This week I am making one of my family’s favourite snack, bread rolls (MaBhanzi). They are delicious, fluffy and have a hint of sweetness. Once you make these, you will never stop making them. They are a real winner!
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100ml milk
20g strong white flour or plain flour
500g strong white flour
70g caster sugar
50g butter
5g salt
7g Yeast
220 ml milk
1 egg
2 tbsp water
2 tbsp caster sugar
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi guys I’m Alyssa welcome to my youtubechannel today I’m going to be showingyou how to make these delicious softbutter rose some people call them dinnerrose or you can just call them sweetbread rolls guys they are really yummyand delicious I have to warn you they dotake a little bit of time so you willneed a couple of hours but they are soworth ityour family will absolutely love themand once you stop making them you willnever stop so here I’ve got everythingthat we’ll need today so I’ve alreadymeasured out the ingredients so this iswhat you will need I’ve got some whitestrong flour or you can use plain flourbut I just prefer bread flour you canbuy this in any supermarket really Ibought mine from Morrison’s I put someyeast salt butter at room temperature 1large egg and I’ve got 70 grams ofcaster sugar and I’ve also got somelukewarm milk so we’ll start by making athick paste this paste guys it’s what’sgonna make your bread rolls really softit’s called a roux and basically what itis is a mixture of flour and milk youcan use water but I just prefer to makemilk to use milk so we’re gonna hit thisup until it becomes a really thick paste[Music]you[Music]so I’ve just made our rule our milk andflour and paste so I’ve just put it in abigger container and I’m just gonna letit completely cool down down well I geton with the rest of the process so I’mgonna start with my dry ingredients soI’m just gonna put them all in my mixingbowl I will be using it stand mixer youcan do it by hand but after I standmixer so I’m just gonna do that is itsquick it is easier so I’m gonna put allmy flour in herethat’s 500 grams some castor sugar saltand my yeast so what you want to do youwant to really give this a good stirjust make sure it’s really mixedtogether so now that we’ve got all ourdry ingredients in here what I’m gonnado is I’m gonna get my eggI’m just gonna I’ve just made a littlewell at the center if you can see it I’mjust gonna add my egg and I’m gonna goin with my warm milkmake sure your milk is hot it’s warm nottoo hotand I’m just gonna add my butterthis is excellent temperature so I’mjust gonna give this a quick mix just upall the ingredients come together beforewe add our Roux the flour and milk pasteso I’ll just edit the lips and floatiesthat we made earlier it’s completelycooked down so that’s really importantso what I’m gonna do now I’m just gonnalet this go for about ten minutes sothat should be rented and it should bestretchy not about ten minutesso my mixture is it about ten minutesunderstand mixer it’s quite really softso I got some extra strong bread flourso you will need some just in casesfinish sticky capability forgot to workwith so I’m just gonna transfer mineonto hereyou might be thinking why am I gonna dothis I’m gonna knead it by hand the waythere’s no really reason why I do thisbecause I just feel better you couldjust you know move on to the next stepfrom the mixer but I’m just gonna kneadit by hand because I just like theprocess and I feel better okayit is really sticky but some flour I’mjust gonna get get everything out thisis really precious bread so I’m gonnamake sure that I get every little bitthat I can out of it I’m just gonna myhands I’m just putting a little bit offloura flower[Music]I’m just using this map because it’s notsticky so I just find you can you getyou need my bread on here try not to putit in too much flour I find that it canbe a bit dense if you put too much flourso I’m just gonna need it this is alljust for fun guys guys cuz I’ve alreadythen all my kneading in my mixer I’mjust in them play clip a little play ifyou use this nonstick mat you will findthat you won’t have to add in too muchem flour[Music]right I’ve just had to put a wet teatowel underneath my non-slip choppingboard it just stops the board frommoving around because it was movingaround a bit too much so it’s muchbetter now I’m still meeting guys so ifyou are doing this only by hand you needto do it for about maybe 15 minutes butmine is actually ready but I’m justadding fun guys I’m having fun I lovemaking bread I love baking right it’sready guys see it’s spinning back upso what I’m gonna do now I’ve got my bigbowl I’m gonna just I’ve got some littlebit of teaspoon of vegetable oil I’mjust gonna grease my eyeball with it andthen I’ll put my mixture in there I’mjust gonna use my finger because why notwhen I take my mixture gonna chuck it inthere just make place a bit oil withthis one so put some cling film or youcan use a wet tea towel it doesn’treally matter but I just prefer a clingfilm cuz that’s what we use in I’m justgonna cover it with cling film gonnamake sure it’s covered so what’s gonnahappen now we’re just gonna move leaveour door to m2 proofit depends how warm your kitchen is mykitchen is okay so iron mine is normallyready within two hours but if yourkitchen is warmer it might be readywithin an hour so you just have to kindof work it what you’re basically one isyou want your mixture to double in sizeso when it’s double in size it’s readyso I’m just gonna leave mine it’s quitewarm today she leaves I’m just gonnaleave mine on the table for about anhour and a half I’ll come and check itand then hopefully operated then it willgo to the next stepsee you guys I’m just gonna tidy up andmaybe have a capper because that washard work doing more than eating wasn’tif in a bit so it’s been about an hourand a half and hour and a half so as youcan see my doorman got put in size whichis just exactly what I need so what I’mgonna do now I’m just gonna fit theoutfit just toI love this bit just to punch out theair so they’re always so nice and softso I’m gonna do this is how I measure mybread rolls they are different ways ofdoing it but this is how I do itI put mine on a scale so I’m gonna weighthis and then I’ll divide whateveramount again I’m gonna divide that by 12and that’s how I would divide my breadrows so I’m gonna do that quickly[Music][Music]so I’m taking our dough mixture and I’vedivided it into 12 equal pieceshopefully so what I’m gonna do now I’mjust gonna go ahead take them one by oneand just shape them into a ball I put abit of flour sometimes they ask you alittle bit sticky so if you need it justuse them and it’s just making it makingit into a round shape like that sothat’s you know they’ll be money my faceone over there[Music]so just smooth it out and then just makeit into a little ball[Music]I’m just pushing them in my tray[Music]which I’ve buttered and they just putthem some parchment paper on top[Music]by its artists I’ve divided them into 12with bread rolls so I’m gonna do now I’mgoing to cling film themyou can use a tea towel but I’m justso we’re just gonna let this be someproof again for another hourthis should it’ll take as long as thefirst time round so I would say an hourto just let them double in size again soas you can see this doubled in size I’veleft them for maybe an hour and a halfto get now nice and ready and thenlaughter sighs so what we’re gonna donow I’m gonna put this in my oven I’mgonna put them at 190 degrees for about10 to 12 minutes just until they’regolden brown so my red rose in the ovenso what I’m gonna do now while I’mwaiting I’m gonna make my glazethis is what its gonna give your bandsthat have nice shiny look so what Ifloor up two tablespoons of sugar and Iput two tablespoons of cold water I’mjust gonna put this in the microwavejust for like a minute until all thesugars melted and they’ll be ready to goand my bands won’t stay out of the oventhey’re ready they look and smell sogood so I’m gonna do now I’m just gonnapop my glaze on this is my favorite part[Music][Music][Music]I was it for me today guys thank you forwatching my first tutorial if you likewhat you see you can follow me onInstagram or Facebook hope to see yousoon bye