Learn to make delicious, crusty bread and tortillas at home with this step-by-step instructional video, hosted by Out Doors Inc. Program Coordinator, Gavin.
For the receipt and more information: https://outdoorsinc.org.au/bread-making-mail-out-material/
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
how everyone out there my name is Gavinfrom outdoors today we’re going to beputting a video together for you how tomake some bread and some tortillas outof some household or easy to in findingredients this video is going to bepart of a series that we’re puttingtogether for you during this lockdownperiod it’s gonna be about a range oftopics not just necessarily making breadwe’ve got some unfitness coming out somefrom folks that have gone to Antarcticasome one sushi making is that there’s awhole bunch of different topics thatwe’re going to be putting together foryou this is largely guided by what youwant to learn what you want to hear moreabout so if you have any ideas wheneveranyone’s on the phone to you or ifyou’re on any of our social mediaplatforms please get in touch throughthere and suggest anything that youmight want to learn more about oranything you have to share in thesewebinars so who ally if you haven’t seenme around before that’s because I’mreally new to outdoors I was employedjust right before covin nineteen reallytook off I grew up in East Gippsland uptowards band style I extensions thatsort of way and I’ve worked in theoutdoors for a really long timepredominantly working with youth onlonger expeditions I’m really passionateabout my greyhounds I got two two dogstwo greyhounds reading fly-fishing andrunning my bike as well and I think mostimportantly I’m really passionate aboutbaking bread so why bread makingobviously during these times there’s alot of pressure there’s a lot of anxietythere’s a lot of uncertainty with what’sgoing on and a lot of people are turningback to more human focus slower ways ofdoing things things are almostmeditative to give them a break helpthem focus on the moment and I guess dothings slowly and thoroughly and I thinkfor me bread making is a perfect fit forthat when you’re needing out the doughwhen you’re measuring out theingredients have to be quite focusedthere’s a particular level of precisioninvolved with it and at least for mewhen I’m doing it don’t think about muchelse other than doingand the reward of being in the momentdoing things slowly hopefully get somedelicious bread at the end of it so whatdo you have to be aware of for safety inthe kitchen just like any outdoors tripwe have to you know chat through andjust be aware of a few safetyconsiderations before we start firstthings firstbefore I started I’ve wash my hands withsoap and hot water sanitize my hands weuse an antiseptic what to wipe down allthe surfaces here another thing to beaware of during the current times is towear it all possible wife and sanitizeanything that you’ve bought from thesupermarket you’ve bought home and ifpossible remove the outside packagingthat just eliminates the chances of anycommunity transmissions coming home withyou other things to be aware of is theclothing it you’re wearing making surethat you have closed toed shoes on whenyou’re in the kitchen making sure you’reaware of any appliances that you mightbe using and hearing to anymanufacturers recommendations ensuringthat you have a nice clear area aroundyou no slipping tripping or fallinghazards floors nice and dry and noclothes or anything on the ground tryingto limit distractions from other peopleso you don’t accidentally you know dropa pan or cut yourself throughout thisvideo anytime there is a hazard thatidentify was talked through itwhat to be aware of how to manage itwhen you’re in the kitchen at home inplace of the measuring cup so I’m goingto be using a scale kitchen scale youget these quite cheap from bullies orAldi sometimes Kohl’s I’ve seen themaround a fair bit so I’ve got somekitchen scales here and then these aretwo specialist bits but I’ve also seenthem around is a bench scraper forworking with dough and then anotherbench scraps a little bit more flexiblejust made that up a chopping board forscraping the dough out of the bowlthey’re a bit more advanced you caneasily do without them alright someasuring out the ingredients I’m justgoing to temas scale in here make sureit’s 2 grams put my bowl on and tada ifyou’re using these kitchen scales athome I’m using a see-through bowl so Ican look through the bowl to see what ismeasuring out so I’m going to start withthe flourwe’re gonna add 500 grams or three and ahalf cups of flour to the bowlthat’s one kilo bag so about half thisbag 505 Bo that’s good enough for ushere next stop we can add about 15 gramsof salt which is about two teaspoons ortwo pinches there we go if you likesaltier breading man more you can standwith your salt you can add less twoteaspoons or about 7 grams I’m sorry twoteaspoons are about 14 grams of yeastthat’s roughly 2 packets of they’re inlittle square instant sachets I’m justgonna put a little bit in here justestimate it cool then finally I’m gonnaadd my water so we’re gonna add 375 milsor one and a quarter cups of lukewarmwater I didn’t mention before this wateris lukewarm yeast likes about 30 degreesto grow so that’s roughly if you can putyour finger and it’s nice andcomfortable for you it’s not too hotit’s fine you don’t to be cold eitherthough so 375 grams of waterwent a little bit over that’ll be fineas I said beforehand I’ve washed myhands let us quickly sanitize again tokeep things nice there put those air offso none of the alcohol kills the yeastthis is all mixed up here in the bowl asI said beforehand you can mix it up witha spoon I’m a bit more of a tactileperson and like I said if you’re washingyour hands you can do it really safelyand cleanly but I’m just gonna get inthere and mix it up with my hands so I’mgonna start my fingers next vApp usethem