Bread Recipes

How to make Bread Buns

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Video Transcription

other guys will come back to my channeltoday I’m going to show you how to makesome mini bread buns so these are theingredients you’re going to be needingtoday add 1/8 cup of sugar to 150 ml ofmilk then add 1 sachet of yeast and stirwell add all your ingredients into abowlincluding your activated yeast 300 gramsof flour some salt 1 egg and 50 grams ofcream cheese mix it for 15 minutes bytaking 1 to 2 second breaks using aspatula or any kitchen utensil make sureeverything that stop on the sides are inthe middle your dough should look likethis in a few minutes after 15 minutesyour dough will probably be ready so thedough is done and it’s also very smoothand soft now I’m going to betransferring it into another Bowl youcan keep it in the same bowl but I’mgoing to use a different oneroll your dirt into a bowl and spreadsome oil over it we’re going to besending an aside for one hour after onehour it should have doubled in size nowtransfer your dirt onto a flat surfacenow knead your dirt until it’s smoothnow roll out your dirt and cut it into12 equal pieces now roll them into smallcircles and place them in a tray it’scompletely up to you on how big you wantthem to benow this task is optional but I’m goingto be sprinkling them with some sesameseeds if you do do this make sure youspray some oil on top now set it asidefor one hour it should have doubled insize now put it in the oven for 15minutes after 15 minutes it has becomegolden brown so the bread is done and itlooks very delicious and it also tastesvery delicious the inside is very softand fluffy as well[Music]so this is the end of the video and makesure you subscribe and like let me knowin the comments if you have any feedbackfor me thanks for watching enjoy

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