Bread Recipes

How to Make Homemade Bread: Part 3: Cooling, Slicing, and Storing Homemade Bread

Let’s wrap up this bread series by talking about how to properly cool, slice, and store homemade bread.

Products I mentioned in the video (affiliate links):

Bread Box look-alike:
Bread Box that holds two loaves:
Electric Knife:
Serrated knife:

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Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

oh part tres that means three so as youcan tell it’s a totally different daybecause I’ll let my bread cool down ahundred percent before I slice it and Iknow that’s a really hard thing becausewhen it first comes out of the oven andit smells amazing all you want to do isshove that in your face with some butterit is your butter vehicle can I get awitness but it’s gonna slice so muchbetter if you can let it cool down allthe way I’ll let my bread usually if Imake it later in the day sit out on thecabinet all night long people like canyou do that yes you canso today we’re going to talk about howto slice your bread and how to store itso we’re going to talk about storagefirst I have two different things that Istore my bread in I first startedstoring it in this this is a box that Igot off Amazon when I first startedmaking bread it is one of my favoritesthey no longer sell this I do have ifyou’re on YouTube linked belowa similar container that looks almostidentical like to this but it’s not thesame one and I’ve had this for manyyears it fits one loaf very well even atall one so you don’t have to worry thatyou’re going to swish it it is reallynice you can always store your bread inbread bags I find that for me it’seasier to just have a dedicated box formy bread because I make it so often Ijust prefer the box over a bag but a bagis totally fun then a couple years ago Ipurchased and found this box on Amazonwhich on YouTube it’s linked below onInstagram you have to send me a messageso I can send you the link and it fitsperfectly two loaves of bread withoutsmashing them so I love this box I havehey I would go somewhere and I need totake bread I almost always put it inthis box mine one of my handles isbroken off but the other three stillworks so it works awesome and then seeit stores perfectly and it does notsmudge so I really like this box it hasbeen a good fitbecause it fits two lobes so now youneed to slice your bread you need to usea serrated knife okay so a serratedknife is one like this that has theteeth what you don’t want to do is tryto cut your bread with something that’ssmooth like this because it will eat itup you will not get a nice smooth cutfor sandwiches can you still eat it andput butter on it absolutely girl you canrip that off with your fingers and eatit in hunks if you want to I will notjudge you but if you want it to looknice and neat for slicing then somethingserrated works better this is mydedicated bread knife if I’m slicingsomething like Italian bread or Frenchbread or something like that but what Ialmost always use exclusively especiallyfor slicing loaf bread is my my this oneblack & decker electric knife I got thiswhen my husband and I got married wewill have been married 17 years thissummer and it was only broken one timeand one of the plastic pieces fell offand my husband just glued it back on soblack and decker all the way that linkbelow is on for YouTube or Instagramjust to shoot me message you can findelectric mouse anywhere but I’m gonnacut a loaf of bread for you guys usingthe electric knife and then also usingthe serrated so apart apart so you cansee how it’s different when you use theelectric knife you have more controlover the thickness of your slices and Iprefer that because whenever you’reeating a sandwich while I love bread Ialso like to taste my meat and cheese soI try to slice my bread thinner with theelectric knife than I can get it if Iuse my serrated knife but I’m just gonnago ahead and show you guys okay so herewe gookay so here’s my serrated knifeworks very nicely it’s had time to sitand you’ll notice that your bread slicesa whole lot easier and you get a nicesandwich style bread that’s not crumblywhen you use your lecithin okay isn’tthat prettyso so pretty okay nice all right so nowI’m going to show you guys how easy itis to use your electric knife I can getthem thin for a nice slice of breadscuse me not slice the bread for a nicesandwich it’s a good sandwich thicknessfor us[Applause][Applause][Applause][Music]there you go all nice and sliced prettyuniform thickness a lot easier to dothat when you’re using your electricknife I don’t know about you guys but inthe Myers house the ends are mommies andare sacred and shall not be touched theymake the best toast this morning forbreakfast we’ve been eating a lot oftoast for breakfast and this morning Ispread I toasted our bread I put ricottacheese on top I sprinkled a little bitof cinnamon and some pecans and then weput sliced bananas on top and now Idrizzled it with just a little bit ofwildflower while wildflower honey andit’s so good you guys that’s one of myfavorite breakfast right now it’s quickand it’s easy and it’s filling so that’sjust a little bit about how to sliceyour bread and how to store it how youstore it is up to you how you slices itslice it is up to you but these are justsome tricks I’ve learned through tenyears of bread making that have made ita whole lot easier for me and I hope itmakes it a lot easier for you too

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