as a bit of a whisk and you canscoop it up together and see how it allcome togetheras you get more advanced in yourbread-making you’ll come to just get afeel for your bread and feel when youneed to add some more flour when youneed a little bit less now that’s allgoing just mixer scooping it all the waydown the bottom make sure I getting allthe bread together I’m gonna get yourhands covered in flour it’s the fun ofit it’s all come together and next togone to kneading the dough all right sokneading the dough first things first isyou need to get timer so grab out yourphoneseize it for your otherwise and set thetimer for eight minutes I’ll just jumpin and do that I’ll go ain’t no bit justto count for me getting ready for theshot all right a minute stuck so got mytime on eight minutes before I sanitizethe bench wiped everything down theremove things out of your way I get a niceclear workstation a little bit of flourdown just a dusting on the bench now youwant to use the least flour as possibleyou want to make your dough as moist andfluffy as you can so I’m using myscraper here just use whatever you goton hand to get the dough out of the bowlonto the tableyeah wait you go spend a bit of time getas much out as you can scrape it outscrape it out get a bit of dough intothe flour on your hands and go now whenyou’re needing you to be doing it forquite a few minutes so make sure youhave a nice active stance lock your coremaybe brace the hand on the bench justto make sure that you’re nice and stablenot gonna put your back out now kneadingis what gives the dough its structureit’s what develops the gluten so what Ido is push my hand down my heel downpush it out and use my fingertips toflip it over and I itselfspin around start again as you go alongit’ll be a bit of a fluid motion if younotice that your dough is a bit stickywork it out for a bit longer keep a niceflat palm keep going with it should cometogether if it doesn’t add a little bitof flour out of time like I said beforeyou don’t want to add too much flourmake your dough too dryno one likes dry bread as you’rehopefully seeing on this footage thispretty simple movements you basicallyjust stretching bashing the dough and asyou go along you’ll see it starting tocome togetherit’s pretty repetitive so what mighthappen is or to speed up the footageyou’ll get to see the dough at differentstages and we’ll show you when it’s done[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]youso I’ve washed the bowl we mix the doughin and we’re gonna get the dough in thebowl to proof I forgot to mention youuse a little bit of oil I’m assumingever and I was oil around their houseit’s gonna pour a little bit of thatinto the bowl and line it just to greaseit so on their dough’s proving itdoesn’t stick to the sides quickly usemy bench there that makes it nice andeasy to pick up put your dough in thebowl just turn it around to coat it insome oil now you need to cover so youcan be is a damp tea towel glad wrapI’ve got a plate here that fitsperfectly so does put that over therenow like I said at the start the yeastthe yeast and the flour interactsdevelop carbon dioxide the gas it givesair bubbles to the bread and helps itdevelop its texture it’s sponginess andgives it its rocks the ideal temperatureis about thirty degrees it’s a prettycold day here today I’m in my t-shirtbut I’m inside so some ideal locationsare if you’re in a really warm room withcentral heating and just leave it on thebench if it’s like really nice and warmand so I didn’t leave it on a benchthat’ll be fine or in summer if you’recooking that’ll be fine some idealplaces if you can put in the oven withjust the white on so don’t let it gettoo hot leave the door open if you getabove 35 degrees you’ll kill the yeastand your bread won’t rise another reallygood place is in a car on a sort ofwintery day like today you can leave itin your car on the dashboard to risethat gets nice and warm in there or ifyou can put in your microwave with a bigglass of hot water just be reallycareful when you’re pouring water out ofthe kettle or out of the hot tapbasically just want to put it somewherenice and warm to rise up so the yeastcan make the gas from eating the sugarsin the flower develop the gas give it anice and puffy so you want to leave itin that nice warm environment for aboutan hour an hour and a halfbasicallyuntil it’s doubled in size this is whereyou have to have a bit of a feel for howthe breads developing go and check on itevery now and then just see how it goesso now I’ll go out put it in the carwe’ll wait for an hour and a half to twohours I’ll keep an eye on it and I’llshow you once it’s doubled in size wellthat’s been about I think an hour and ahalf maybe a little bit longer and wehave left our dough to rise in a nicewarm spot in the car and it’s aboutdoubled in size it should be able to seethat there that doubled in size which isperfect so what we need to do now iswe’re going to shape the dough so knockit back and shape the dough we’re aflower on the table again a flower onyour hands knock back the dough take allthe out of it and it all will return toits original size then tip it out likesonow hopefully you can see it from therebasically what you want to do is spreadit out and from each side stretch it outinto the middle stretch it out into themiddle stretch it out into the middlestretch it out into the middle floweryour navy is to keep it nice andmanageable now here’s where our stepsdiffer if you’re at home and you have aloaf tin a rectangular loaf tin you’dshape it into more of an oval shape Idon’t I’m keeping it really simple forus all here so I’m just going to shapeit into a round so what you want to dois put pressure on either side and spinit at the same time and what this isdoing is putting a bit of tension overthe top of the life so shape it up shapeit up shape it up shape it up you wantto make it into a nice round shape