Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi friends welcome back to my channeljust off the peace Nasir Shweta ineconomic order they get a lot ofopposition pizza everyone within ourplan at when I mainly get bread clip onthe bottom so first it all day includinginsulin and and vanillalying here artist lace predator occurbut the tomato ketchupArita Calliewhat I think I amarek capsicumdaughter Annette cheesea prematurely flex if returnable dayingredients before a mixing bowl now ageneric Inferno circa onionAkali capsicum a ladies night Manila theCali had proposed an inner seal weinterrupt another am opening theheadsman in Oakland the coracle dissolveto add vanilla elements Pinillaif anomaly in the mixture radiation nowalready Brenda when the dose paneeradventure again unleavened anime / 1stwondermatera play vanilla so first layer butthere are the layer on the tomatoketchup so tomato ketchup or a playvanillanext when liniment with sugar mixture laconcha man at Bunnicula tequila onioncapsicum aluminum and Apache I saw Paulaso coupon anonymous your lanolin Ideclared pondrá[Music]now with the two villages are today I’mlooking to slice tighter than a slicecould a potent la season Inca chiliflakes Caravela arena for de vente arethe Kabbalah learning a pepper hadpretty cool purple jobI know chili flakes contract and righthe buy the one in a sheet pan up orangeSt cheese melt ahead of the curve and Iate an opera lover never children twentyseconds a charity Kimora[Music]if a chizel embellished a little popagura Gilbert young merely gotta gottagotta pay a lot of light money part inthathomemade pizza so thank you so much forwatching my videowe look at the video put it with an applike when you guys share for example acomment subscribe Monica thank you somuch for my take care[Music]