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[Music]today we are going to show you how easyand simple cab caramel bread puddingit’s very simple and it’s low caloriesso please sit down and enjoy and likesub comment share or video and say wishrescue vision making shank is done okayso the first step in caramelized breadpudding is we have to caramelize thesugar so in this vessel I have taken 1/4cup of sugar and I have added water intoit and it’s optional it’s up to you youcan either add water or if you add gheeif you like it you can add it and it’svery healthy for you alsoso just caramelize it until it’s brownsee you can see it’s brown and it’snicely caramelized so now I’m going toput this into my move you can take anykind of mold okay so here’s my mold sohere’s my caramelized sugarit’s little dark brown to black it’s upto you now he’s just gonna be it so thatit’s down okay so this is the bread youcan take for your bread pudding you haveto touch this you can take around 5 to 6slices of bread cut the slices and thencut the bread into small pieces and thenyou have to grind it so cut the breadinto pieces and grind it it looks likethis so keep this aside the bowl andboth tbsp of custard powderthree spoons and four spoons okay so nowyou have to add 1/2 cup water to it thewater here – this is the half the waterthat you will add and just mix itlooks like a you okay okay so now I havemixed it well the next step is you haveto boil the meat now the milk is alreadyboiled now and breadcrumbs to it slowlyshould I have exa gradually yeah I’ll itgradually so that it’s not a big yardthe patter is so the I mean the mixtureis well mixed you don’t have to see allthose you know the granules which wassee yeahso add more breadcrumbs and mix it wellyeah go now this it’s ready put it incut this just into this person get thisstand and put your mouth and close thelid and put it on a medium flame up to20 to 30 minutes but between within 20to 30 minutes please check if thepudding is steady on yeah right likethis minuteabsolutely yes just put it on it and nowtake another piece small piece now let’stry them I’m gonna cry again spoons andcaramel right[Applause]DMV to them watching the DECA checked mychannel bye[Music]