andas you are putting tension underneath itlike this hopefully you can see it inthe other shot off to the side of thescreen that’s what’s going to make yourdough nice and fluffyover here I have a sheet of baking forthat’s gonna make it easier for me tolift it up in a bit I put on a platedown here and now this is gonna restabout 35 minutes 40 minutes until it’spuffed up again it’s not quite doubledin size but until it’s risen again youneed to cover it if you’re at home youcan use a tea towel over the top I’mjust gonna use this bowl upside downagain and I’ll put it back out in thewarm space where it originally was torise again so this is called the finalproof is in your you’re proving that theyeast is still working but it’s stillgoing to puff up in there once you’veknocked it back once it’s risen to itsalmost its maximum we’ll pop it in theoven I’ll talk through that with you ina little whileso this breads been in the warm caroutside the same place where we did theinitial rise for about 45 minutes andyou can see it’s that doubled in sizeand increase you can tell it’s ready togo you haven’t over proved it I might gointo that when you press on it and itbounces back about 3/4 of the way notall the way doesn’t want to be to springit want to be too flat so over here I’vegot my oven you want to turn it up toabout the maximum it’s about 250 on thisI’ve had this preheating for a while andI’ll just turn the timer on to about 25minutes you want to keep an honor about25 minutes you might need to go a littlebit longer a little bit less and thenI’ll put in[Music][Music][Music]all right while our bread is out therehaving fun I’ll prove doing the finalrise before we put it in the oven I’mquickly going to show you how to makedough to make tortillas why would youmake tortillas it’s really simple it’sjust basically the same ingredientswithout this yeast like I suggested atthe start of the video there’s been abit of a demand for the yeast so there’sbeen shortages in the shops have youdone any of those and if you can’t bebothered waiting around for the yeastand for the bread to rise and then provea final time and baking and all thatsort of stuff this is a much simplerrecipe so I’ll get into it you getanother bowlgrab your flour you do 2 cups of flourso 2 cups flour 1a little bit more – a little bit offlour left over for kneading 2 cups offlour 1 cup of water 1 then roughly aquarter cup of oil Lac and there’s aboutquarter of a cup here so this is part ofthe fun of baking’s that I make up yourown recipes as you go along that’s inthere back with the bread add some saltto taste you’re trying to avoid so don’tworry about it but I think it makes it abit more delicious there’s ouringredients mix it up mix it mix it mixit mix mix same with the bread if youhave a spoon you don’t get your handsdirty you can use that as I said beforeyou can mix it up with a spoon pull withyour hands I’m gonna add a little bit ofextra flour to this onemix mix mix chat a little bit of extraflair to let’s stop sticking I’m addingit about a tablespoon full of this halfhere’s my dough we’ve mixed it up it isa drier dough than the bread dough alittle bit more flour just add flourlike I said as you go along need alittle bit more make it a bit drysame technique he’ll push down bring itback up to fingertips you don’t need toknead this for as long just a minute ortwo[Music][Music]you’re trying to get sticking had alittle bit more sourso that goes nice and elastic andflexible that’s what you want you tolook like for your tortillas quickly whywould you make want to make tortillas soto make really simple flat breads reallyeasy to put food in for burritos wrapsyou can cut them up and back themafterwards to make chips you can dipthem into lots of things it’s a reallyversatile food much quicker to make thembread but still just as delicious I’mgoing to leave this here for a littlebit and then we’ll get on to rollingthem out and cooking them alright sonext thing we’re gonna go on to isshaping or cutting out shaping and thencooking our tortillas which is reallysimple so I’m gonna use my bench scraperit’s not very sharp just got a bit of anedge on it you can use a knife at homepretty much any knife but a nice steelruler whatever you want so basicallywhat I’m gonna do is I’m gonna roll thisout into a bit of a log shape just putdown a bit of flour so that doesn’tstick to the bench and then I’m gonnacut it into about six even bit so I’mgoing to cut up in the middle just whenyou’re doing that make sure that yourfingers attack back they out of the wayso that any blade you’re working withdoesn’t get you so I’m going to cut inhalf and then those halves and they’recut into roughly three equal size bitswe know that was six total tortillas tomaking the tortillas if you have arolling pin with you you can roll outyour tortillas I’m just gonna go casualand just pinch them out roughly roughlymake them flatput them on the ground here so you wantthem about the same thickness all acrosswe make quite small little tortillasit’s good for dipping or putting alittle pocket of food in as I said use arolling pin use whatever you got we’rejust doing it pretty simply with whatwe’ve got here available and outdoorskitchen I’m sure you’ll be the same athome but so to cook it you want to get afrying pan over your stove on mediumheat if you don’t have a frying pan workwith what you’ve got I don’t have afrying pan here at the moment so I’mjust using this toasted sandwich make asandwich press just here I’ve got it onits higher setting cooks nonstick Iwon’t have to use any oil plus wellstand this out I’m gonna put it on heregot a few holes in it that should befine just when you’re putting it downjust be aware make sure you’re nottouching the surfaces and just make sureyou have something to scoop it up withso it doesn’t get too hot you want tocook it for about maybe a minute on eachside until it gets nice and brownyou