Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]welcome everybodythe seeds of the greatest from theplanet we have already welcomed inacademia are they illegalhow do we tell important and it will notend up on it mr. Katanga province oftanga town of tango TDD irrelevant inconcert on youth in America are still aLinda Nepal medicating under whilemedicated circuit people of Onderonrestore contraband more potent when thethick Pelican on the cutter head andunluckily kakero when I connect a killineverybody lovin the day make you a lockon a chicken coop read the differentmotherover 1000 mechanic it you know is formature another being either call orspoon sugar for the and I am eternaldevelop when the powder the powder thenthe powder cocaine give away sugar whitesugar I know I should we put on overspeed okay I will okay no move from thesweeter in the packet or sellable littleand I mean later cortical I would pinchsalt imported over total an interconnectin each corner radius phenomenon domainand I will spend it long or later youspent on butter Jose you a donor butever since o’clock a stop[Music][Music]