I’ve got some overripe bananas aging in my kitchen so today I’m gonna teach you how to make Bon Appetit’s Banana Bread recipe by Carla. Its the best way to avoid wasting bananas.
#BonAppetit #BananaBread #NotAnotherCookingShow
Hand Mixer
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Music By David Cutter Music
Original of the video here
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
you ever find yourself with some bananasthat end up looking like this please donot throw them away this is not rottenand it’s not bad this is actuallyperfect[Music]I love bananas they’re really good foryou but every now and then I buy someand I sort of forget about themsometimes I get caught up and when theystart to get a look a little bit tooripe for me to eat as a banana I letthem go and I let them go until they getreally black and soft and what’shappening is they’re almost likecaramelizing in their shelves you couldkeep letting these kind of age if youwill until the entire skin is black andinside will be like this almost likejuicy banana sweet nectar and that’swhat we’re gonna use to make bananabread it’s gonna create a bread that’ssuper moist and delicious give it just agood amount of banana flavor and it’sgonna be something that’s gonna bereally nice to have for like breakfastor even a snack throughout the day whilewe’re all hanging out at home sincethat’s what we all do now now you knowI’m not much of a baker so I’m gonnatake this recipe straight from boneAppetit I’m just gonna kind of omit afew things and just make a very simplebanana bread but I’ll leave the recipedown below in case you need it most ofthe stuff in this recipe you should havein your pantry the only thing that I’musing that might be a little differentis sour cream you could use Greek yogurtor anything ever yogurt you have youcould use buttermilk you could use creamso just sort of realize that thisingredient is a bit of a flexible oneand given the times whatever you haveyou can probably use to make this workso let’s just get into it I got the ovenpreheating at 350 degrees you got a bigbowl ready and we got to start makingthe batter now the recipe doesn’t callfor sifting the flour but I’m just gonnasift the flour or the salt and thebaking powder and just kind of get allof it get it nice and smooth one and ahalf cups of all-purpose flour and youknow the proper way to measure flour youspoon the flour into a measuring cup andthen you level off and that’s why I likegetting this big square container tohold flour I can stick a whole 1 cupright into it and then and then toss theexcess back into the container withoutgetting it everywhere which I used tohave a problem with so measureone-and-a-half cups[Music]the others have the baking soda which isI forgot measurements are in thedescription so we have a dry mix nowwhat I want to do is get the bananas outof here into a bowl and then start tosmash and kind of puree them if you willyou could definitely let these guys goeven longer that’s what you want tostart to see happen is that banana isstarting to literally caramelize that’sthe perfect stage to make banana breadso right here it’s soft it’s gonna worklike this but it’s much better when it’sin that mushy caramelized got one ofthese things I’m just going to use[Music]okay now in the final ball the big bowlthat we’re gonna mix everything into sofirst thing we’re gonna do is brat as isa that word we want to beat the brownsugar the sour cream only needs a halfstick of unsalted room-temperature[Music]second but I need to prep some eggs so Ijust want to crack my eggs first asalways and what I’ve learned is thatthere’s an incredible technique used byItalian grandmas where you use one eggto crack open another and magically oneegg doesn’t break just crack the otherone I’m so bad at cracking eggs ah sonow that’s set now we can start to makeit all come together so what I’m gonnado is I’m gonna take a hand blender andyou can use a Kitchen Aid or any mixeryou want and we’re gonna beat thistogether for like five minutes tillcomes really light and creamy and thenwe’re gonna slowly add in one egg at atime and then we’re going to add flourslowly and then the bananas so followalong[Music]see how creamy that is now we can addthe edge[Music]you will scrape the bottom of the bowljust to get any pieces off the bottom sonow that’s looking good now we can startto add the dry mixture which is theflour and we’re going to do that slowly[Music][Music]now add the bananas[Music][Applause][Music]okay so now that our batter is done wehave a little bread baking dish kind ofthing I’m in a grease with butter andthen I’m going to put a piece ofparchment paper in like that and thenI’m going to butter the inside of that[Music]there you have it so now in to 350degree oven how long does she say thebacon this is Carla’s recipe it says tobake for 60 to 65 minutes or until youtake its toothpick in it and when youpoke it it comes out clean just like acake so here we go so now I’m just gonnaclean up wait for that to cook and we’llcheck back in about an hour set an alarmthey have a narrower your pan is thelonger it’s gonna take so some might bea little bit wider some might be alittle narrowerthat’s all good we’re just gonna keeptesting it but we’re really just lookingfor a clean toothpick[Music][Music]mmm the smell is pretty phenomenal ifyou like bananas this is gonna be good Iknow already so next what we just haveto do is let this cool for at least anhour before cutting into it you have towait stop cooking inside that’s why it’sokay if there’s just a little bit thatdrags on to that toothpick so it’s gonnacontinue to cook so in an hour after itscooled it’s going to be moist andperfect so check back in an hour okayit’s about an hour later this thing isnicely cooled let’s see if this thingwill come out[Music]its moist it’s banana II there’s alittle crunch you get from the exteriorit’s perfect Carla nailed it this is howyou want banana bread to look now whatyou do is you can store it in a bag youstore it in a cake dish you could slicethem up and then freeze them and thenyou could just heat up some butter andkind of sear both sides to reheat it upwhenever you want some banana bread sodo what you feel like I’m gonna let thiscontinue to cool and then pop it in mybag and now I got banana boy[Music]you you wouldn’t have eaten thosebananas you turn them into gold that’sthe beauty of banana bread how are youdoing guyshanging in there hope you’re doing welland know we’re all inside but it is whatit is it’s an important task and we allgot to be doing it so try to stay strongI’m gonna try and maybe do some livestreams I’m just sort of still a littlebit in shock as to everything that’sgoing on so so just give me some timeand I’ll figure out what I want to doother than that stay happy smile don’tforget to smile otherwise that’s all Ihave today I’ll see you next time untilthen take care of yourself and go feedyourself[Music][Music]