Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello guys today we are gonna make thesetasty breads made out of modeling clayand let’s start first we will need abrush a modeling clay knife and orange amodeling clay a white gouache and atthis kind of color blush look I mix itwith some colors but if you have don’tyou don’t need to mix it so first wehave to make this one to make the spreadmaybe we will need a piece of my orangeone playyou might like this oneand here this and make this a with theother oneso readyso our bread is ready to coloryou colored the whole lesson more doingclay it is white wash so here it isthen we color it direct discoto hold sandwiches here guys i coloredeverywhere with and look now it shouldlook something like thisbye see you later