Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello maraca chica I go up with AlmaJana I think merienda so I gotta winPuna tonight bread roll it on to nothingand Tina pie young people at Pune Tinaadding Tina by cilantro clappingapplause yo nope wanna listen you’redealinbut not in Chiangmai booty but in yunnanattenuating Martina playEdna Fletcher[Applause]humming – syllabus people Ramanandaantium a German enabled Ito[Music]bread roll with a shunting Apeco basedof my booty sure so yeah and um post apost again poon attention and be Colin’sa hump open uh sorry guysand then I guess I stood by you damncheese[Music]nothing showy and ghost venueI am being Hollis a Williamno dice I just danced myself my smile ofimagesguysand they never say[Music]so a young guy is up a simple inaudibleand maybe do not enjoy say a medievalguy so thank you Anna for adding breadroll and then ya know peanut ensuresbread crumbsso did you get attentionI’ve been shy you know those breadcrumbsyeahand showcasevineyard on Pokemon I’m Brett drawing upa hundred daysso enjoy CPAP resonating sha sha na nanothing scheissethe guy is a prenup nothing shop idiotgonna formatting money chica simplyoh and guys mallalieu uniformity breadrolls so easy never had an enduringKerala where me I don’t know how in anintraoh and guys to do now I’m asking Bradroll[Music]turn