Vlog #39
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hey what’s up you guys this is 3d gamingright here welcome back to our videotoday I’m going to show you how to makedark chocolate cinnamon breadsticksalright so you’re gonna need some darkchocolate chips or you can use chunks ofchocolate like me cinnamon and somepizza dough alright so once you got thepizza dough out of the bag you want tochop up the dark chocolate and now youwant to put it in the dough and you wantto mix it around well so it’s even Ithink I actually use too much darkchocolate here to be honest guys butwe’ll see how it turns outthese Lysol crumbsI’m just gonna dump them in there allright so now I’m mixing the dough youcan always add flour if the dough is toosticky once you mix the dough wellenough you can now roll it out like I’mdoing hereyeah I mean I could see I use too muchdark chocolate here because it’s poppingout of it so I think I used too muchhere so I might have to pluck it outlater all right so now once the dough isflat you want to add some cinnamon nowyou want to move the cinnamon around alittle bityouyounow you want to take a knife and cutthem into little strips as I’m doingonce you’ve transferred them to aaluminum foil or a pan or whateveryou’re going to make them and you wantto put some oil on them so they cookwell so I mean I’m just using canola oilhere but you can use any kind of oilhere or butter now you want to cook themat 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 to 12minutes depending on your oven well thisis the end result ladies and gentlementhey look pretty good well anyways guessthat wraps up for this video hope yougot some dressed in you please subscribeyou guys for more videos like these andhave a good day[Music]