Bread Recipes

How To Make Bread Pudding With Bourbon-Butter Sauce By Gail Simmons

Gail Simmons shows you how to transform plain leftover rice into a creamy, gluten-free dessert with spices + coconut milk.

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bread pudding you have people over youhave that and everyone eatseverything except those four pieces andthen the next day it’s stale and whatare you gonna do with it put it in yourfreezer tore all the ends same with yourCo saucesame with your leftover hallow that’swhat you want to use and when you haveenough for about ten to twelve cups ofbread that’s a bath for your put-downscup that’s a battery of pudding exactlyso I’ve toldI take all those pieces I put them on asheet pan I can drizzle a little butterbut you don’t even need so you can toastit up in the oven for about 15 minutesyou want to thaw it out of the freezerfor about a half an hour you want bringit back to room temp and then put it inthe oven toast them up so you’ve madethese beautiful bowls and croutonsbecause the drier they are the betterthey will absorb the custard yeah righta key to a good bread pudding start witha toasty spot exactly wow they’retoasting I’m gonna make the filling so Ilike to use fruit in my bread puddingobviously you don’t have to and you canput any fruit seasonally peaches aregreat in the summer apples in the winterI have some chopped apples and a littlemelted butter that I’ve let Brown just alittle bit and into that pan is gonna goall my chopped apples you could usepears obviously I love browning buttertoo because it makes it taste nutty andmakes your house smell good it justsmells so good right so I’m gonna givethat a spin I’m gonna let that Brown andsoften and I’m gonna add three simplethings the first is a little bit ofsugar just about a quarter cup and thatmelts in and it’s gonna start to makethe the butter a little bit syrupy andcoat the apples and then I’m gonna addoff the heat once it’s cooked for alittle I’m gonna take it off the heatbecause I don’t want to start a fire andyou want to pour in for me this is somebourbon yeah Tuesday and so the Bourbonalso just makes it sort of Parmalee andsmoky honestly is delicious this isoptional for a bunch of obvious reasonsbut for Rachael and I it is mandatoryand then finally that’s gonna cook downa little bit and once it’s cooked offthe alcohol I again because I’m Canadianpour a little bit of maple syrup on I’ma one-trick ponybut I’m gonna save some of this forlater and I’ll show you whycooks down gets all syrupy I assume it’sthat guy there yeah it’s right therealright so we’re gonna need that in aminute meanwhile four eggs in thebiggest bowl that you have at home andI’m gonna mix those up just scramblethem a little bit and then you want topour the milk in for a bit thank youpour in my milk and this is the base ofthe custard I’m gonna add some sugar anda little bit of cinnamon um you knowobviously here you can do ground gingerif you want I just do the cinnamon andthen this is the base of the custardthat’s gonna get absorbed by all thatbread first I’m gonna put in the cookedapples and getting all that syrupybourbon II butter oh right mm-hmm I’mgonna put in all of this bread thank youyeah this is a bit of a dance it’s notnecessarily a graceful dance because itis dry I mean you have you seen me dancebut it is uh you know you just need toreally spend a little time after all thered is in I think that’s good I feellike you can make a salad and put thoseoh wait get out look look look[Applause]makes it make sure that every piece hasbeen soaked and you let this sit on thecounter for at least 15 minutes so thatall of the egg custard is absorbed intothe bread you put it in your baking dishthat has been buttered smooth the toppour on a little extra butter becausewe’re extra a little melted butter andthen the reason I reserved the maplesyrup is a little bit of maple syrupdrizzled on top[Applause]can I scoop some yeah scoop it how doyou serve this you do toppings bar forthis you do it just you why ice creamsenough in there and I would just go likethat because when it’s hot out of theoven screen with ice cream yeahwhen this[Applause]

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