with butter so I’mactually gonna take this upstairs andhave some butter on it mm-hmbecause I like wall bread with butter onit yummy but it’s nothing like bread youbuy in the shop so just buy I bettertell you that so don’t expect it to turnout like shop bread because itdefinitely will not be shocked bread andfinish products of the spelt bread withapricots and walnuts okay so I’ll seeyou soon so don’t forget to like myvideo if you liked it or thumbs up ifyou liked it thumbs down if you don’tleave a comment subscribe to my channeland if there’s anything you would likeme to make like traditional food in anyyou know any kind of traditional thiskind of food then let me know and Iwould love to make it for you in my nextvideo or whatever anyway I hope youenjoyed this video and I look forward toseeing you again in the futurewith my new video okay I don’t know whatit is yet because I haven’t decidedanyway so I’ll say goodbye it’s day fourfrom Suzhou rockmouth kitchenuntil next time so goodbye for nowbye