Bread CHILLI தேவையான பொருட்கள்// பிரட் தூள்// புளி கரைத்தது // இஞ்சி // வெல்லம் // மிளகாய் தூள்// கேசரி பவுடர்// உப்பு// பல்லாரி வெங்காயம் // கருவேப்பிலை//
( கடையில் வாங்காமல் வீட்டிலேயே செய்யலாம் பிரட் சில்லி )##
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Video Transcription
[Music][Applause][Music]Vanakkam goobers enigma video lopakapart of the Quranic luck amigo andpetite Amana bread chili in the breadchilean in a week later the kumarakom avideo Aparna today’s special snacks intoday’s special snacks red chili is atheory on a poor girl meet Sheila rightthe bread dough recovered in a plea anda la Karachi for a Cal couple Pollyediting in G Series Allah and Allahpodían Eric Eugenia vellum or calc aperson a Moroccan – Lauren – TSP Athenacudamalloc Honda or ever turned ObatalaVanga imposes on Araki per capita acursory powder Kwanzaa Martin Carbaughblack Allah sotapanna watching I putserie de la murtra thing he bore a mobred chili say her papa am i mix Allaharight poetry Korea and the bread deathto life for a noodle about layers at anetheric see Allah passing it a la unacolumn the person and animal CarambaTonya Tonya tell it is embassy no andthe teletrac person gender bread theToulaa la cena cena orondia rama bettersavannah seriously or on day or theother day or that lodging at first nowl’m a llama the other on donna nimelissa and ASR on Nana na llywodraethtold to ride on another and in Allahwith the Virginia at the day or vanillacone Gemma or a hundred TSP annuity Niaimanari category in Gia Halliburtonallah allah o Maharaja Monica and theNGO and enalapril Nara or no our serverdomina lie in g7 the Naruto and operahereI’m gonna encourage everybody on thatpulley carousel Greco for Karla Cavallicarousel character children and thePolly cassouletkwangin della boutonniere and applyyourself rule of Tanana Michalka bynature a Varna and the under logo tinieven the other pond is simulating arumba paris area Brad and the well latour upon watching yet developed anOracle couple undeveloped and report ina cone German the castle powdery konjammalachite thought no me you’re gonna beedited sugar in there and at this momentAmerica the war tonight cursory powdercotton a serial port on the Queen Gemmahe’s on the case of powdered semana decolor café okonjima pertinent SamaraGiuliano in a rumble what are inlandZuma later but in that easily a codeAmerica and our signalThunder cut Ponyo the lay Portola I’m aBorlathey haven’t put her on Karen there butwrong as important port in ålesundanotheror apothem our American a lot cause itshe soon dr allow the I do plus simileof each other and luck collide overdinner I did put a camera on a tripodYama which is not lovely a calorielogical I didn’t lock was it cheaperCote d’Ivoire no memory paw coma on thebetter hey Alec are you applying forDonna Elena Masood the moon everybody onthe cargo plane I had a Burton a laHollywood Annettecalorie with dick who put see littleover rung every gear for dinner frombefore endlessly in Avalon but rather itis equal to get the girl I’d how are youtouching Antonia in poor you know wannalaunch a I’m a you’re gonna work toachieve booty and their bread day OhRhonda gala are important and la verdadthird ago no I will go to an attorneyDeGeneres near Guam and the year ofbirth important agarra layers upon theyeahla window ironic I ran their nail aboutthe poorest children a island the pondnear Milan down near the top of thePermian then the Maruca sutala yeah thishollandaise Cody are dangun under yournative code yada yada when the originalTom and the Mario and on in the marriageceremony Romano other worried that layereverything he but remove an incentive aG hello and a spoon here no tea motherLondon Eric available yet but la Riondaeven do piryohae and humble but LadaGrantaand love what they pull narrow maverickyoung and lover in a TR lava when sheand laponia art no he’s on the colonylike Rama Rama pretty huhNia Molly North Allah he send everythingin a coordinate Brenda when a SabraMontana syllabary he’d imagined youwould think in a rhombus away Arkansasbrahe when the van guy and seven de barajasa my area for a theory of Orion and thebread de donde la la puerta when youladies have an included on that moneyHoughton am I here here convey herethough chili and the gravy solo meal onthe pulley carousel of lumber to gravyporno and the gravy of consume animalabout who loved a calorie will turn amelancholy really wouldn’t I was sort ofa domino calorie a largely important onthe grave at the goddamn daythe ASM is working on migratory bird onit a little bit let that fly goodnonetheless watching na Quran theywelcomed me home beneath Amana breadJulie Dyercool on a liquid item on a bread ChileAllah wronged a witless ng partnereither contra video I’m gonna coverwhether kumarakom a special snackschannelssubscriber nigga still a cripplebutton a click banana like banana comeand punishedthank you[Music]