Welcome to my Master Class.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys today we are going to learnsomething that I’ve always wanted toactually learn how to do we’re gonnawe’re gonna make some breadusing some very simple ingredients flourokay salt sugar a packet of yeast andsome warm water now I know that you canuse like raisins and other types ofingredients in it but I have not gottento the store yet so I haven’t been ableto actually get those okay so before webegin though we need to put on our handydandy apronokay so now I can protect my clothes andI’m ready to go you gonna waste theirswe’re messy clothes okay so step onesays in a large mixing bowl we’re gonnamix together the yeast the sugar thesalt and the water until the yeastdissolves now this is not just regulartap water this has been boiled so let’scheck the temperature with mytemperature engager and it still saysit’s 1:30 so I’m actually gonna put anice cube in it let’s mix that up[Music]okayyeah okay I’ll just dump the rest of theice okay so it’s important that yourwater is not too hot because otherwiseit can burn the yeast and so what we’redoing is we are active we’re going toactivate the yeast okay it’s 102 so notas hot as I wanted it to be but not toobad okay so I had my bowl I’m going topour in the water into my bowl and I’mgoing to open up my yeast now I have atiny bit extra from last time but I’mjust going to pour it in becauseotherwise it’s gonna go bad becausethere’s not much in the eastokayso I have my yeast and I have my sugarand saltso buddy my sugar in it now I’m puttingmy salt in it one tablespoon of each soa tablespoon looks like this don’t needto focusone tablespoon of each okay so now Ineed to mix it until the yeastdisappearslet’s see where it’s atdarn I still see a few clumps so I’mgonna try and push those against theedge if I can just squeeze them outso yeah so I have that it is dissolvedso now I need to gradually add the flourone cup at a timenow I just quickly wash my hands I needto add one cup at a time until I getfive to six cups for five and a half tosix cups okay so here is my first cupand I’m gonna start mixing it okaycup threethe reason why I’m using a fork isbecause it tends to grab the material iseasier and mix it I don’t know why but Ihave found that using a force is a lotmore effective than like mixing with aspoon fiveok so I have my dough I took it out sonow I’m gonna clean this bowl out so Icleaned out my bowl and now it says putsome olive oil in it so I don’t haveolive oil so I’m gonna use avocado oiland I don’t need that much because Iactually already put some on the doughwhile I was needing it so I’m rubbingthe oil inside ok greasing up and I’mgonna put my dough back inside ok so I’mgonna need it for a secondmake sure it’s all together ok so Ialready like I said I already put someoil on it so now we need to let it riseso see where the shape is right now it’syou know maybe half half of the bowlI’ll try and spread it out so you cansee so here’s the bowl here’s the bowlit’s taking out maybe like I don’t knowdown here so maybe like a third so I’mputting it on and parchment paper ok andnow we’re gonna microwave this becausehe t’elp s’ the dough rise moreeffectively from what I’ve read so I’mgonna put it in the microwave gonnawhere’s this start Oh[Applause][Music]okay let’s see huhit’s kind of hot so now that I have itokay it’s very hot oh I’m gonna I justput it on top of that so now that I havethis okay so I’m going to I’m using thisit’s very hotI don’t know if you can see any steamcoming from it but I’m gonna let it sitfor the hour that it needs two hourshead and then we’ll come back in alittle bit and see if it has risenokay so after two hours let’s see whereour bread is at whoa that’s a lot ofdough I don’t mean money okay that is alot so pull out my parchment paper againthe recipe says we need to split thedough okay so don’t fit how oh it’sdoing that weird eerie thing when I washmy hands one more time okay so Iprobably should have put flour on thisfirst so I can sprinkle this onaccording to have flour handy so keepthat in mind don’t just keep puttingeverything away like I keep doing so[Music]I have my flower okay so that got rid ofthe weird circle holes that I wasworried about so this is a good amountof bread so I’m just gonna tear this inhalf I have my pan I’m gonna put someoil in it oh my goodness that’s way toomuch oil I mean I guess most of thiswill burn off but I also don’t want towasteso maybe I’ll put some extra on theother bone okay so I have it everywhereso now I’m going to put my bread in mypan I’m kneading it out so it spreadsout okay and I’ve been told honey justlet it rest for five minutes now I don’thave another one of those bread pans soI’m gonna use this circle e pan so letme put some oil on here Oh again why doI keep using so much okay I try to putsome of it backbut I’m rubbing the the oil all oversquishing this down okay now while thatis resting let’s go to our next step nowI have been told that you should putsome water into a pan and put it in theoven to give it some humidityso I’m going to fill up I’m gonna fillup this water container put it in hereand then I don’t know if I need to waitboth oopsy I forgot there was already apan in there why do I keep forgettingmake sure there’s nothing in your ovenbefore you start baking in the bottompart of it close it because it has notpreheated yetokay so my timer just went off so now isthe easy partI just I’m gonna stick my bread in theother we got that we have the other oneand then I’m gonna set a timeokay so the timer just went off so let’spull out our bread nice I’ll get aclose-up shot in a secondlet’s turn off the oven of course that’svery importantthere we go niceso we have our circular bread that’smore like a look actually they’re bothcuz they’re bloops I supposeso now let’s cut them and taste themokay you can do it okay which side do Icut I guess like the end no oh it’s hotfresh out of the ovenhmm I don’t know if you can see it butthere’s steam rising from it okay let’sput some butter on it let’s get aclose-up of that mmm that looks good ohthere’s my husband trying the breadquite yeah I didn’t spread the butteryet is it good let me try itnice and fresh and that’s how you makebread yeah