Bread Recipes

How To Make Communion Unleavened Bread For EASTER (Bonus Video)





*******GIVE TO CONVOY OF HOPE AT *******

Jack’s motto is “Do God’s work and He will do your work!”

Here is recipe
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup of olive oil
1/4 cup water

mix. roll into balls
flatten to circles

Jack Scalfani is the host of 4 Youtube show
Cooking With Jack Show
Jack on the Go Show
TechTime With Jack
Eye To Eye
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Equipment I use:
Canon 60D
Rode wireless lavalier
2 Intellytech 50-CTD lights

How To Make Communion Unleavened Bread For EASTER

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Video Transcription

hey guys how you doing Jeff Scott Fanihere from the cooking with Jack show sothis is a quick I just jumped in frontof the camera to get this video down foryou guys because I was surprised howimportant it was to you guys so my buddypastor Jim he sent me because we’re alldoing we’re all doing Easter at home hesent me a video on how another videoscuse me he sent me a recipe on how todo unleavened bread unleavened bread isthe bread you take on Easter when you docommunionit’s the crackers or the that kind of oryou bread crackers honestly you don’thave to have unleavened bread anythingit just represents cleanliness and noneof the yeast none of the the rising andthat kind of thing okay but this recipehere is how to make unleavened bread I’mdoing it for you guys right now becauseI asked you I said would you beinterested in a ton of UASs said yeah solet’s do some unleavened bread so wehave something to take with ourcommunion okay you’re gonna be doing athome might as well make unleavened breadright and you can either use grape juiceor real wine that’s up to you so let’sget started come on[Music]okay when I saw this recipe it was supereasy I’m like are you seriousthis is it super simple you got flouroil water and salt and basically we’regonna mix those together we’re gonnabake in an oven and that’s it so let’sdo that right now okay just to tell youwhen I mix my dough’s and stuff I don’tuse a whisk unless it’s a loose mixtureI expect this to be a doughy mixture soI use a fork because the dough gets allcaught up in your whisklet’s get started with our flour I’mdoing a double batch so the recipe downbelow has measurements for a singlebatch probably all you’ll need for thewhole family for Easter since it’s alittle tiny just piece of bread andthat’s itall right I’m gonna get my salt in thereand when you have that like salt andflour together you want to evenlydistribute it so just give it a quicklittle mixaerate it get the salt all around theflour okay you leave the fork in me ifyou want then we’re gonna pour in ourwater then we’re gonna pour in our welllooks crazy when water and oil mix youtotally react they totally separate theydon’t want to mix so let’s give it a mixright nowokay so then you’re gonna take a cookiesheet with either parchment paper or asprayed cookie sheet whatever you wantand you’re just gonna take a little bitof dough make it into a ball and you canput them out here you got the wholesheet so be generous where you place itthere you go since I made a double batchI have a lot of unleavened breadyou’re gonna gently just press down oneach one make them kind of round lookingyou can shape them if you want okayyou’re gonna bake these at 425 for about8 to 10 minutes till they’re cooked allrightand I have a lot here so I’ll probablybe sending some with some friends fortheir Easter event so I’ll probablydrive to their house drop off a littlebag so they have something for you sir -all right so just gently press thesedown and if a ball is too close then goahead and move it trust me when I saythey’re cooked see one piece soliddidn’t want to overcook them I’ve neverseen round out unleavened bread so wantto keep it like this I went the time therecipe asked and it smell delicious sothis is a great recipe while this iscooling I want to talk to you about theingredients that you just saw be put inthis almost every house has salt oilflour water that’s it so everybody canmake this by Sunday so you should make abatch for your family have it out on ourplate put out some juice and some wineand partake in it it’s gonna be awesomeso let’s try this out once it coolslet’s take one of these and break itopen let’s do this one right herethey’re very soft they’re kind of havelook a little bit moisture or a littlethe oil in it is keeping it moistthere’s the inside right there and it’sjust like it’s soft breadso let’s give it a try so I’m gonna trythe one I broke and let’s save the restfor Sunday and see if anybody else needssome all right real easy to make smellsdeliciousI love olive oil so it doesn’t matteranything with olive oils good mm-hmmgot a good texture okay that’s it so Iwant to thank pastor Jim for giving methis recipe and this Saturday pastor Jimand I are gonna talk about communionwe’re gonna take communion we’re gonnado unleavened bread if you don’t have alemon bread you need some crackers orwhatever I have your juicer wine readyand we will explain what communion is itwill be on the high to high channel myfaith-based channel will not be on thischannel but we will see you on Saturdaywe’ll show you how to do communion ifyou’ve never done itwe’ll explain how to prepare for it andwe love you guys all right see you inthe next episodeyou

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