Let’s make French bread from scratch 3 ingredients with a 4 ingredient mayonnaise. T’s cuisine episode 25
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi guys welcome back to my channel firstthing I have here a flaw yeah I havefour cups of octopus flat so to dad I’mjust gonna I used so here is 20 grams atleast you can just like a packet orone-and-a-half pocket of something likethis for those in China this is what youget but any activities and you Brendouse a spoon as far as as active so Ijust give that dad I’m gonna add in somesalt[Music]no we don’t want to make this socomplicated it’s simple and very yummythen we go with our water keep sayingyou better mix it makes this so makeswe’re just gonna put that in herealready cities like we’re gonna have whodoes here some flat then remember a dope[Music][Music][Music][Music]so now it’s time to pop those visitorsinto oven so we’re gonna let it bake sonow that our bread is really going tomake a – so we’re gonna eat with a breakI’m going to use very few ingredientsjust about four ingredients the firstI’ll add in our oil that’s vegetable oilwas about a cup of vegetable oil andhere I have two egg yolk so just putthat in there some vinegar about twospoons of vinegar some saltnormally I used to add in like lemon andsome egg pepper and stuff but this one Ijust want to make it really easy reallysimple and now I need to go when I metlast time so here we go[Music][Music]