Making bread and butter refrigerator pickles using fresh cucumbers from the sweet life garden with Alisa Murray! Easy recipe for a easy condiment that is delicious with hamburgers and so much more. Sweet and sour and oh so savory!
You’ll need:
Fresh cucumbers 3-5 depending on the size
2 quart jars sterilized with lids and tops
1 large purple onion
garlic cloves peeled and cut to taste ( I used about a cup)
2 cups apple cider vinegar
2 cups of sugar
2/3 cup of water
2 tablespoons of mustard seed
2 tablespoons of salt
2 tablespoons of celery salt
2 tablespoons turmeric
Put on the stove and dissolve the cider, water, sugar, spices.
Take the sterilized jars and pack tightly with fresh cucumbers, onions and garlic. Once the brine is dissolved pour into the jars and place tops and lids. Leave on the counter for a few hours and then place in the refrigerator for a week prior to using. These keep for several months however mine never last that long!
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Video Transcription
[Music]hi everybody it’s Alisa Marie here inthe sweet life garden and as you can seewe’ve been picking a bunch of cucumbersin the cucumber patch and this weeks onthe sweet life kitchen episode we’regonna be featuring my bread and butterpickle recipehi everybody Lisa Marie here in thesweet life kitchen and did you see meout there in the sweet life garden withthose cucumbers oh my god guysthose cucumber plants went in like thisbig and now they’re bigger than me soevery two to three days I end up havingto go out there and pick cucumbers andlook at the whoppers these guys arecoming out of the garden and they’rejust gorgeous but what to do with themall we’ve got to figure out a way topreserve them so they don’t go to wastebecause there’s no way we’re going to beable to eat all of this fresh cucumbersthat’s for sure so one of the thingsthat I love to do with my cucumbers isto make pickles and last year I madehomemade dill pickles from the gardenand Santa Claus and our priest fatherMike came and got more than one jar theyjust loved him and I’m gonna do thatrecipe for you again when we get morecucumbers picked but what I wanted to dotoday was show you how to make thiswonderful sweet and sour bread andbutter pickle which is just so tastyit’s good on hamburgers especially withGouda cheese and a brioche bun my godthey’re good so let’s get started thefirst thing you’re going to want to dois slice up your cucumbers and your foodprocessor as thin as you can so I’mgoing to do that now[Music]skies are so big that they have to becut in half some of them it’s crazy howbig they are be real careful though notonly with the food processor but alsowith your hands when you’re slicing themlook how big those guys are god they’rehuge[Music]so now we want to do there’s two thingsthe first thing is I want you to get apot and in this pot I want you to puttwo cups of apple cider vinegar and thenI want you to do two thirds of water nowman I used to always make bread andbutter pickles and they were so good mygoodnessmakes me feel like eating a little pieceat home whenever you’re having bread andbutter pickles this is a cup of sugarhere and another cup so there’s two cupstotal I’ll have the recipe below for youso don’t worry about that this is twotablespoons of mustard seed in hereyou’ve got two tablespoons of celerysalt and two tablespoons of salt justregular white salt so the last thing Iwant to add some tumeric and I want toput a tablespoon of turmeric in there Idon’t make you guys know about tumericthere’s a lot about tumeric that’s beenwritten lightly and I wrote aboutactually I’ve written about tumeric pastcouple of years in my columns it’sreally good for Alzheimer’s and good foryour joints and it doesn’t really add abig huge flavor to anything that you putit in it’s just there but it’s got somany wonderful benefits antioxidantsthat it’s worth it anytime you can sneakit in there I sneak it in the squash atsneaking in all kinds of casserolesso uncle Brian doesn’t know what’s goingon with that but he’s always eatinghealthy even though he doesn’t know heis so what you want to do with this is Iwant to take this to the stove I wantyou to let this simmer let that sugardissolve and while that’s happening I’mgonna pack the jars and get them readyfor the pickles so this goes to thestoveall right the next thing you want to dois I want you to take two quart sizedjars that I have actually done I’veshowed you to do a bunch of tongsstick them in boiling water along withthe lids get them sterilized so thatthey’re safe for you to use for yourfood now you know this recipe is also arefrigerator pickle so that means thatyou’re not going to be counting these inthe traditional way so you don’t have toworry about put them back in a pressurecooker or anything like that you’re justgoing to put them in the refrigerator itdoes need to sit in the refrigerator forat least a week on this recipe and thenafter that you can use it for probablyup to about two months two and a halfmonths so as you see we’ve reallyshredded these cucumbers now and Ireally like it like that because it’salmost like a salsa types just a reallysimple thin slice of cucumber you knowwhen you buy your hamburger and thehamburger pickle just pops out I hatethat so I want my pickles to stay whereI put them yep so anyway what I want youto do is I want you to alternate in yourjar with a handful of these just verythinly sliced cucumbers I did chop up ahumungous purple onion you can use whiteif you want I like the way the purpletastes I like the way it looks and thejars so I always use the purple and thenI always put in garlic and I love garlicyou can never have too much garlic andyou want to pack this in almost likeyou’re making lasagna where you’ve got alittle bit of pickle a little bit