Water -1cup + ⅔cups
Yeast- 4teaspoon
Sugar -½cup
Flour – 4½cups
Salt – 1teaspoon
Margarine – 6tablespoon(60gm)
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
welcome to my youtube channel my name isImelda so they’ll be teaching you how tobake bread koi water into a clean booadd yeast then add a spoon of sugar alarry’d seeds for about 5 minutes after5 minutes you pour in the remainingsugar add Flo how that milk and saltthen mix until it’s well combined thenat this point you can put on yourwalking table and knead until it forms adough this is the points where you addthe margarine and mix thoroughly youhave to mix it very well before youstart kneading at this point the madrynhas already been well incorporated whatshould they do that’s why you can’t findit any trace of it you can see that thedough is very sticky sticking on my handis sticking on the table so you continueto knead until the dough becomes verysmoothI’ve needed this for about 20 minutesnow that’s why you see that it’s nolonger sticking to the table and even myhands are clean now so how do is readynow we prepare the baking pan I’mgreasing the pan with smudge ring beforeI put in myafter greasing the pan you cut the doughinto smaller sizes for easy loading thenafter cutting it into smaller pieces youmode one after the other and place inthe greased pan so for the purpose ofthis video I’ll be teaching you two waysto move this is the first one you canjust move it and this is the secondmethod just hope it’s clay the bottomAldi methods okay I just thought you didtoo so that you can use the one that iseasier for youour covered is now and keep in a warmplace to proof now that it has doubledin size will bake it in an alreadypreheated oven our bread is out of theocean how do you see yummy right whatI’m doing right now is optional justbrushing my drain over the bridge okaynow our bread is ready look at the sideslet’s see oh me right okay let’s have alook at what the inside looks like okaycan you see that why can’t we have ittastes so much well thank you forwatching and please don’t forget tosubscribe and share this link with yourfriends bye