Former Great Australian Bake Off contestant Anston Ratnayake has the recipe for the best Iso banana bread.
Original of the video here
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Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
welcome back to isolation what do you dowhen you’re isolated you work you cleanyou’ll cook you bake and you repeatisolation 101 five things so let’s justbake todaybanana bread I guess sono I’m joking let’s just make somebanana bread heaps of fun guys hey guysmy recipe today we have two near thatbananas just like my avocado for mywelcome old recipe 2 eggs our 1/3 cupsor a 1/3 cup of soy milk which I’veturned into bladder milk by adding halfa teaspoon of vinegar if you don’t havethat just half a teaspoon of lemon juiceadded to room temperature soy milk andlet it sit there for 15 30 minutes alsoin there there’s half a cup of vegetableoilthere’s 1 cup of white sugar which is inthere and then 1/2 a cup of brown sugar1 and 3/4 cups of plain flour 1 teaspoonof soda like so baking soda 1/4 teaspoonof just any soldier have at home it’llhave been paste always mash up and thenmixing bowl take my reflection righttheresee guys once that’s done put this intopreheated oven[Applause][Music][Applause]I’m going to pump the heat up to twohundred fifteen minutes lay down perfectnow let this cool for about 10 to 15minutes if you cut it up toasted slatherit with some butter so that was ourbanana bread recipe make sure use brownand Cuban honors Tonio’s fresh as greenor yellow ones they never work and themore bananas we use better it gets sonaked let me know how it goes and justfollow me if you want more recipes ifnot just Ben isolation by yourselfyou