An easy tutorial on how to draw a sigil for witchcraft beginners and baby witches. In sigil magick we use a sigil – or symbol- to cast a spell in order to reach a goal or fulfill a desire. This is only one quick and easy way to do it but there are many more out there. Please note that my practice is very practical and more science-based than spiritual – you will have to choose a path that feels right to YOU.
Furthermore we are baking a recipe from my kitchen witch book of shadows: Magickal rosemary and sage bread (Navajo Sage Bread). You can use it in combination with a goal or spell that requieres mental clarity, wisdom, knowledge retention, meditation, luck and protection.
Recipe Navajo Sage Bread
3 tbs milk
20 g fresh bakers’ yeast
1 tsp honey
300 g / 3 cups flour
pinch of salt
6 sage leaves
1 egg
200 g / 1 cup cottage cheese
1 tbs corn oil
Sigil instructions:00:30
Bread instructions:04:30
KERBHOLZ – Geometrics Collection Triangle Bracelet
Reusable baking sheets
Camera Panasonic Lumix GH5
Microphone Samson G-Track Pro
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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Pies Recipes
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey lovelies and welcome in my studytoday we are getting Vichy you’rediscovering sigil magic what it is howit is done and how you can use it wewill also bake a lovely wild sage androsemary bread from a kitchen whichgrimoire it comes with many medicinal aswell as magical benefits it is said togive you a memory boost and a clear headand is therefore the perfect littlesnack if you’re studying for exomestrying to make an important session orare performing a meditation spell nowlet’s start with some matching and diveright into the topic of sexual creatingsettles are symbols that help youmanifest and reach a certain goal on ascientific level the work on basis ofpositive affirmation and self-hypnosisin the new thought philosophy it’s alsocalled the law of attraction everythingin witchcraft is a tool that you canutilize and interpret in many differentways depending on your personal beliefsystem as a secular non-religious whichfor me settles are a tool to trick mymind into switching gears in order tochange my thoughts and/or actions let’sget it a bit more clear and pick anexample so I have an important testcoming up at uni and have a ton ofstudying for it but unfortunately I am alazy bum furthermore I get extremelynervous before tests and suffer fromperformance anxiety obviously that’s nota great start so what now why not worksome magic to get an A first we want tothink about what we want so I want topass the test well now we envisionourselves having passed the test merrilyskipping down a street with a paper inour hand all is great if your relief andthe sun is shining yay we want to writethis down in one simple sentence I’vepassed the test or even simpler I passedthe test it is important that you phrasethe sentence first of all as if it waseffect and second as if it was alreadytrue so not I wish I would passed thetestor I’m going to pass the test it is alsoimportant to praise it in a positivemannerdon’t say I won’t fail the tests whichin essence is the samebut on your brain as works verydifferent from the first sentencenow in order to create a satchel thereare a million different ways but I willshow you a quick and easy one firstcross out all the whales and the latchesyou f double now in this example we havefour letters left with which we can getcreative your now basically just drawingthose four letters into a picture thatsymbolizes the outcome you desire you’recompletely free to doodle take the partsof the letters apart or shape themdifferently obviously we can’t only drawa pretty picture and now expect that wecan get away without any studying thisis not hard works magic works on yourmind and energy not on a specific goalin a big scale the universe itself youare not a visit Harry so what I do is toenvision what I need to do to get tothat goal and how it could look like ina simple picture made out of thoseremaining letters in this example I knowthat studying will be a long and windingroad that I will need to go so draw thisin with a curse of the pns I also knowthat I have some basic knowledge and astrong foundation once I sit down andstudy and can beat my fears ofexcellence so I draw that in SOT the Hsymbolizes an upon pudding error whichfor me means success this is how I willconquer statistics this is my way ofdoing it and there are many more outthere so just find a way that speaks toyou you can make this as personal ritualcomplicated or easy as you like so nowthat we have it ready we want to sitdown and meditate over it reallyvisualizing our success in their testswhile looking at our socials this is howit seeps into our subconsciousa lot of people to burn the satchelsafter drawing them and some say they areonly working if you forget about theirmeaning completely so your conscious isnot in a way of it working and in orderto release their energy into theuniverse I however like to keep where Ican see them and every time I look atthem they will have worked that feelingin me and my sub-conscience will bereminded of what I have to do for it Imight still draw them on a bread or intosome food to burn them not quite soliteral way and then I just trust it towork that positive mindset and Trust isextremely important so that you don’tstart consciously questioning yourselfagain which could let self-doubt andpotentially destructive energies back inI thought today we would make a lovelysage bread that will definitely help youmanifest that spell sage said promotewisdom in a clear mind offers protectionbrings good luck and the scent ofrosemary has scientifically been provento improve retention and recall effectsall ingredients are also listed belowI’ve heard from many of you that you area bit careful when it comes to bakingwith ease but trust me she’s not at hardto work with if you follow these threerules always keep her warm and cozy thelonger she raises the better she tastesand don’t forget to feed her somethingsweet to grow[Music]now we pour the mixture into the flourand stir it in we add our otheringredients at room temperature or a bitwarmer than that important it’s justthat they are not straight out of thefridge or the yeast will pout cottagecheese oil and egg furthermore salt androsemary which in this recipe isoptional you can also spice it up andadd some chili flakes or fresh chiliesto use the fresh sage we just cut thestem and middle part out and then chopit into small pieces if you don’t havefresh sage you can also use dry groundone maybe about 1 1/2 teaspoons combineall ingredients with a spoon and thenknead the doughthis dough should be rather easy to workwith and not overly sticky or dry andtherefore can be kneaded with our barehands without a hub any kitchenmachinery left to clean up afterwards weform the dough into a pretty little balland remember to keep it warm under anice dish towel the dough now will needto rise for about 90 minutes until ithas grown into an adult size bread afterits little slumber we take the dough outneeded one more time and then form itinto shape and place it on our bakingtray I actually bake the spread betweento load her ricotta garden pots linedwith a baking sheet as I didn’t have aDutch oven or who might have a label butreally any kind of oven dish or bakingtray will work once it’s in shape tuckit in and let it relax for 30 moreminutesif you like you can now curfew satchelinto it to do so it is best to use avery sharp tool like a razor carpetcutter and then it is time for a 40minute sauna in the oven and around 200degrees Celsius after which we willreceive this beautiful herbal oil it isso fluffy and delicious and it’s greatjust right out of the oven with somefresh butter I hope you enjoyed thislittle bitch graph 101 and I will seeyou next time for some more baking andnext weekendI thought you make it a bit morepersonal and I’ll show you my Ritchiemorning routine and a truly magicalbreakfast recipe I wish you the best daysee you soon