This is a simple tutorial teaching people of all ages how to create the most perfect bread rolls!
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Video Transcription
however there is Cathy here and todaywe’re going to be making six deliciouswhite bread rolls they really are veryvery tastyso quite an easy one first thing we’regoing to do is put in a hundred andeighty five milliliters of warm water soif you just pour it into your bowl andthen we’re gonna start adding all of ourother ingredients now so the first thingthat add is our yeast we need half atablespoon of this this is what willmake our bread rise if you just get halfa tablespoon make sure it’s flat youdon’t a heaped tablespoon and just popit in with your water and then we’regoing to put in a tablespoon of castorsugar if you haven’t got sugar you canuse honey instead or you can usegranulated sugar doesn’t matter just putin a tablespoon of the sugar into hereas well and next we need some oil weneed a tablespoon of the oil as well somake sure you do it in that orderbecause otherwise the spoon is gonna getall sticky from the oil so I’m usingsunflower oil you can use any type ofvegetable oil or olive oil actually ifyou haven’t got it so just pour atablespoon into there and then we needhalf a teaspoon of salt you just pullthat in oops it might be easier for youto take this from a ball rather thandoing it over the bowl like I just digsif you put too much in its gonna tastereally disgusting so next we’re gonnaput in our flour so I’ve got 450 gramsof plain flour here ready that I’m gonnaslowly stop for a nimble as I do it I’mgonna keep on stirring so we’re gonnastart stirring all of our ingredientstogether now and add in a little bit offlour at a time and giving it a big stiryou’ll be able to start to smell itstarting to smell like bread alreadythat’s the East work Jim people give ita big stir again with big muscles afterthis when we’re gonna do some meat insecond azar it’s good it’s still alltogetherand you will see that the ingredientsinside a slowly start to come togetheragain if you can see that so at thisstage you might need to add a little bitmore water which might not let’s have alook okay so when you put youringredients there looking like that it’squite tricky to see isn’t it you canstart to bring it together then usingyour hands you want to try and make thisinto a big ball so start bringing it alltogether by giving it as squeeze as yougo and the heats of your hands are startto work on that as well to bring it alltogether when it’s starting to cometogether in a bowl then you can bring itonto your board but we’ll just do alittle bit more just get it workingokay sprout your board before you doanything else there’s a little bit offlour on to your board just so itdoesn’t get too stuck and then you’regoing to start to do what it’s calledneeded which is where you give it aswish and then pull it back and give itanother spin pull it back and just keepon doing that until all of thoseingredients start going together reallynicely you’re gonna need to do this forquite a while it’s a good workout thisisyou might find your arm start to get abit so we keep on going if you can I’lltake a little break if you need to butmake sure that you’re getting it alldone really nicely because then once allof those ingredients are nicely togetherand then the mixture will be all niceand smooth and you’ll get a really nicedoughso I’ve been needing this stone now forabout four or five minutes you can seenow it’s nice and smooth and feels quiteelastic is exactly how I want it allwe’re going to do with it now is pop itback into the bowl that you used earlierI’m covering either with some cling filmor a tea towel and you’ll be pleased tohear that you get a bit of a break nextexpect your arms are probably hurting abit and we’re just gonna put thatsomewhere warm now so that it can getbigger remember we put the yeast in atthe beginning and that’s going to workwith all the other ingredients now makeit get bigger but we need a bit Pete todo that so you can either put it Pat’sby radiator or in the air and cabbage isquite good when or what I’m going to dois put it on top of the stove becauseI’ve got the oven on ready for cookinglater so I’ll put back in a bit whenright it’s increased in size and willtake you from there okay so now we’reready full at the next stage I’ve leftthe dome for about an hour I don’t ifyou could see that but it’s gone aboutdouble the size which is exactly whatyou want so just gonna take this out ofthe bowl and put on to the board we’regonna get a little bit more flour likewe did last time just it doesn’t stickand we’re just gonna do a little bitmore kneading with this again it meansthe board over bits you can see and as Isaid is beginning we’re gonna make sixbread rolls of this we’re just gonnatake your knife and it cuts it in halfso we’ve got two pieces this size andthen with each of these and we’re gonnamake two cuts in it so that we’ve gotthree on this side and three on theother side so we’ve got our six piecesof dough we want to try making these asevenly and sized as possible because wewant them to be around about the samesize so you end up with six pieces likethis okay are you just going to takeeach piece then and just run it up intoa ball if you imagine what a bread bowllooks like that’s exactly what we’retrying to do and we’re just going to putit onto a baking tray that it’s got apiece of baking paper on it just gonnaplace that on there like that let me godo the same with the other fiveand I just going to put this next to itabsolutely do these supposed to you aswell and we’re going to leave a bit of agap between these because what we wantthem to do is stick together like whenyou buy a packet of bread in the shop orpacket of rolls I should say the shopbut they’re gonna rise a little bit nowwhen they cook so we don’t want to wedon’t put them too close together weneed to leave a little bit of a gap soyou need around about two centimetersbetween them there we go so I’ll showyou how it looks now so you know how todo it so hopefully you can see thatthat’s the kind of spacing that we needbetween them and then we’re just gonnaput those in the oven then for umbetween 15 to 20 minutes on 200 and 200degrees and gas mark 7 so I have tothink that all right so I’m going to dothat and then I’ll show you them whenthey’re all finishedso my breadcrumbs are all done I hopeyou can see them they are smellingabsolutely amazing I love the freshbread a song to be having it when wellthey’re nice and warm now with a bit ofbetter and I’d love to see photos ifyou’ve had a chance to do these as wellall you need to do is take your photoand just put it in the comments belowand then our team of franchisees thenlater on in the week are going to choosefrom the energies that we get so all ofyour pictures and choose the winner sothat you can win at these lovely prizesI hope you’ve had a really good timecooking with us today and keep a lookoutfor the next recipe that’s coming upit’s going to be a really good one enjoyeveryone bye[Music]