I show how to cook my simple recipe . Butter bread With Broccoli salad very affordable and rich of heallth beniffit into our health.
Music:Green Leaves
Musician:music byAudiomatic.co
Licence:Https/Creative commons.orig/Licence/by/40/Legalcode
Recipe: Butter Bread:
Broccoli Salad: 8 -pcs of loaf bread
2 -broccoli slice 4- eggs srambble
I- union slice salt and pepper
Salt , pepper . Butter
Olive oil
Tomato for garnishing
Shrimp boiled egg optional
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Video Transcription
this is having the 16 bladvic once againand it’s time to put your name in forour key for today and I will show you asimple bottle red red locally salad thatis all of only by simple recipe for ourtheme Porter my recipe a battered we’rea scrambled egg put a pocket pair andbattered and broccoli and onions andswim for my salad this is not a simplesalad the Khorasan up with a batterbread 49 star I show you guys go to cutthese and fear i /[Music]this is like thisyeah I’ve been a cool ideaI seeMary already eat the broccoli with theonions on there so I like how peopleneed so because it’s a salad so Ipersonally put that mean it’s only okayI show you how to get thisthe breath[Music][Music][Music]i beautiful baby who not in it’s not[Music]another example not really on happysolemn I think people know theinitiative nothing pink on the coulombhappy you solid white pepper sprinkle alittle bit salt lemon melodica only NaviPillay deep in a lemon lemon juice nowgetting nothing here missus yeah pontede executed[Music][Music]this is my mother and my three polysolidskies star under terror and I am poorunhappy you know Polly salad with butterbread cutting broccoli salad with breathpatternthis is my car[Music]my bread father this is adding the 60black of you like my paper tonight andhope you enjoy for watching this is anequal six o’clock it can teach you all Ilove you guys[Music]