Bread Recipes

How to Make Homemade Bread: Part 2: Bread Machine Dough

Products I mentioned in the video (may contain affiliate links):
Bread Beckers Basic Dough:
Zojirushi PAC 20 Bread Machine:
8inch 1lb USA Loaf Pans:

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part dosed so we have put ouringredients in we’ve made our dough andmy beeper just went off I could not comethat better and now we’re going to learnwhat to do with the dough so rememberfrom part one I don’t bake my dough inthe bread machine I get perfect dough inthere can I bake it in there and do Isometimes yes do i as a general rule nobecause I like the control over thedough so now that it’s done we’re goingto pull it out I’m going to bring itover here and show you guys how I finishit up and we’ll just do that someone’sgonna so this is just our dough it hasdone its rise so this is it what itlooks like when it has room smells sogood I love that eesti smell so we’regonna pour the dough out onto a cleansurface I use a cutting board you canuse whatever then we’re going to this isimportant I use us a baking pans thesehave seen better days they still workgreat this brand USA are still coatedaluminum canopy by aluminum that’sreally bad it’s still coated okay so thealuminum is inside because it’s a goodconductor and the steel is on theoutside and then it has a coating calledamerico t’ which is actually a naturalsilicon coating so nothing sticks tothese I don’t have to grease my loafpans so you’re going to notice that Iput the bread in my loaf pans and Idon’t grease because I don’t need towith these pans if you are using a glassor any other type of metal pan then youwant to grease the insides with a littlebit of coconut oil before you put yourdough in there but I don’t have to dothat the link for these pans if you areon youtube is down below if you’rewatching on IG TV you’ll have to send mea messageI can shoot you the link but there areknock-offsso make sure that this is the logo thatyou’re looking for USA pan amazon hasthem Bed Bath & Beyond has them but alot of places will have a knock-offsyou know knock offs trust me they’rethey don’t work as good so those areeight inch one pound loaf pans so that’swhat you’re looking for is an 8 inch 1pound loaf because this recipe frombread bakers makes a 2 pound loaf sothat’s how I’m able to take this 2 poundloaf and divide it into two smallerone-pound loaves okay so here we gohere’s my dough let’s not turn downChina see all that comes out except alittle bit that’s left on the paddles soI just pull that off that’s all that’sleft in the bottom and I literally justwipe this out with a dish off and nowhere’s our dough okayso then I’m just gonna pull it alltogether pull it togethertill it’s nice think I’m just pulling itin and turning it around and then I’mgonna flip it over so it is a nicebeautiful dough sometimes I just like tosmack it I don’t know okay so I’m usinga bench scraper you can get these justabout anywhere I’m going to use the sameone and I like it because I can get upunder stuff and stripe it I can chopveggies I can pick out veggies but thisis what I use to cut all my dough withso it’s just called a bench scraper be encage just clarified and I’m just gonnacut this in half you guys I don’t doanything that’s hardI’m just eyeball it if it looks good wego with it also I know a lot of recipesfrom bread or like roll out the doughwith your rolling pin and then roll itup into it no I don’t have time for thatI choose not to make time for that soonce I get it into two pieces that lookabout the same size I just fix mine sothat it looks like a lot and I’ve donethis for years and it always turns outwell so I figure I’m probably doingsomething right so I’m just pulling itup and over pressing it down until itlooks about like that on the bottom andthen when I flip it over it looks like anice loaf just drop it down in my panthat’s it do the other one pulling it inmaking it into a loaf shape I can tellthis one is just a little bit biggerthan the other one that doesn’t bothermekind of like babes and one is sometimesbigger than the other I still might workthen we put them down in the pan also Ishould’ve warned you guys you never knowwhat I’m gonna talk about on my livevideos ever so there we go now they’rein your loaf pan now what you shouldhave your oven on to 350 to bepreheating so mine is on it5000 you can’t see that far away Ialways put my loaf pans on top of theovento rise for that final rise before youbake how long does it take it dependsI’d love to tell you guys it’s 30minutes it’s 23 if your house is cold itwill take longer if you don’t rise themon top of your oven it will take longerit is winter right now and I have myoven on and I have a we have a woodstove our wood stove is going so it’sfairly warm inside of our house so thiswon’t take long at all to rise overthere on top of the oven your goal isfor it to rise double so in this pan itwill be nice and rounded over the top ifit gets too hot so if you ever bake yourbread and it comes out and it deflatessome kind of falls after it comes out ofthe ovenyou let your bread rise too high cutback on your rise time the next time andsee if you can get your bread tuned upwhen it comes out of the oven becausewhat happens is it rises so high itcannot support itself and so it cavesback in so it has to be able to stillsupport itself so for me as you can seefrom the side mine will be it will riseto the top of the pan and be roundedover and look like a pretty loaf shapeand that for me in a warm house takesabout 25 minutes so I’m going to go overhere I cover them with a tea towel teatowels just don’t haveI just leave them there until they risedouble and then I bake at 350 for 25minutes I know that is the perfect timefor me in my oven start there and seehow your bread does you may need moreyou may need a little less but that’s agood general rule of thumb so I bake at350 for 25 minutes I pull the loaves outI let them sit in the pan for 10 minutesand then I cool completely on a wirerack after I dump them out so 10 minutesin the pan dumped out on the wire rackand cool completely before you cut Iknow it’s hardbecause it smells so good if you don’twant to wait but your bread will cut somuch easier when it’s totally cool sopart three of this video will probablybe tomorrow based on the timing of myday so we’ll come back for part threewe’ll talk about storing your bread I’llshow you how I cut mine and give you acouple different options and justfinalize your bread journey so I willsee you guys for part three

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