ofcucumber rather and there’s some onionand then more garlicyou really get dirty and messy you knowthis is the recipe that you should geteverything sliced up I think thechildren might enjoy helping you makethey tend to really like gettinginvolved in the kitchen and I know theylove in the garden with me we’ve hadseveral of my babies come to visit me inthe garden so I think that it might be agood recipe for you to show them how tomake they would really enjoy that andthey love it whenever they’ve madesomething in the kitchen and then theysee it like all of the baking segmentsare great when we’re making zucchinibread or cupcakes or whatever becausethey don’t realize like they are in thegarden they don’t realize that whenthey’re putting stuff in a bowl and mixit together and put in the oven oh wellthat’s what makes it okay or they don’trealize when you put a seed in theground out in the garden oh my goshthat’s what makes a tomato or that’swhat makes a cucumber or whatever it’sreally really cool to see their littlefaces light up so it’s an importantthing for you to teach your children howto cook and how to garden so you keeppacking this in just like that howgorgeous that is guys you want to keepdoing that until you get it to the verytopreally don’t be afraid to push down intherereally really good let’s check WonderBra now to be here I’m gonna stir thisuntil everything is dissolved it’s realimportant that you’ve got that applecider in there because that acidity iswhat’s going to help make your picklesdo what they’re supposed to do and beperfect in this chamber guys it’s justgold and it’s so beautiful such a niceadd-on but of course with the garlic whocould go wrong with garlic lord garokkis so fantastic when we grew up in NorthCarolina me and Roz you know our parentsdidn’t cook with garlic certainly ourgrandmothers didn’t I remember visitingmy aunt Melda Lee and Uncle Bill UncleBill just passed away I remembervisiting my aunt Melda Lee and UncleBill probably three or four years ago wewere at a family reunion and near RockyMountain North Carolina where my mom wasfrom and we were talking about collardsand Aunt Millie said I bet you don’tknow what that is cuz she didn’t know Iwas making collars and she didn’t know Iwas writing columns and making recipesand I said absolutely I know what thatis that’s coloreds and she said you knewwhat that was she didn’t realize I wouldknow that and it’s just funny that shedidn’t know that I would know that butwhatever but the funny part was I saidoh yeah not only I make that with garlicand I in an onion powder and she whippedgarlic yes just the way it is in NorthCarolina there’s just not a lot ofpeople that were raised making a wholelot of recipes with garlic but once wemoved to Texas almost everything’s withgirls we got girl it’s all in our eggsat breakfastwe’ve got garlic in our burn our breadsthat we make we’ve got garlic everywhereand garlic is also another thing that’sjust so good for you so I always try tomake everything with garlic but I can’tI just love the way it tastes so I thinkthis is almost ready you want to bringit up to a boil basically once it’sfalleneverything’s dissolved you’re going topour that bran directly into that jarand I will tell you that it’s alwaysnicerI shouldn’t say nicer sweeter it’s alsosafer to have your jars come straightfrom getting them sterilized so thatthey’re not too cold they’re not roomtemperature and they’re not cold thatthey’re actually still warm because thatkeeps it from breaking and youdefinitely don’t want that that’s a hugemess all over your kitchen that’s just adisaster to have to figure out so thebest-case scenario is that you’ve got awarm mason jar whenever you’re doingthis so the first thing I’m going to dois put these guys on because thisparticular pot I’ve got lets its handlesget more and then we’ll pour this brineactually you know what I’m going to dowhat I did the other day I’m gonna besmart about this and for you guys I’mgonna be safe I’m gonna stick it likethis that way we don’t have to worryabout an ta accidentally spilling thisall over the kitchen now let’s see howmuch that goes down in that cucumbermixture real careful see it all bubblingdown in thereit’s goingokay there’s mr. C stuck up in there toobut you want a min there with all yourcucumbers and stuff so that’s not aproblem we just need to make sure thatwe got them out of there let’s pour somemore in see where we are that’s thatwhoopsie-daisy go down go downplease go down it’s always fun and achallenge making videos for the YouTubechannel I’m used to doing this withoutan audienceI’m also used to doing this and then upabout it without having to make a camerabe where I can see you and see me let’ssee if I stick this fork down in here wecan make it go down some more becauseit’s not all the way downthere we go and that is exactly the wayyou want it to you want to be filled allthe way to the top okay now what I’mgonna do is I’m gonna do another one foryou know guys that got everything withthe tops on them and they’re all sealedup they’re gonna sit out here on thecounter for about two hours then I’mgonna stick them in the refrigerator andthey’ll be able to sort of just sort ofget all yummy yummy and that brine forthe next couple of days and by the endof the week we’ll be ready to haveourselves a hamburger with this homemadebread and butter pickle in it justbeautiful it’s just gorgeous everythingis in there just bubble bubble bubblebubble bubble so pretty if you havefound any value in this video please dome a favor and like and share letsomebody else know about how to makethese bread butter pickles because itsure has been a wonderful recipe in myfamily and adding that garlic in thattumeric has just added an extra littlekick so I really really enjoy thisrecipe and I hope you will too