Bread Recipes


Left over ingredients from the fridge😊
2 ripe banana
2 eggs
1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
1tsp baking soda
2Tbsp oil or butter
1/2cup all purpose cream
1/4 cup condensed milk
6 Tbsp brown sugar
Optional: raisins or chocolate chips and crushed walnuts or peanuts

Cooking time:
30 minutes/ 15mins. On high temp. Then reduce to 350°F to 300°F

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[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]first you flatten all these bananas andmake sure they are all flat and then youadd the egg drop the eggs directly ontothe bowl and into the banana to youbasically put all the ingredients alltogether to consolidate it and just tomake it oh yes I put those two eggscrack the eggs into the bowl and stir itit’s all this all and all mixed up withthe banana if you are new to my channelyes and bring the notification well andif you may so you can get an article orwhenever I make a new video aboutcooking tips yes please subscribe andhit like if you like my video yeahI also have my previous video which isalready shown on the YouTube channelthat I have and it’s called the lockdownspaghettiI made a spaghetti a while a while ago Iput up their video and it’s all aboutthe ingredients are original and I justhave to put these ingredients alltogether and invent my original recipeabout this because I like the taste ofSpanish sardines onto my spaghettijust like Watty style and yeahyou call them Sardinia in Italy yesthat’s how they are called thesturdiness in Italy Sardinia becausethere’s a place in there that’s whatthey call it and now I’m putting allthese one and a half cup of all-purposeflour that almost all purpose flour isjust about right for my six inches pan Ihave a very small pan which is a run sixinches on um just remind you I will justbake this one in my bread toaster Idon’t have a real oven so there you goso it just right about to fit in my barred toaster now I’m adding brown sugarit’s about six Oh spoonful of brownsugar to mix it all up and you justchoose now stir it nicely until it’swell distributed all over and well -just – just to make sure that theingredients are all distributed evenlyso you get a nice bread for yourcinnamon banana bread and then when it’sall ingredients are all mixed up andthen you’re ready to go to put them inthe in your pan so make sure you have tooil the pan before you put it so itwouldn’t stick into the pan when it whenit’s done and cook yes this is a verynice bread puddingI mean banana bread so I hope you willenjoy my recipe in addition to this I’mgoing to also some of these left overfrom the fridge that I have and it’scream the whipped cream and and alsosome condensed milk just to add a littleflavor on your banana of course theseare all the leftover since its lockdownI cannotactually grab my groceries right awaybecause we are all on schedule duringthis time of a pandemic kovat 19 here inthe Philippines so what I do now is Ijust bake and cook a little bit for myfamily just to enjoy ourselves duringthe lockdownso we don’t get bored especially whenyou are bored you can have a tool allover your house can go and do sing inthe rain when actually train startstarted about few days ago it was firstpulled by the typhoon Ambo yes andunfortunately this typhoon on balldevastated country once again yes youknow it our country is like the highwayalso of typhoon and it’s beginning ofthe typhoon season now and started withample just a few days agooh I’m stirring up now the love of ourcream and also the condensed milk when Iall distributed is evenly I will talkabout itOricon through the pan and to theproblem so even though I am NOT readyand enjoy we use we can actually enjoyyour pan however I’m using a six inchesagain before you go in all youringredients and just bake it in yourbread toaster that’s how easy it ismaking this cinnamon banana bread if youare really bored in this time of ourquarantine or ecq lockdown you can playwith your kids is a very important towalk play with them or continue theirnormal studies just pick up what they’releft out from the school during the timethat they are still in school and justcontinue it in your house if they haveany activities online as this goesadvice you can join them and by helpingthem Hey and here we go we are now readyto put it in the inside the breadtoaster or cinnamon bread or cinnamonbanana bread it takes about half an hourto cook this one inside the yeah breadtoaster so normally the sitting in timeis up to 50 minutes only and the maximumnow the high temperature is 450 andthat’s normal for the bread to betoasted so you actually put it intohigher temperature higher highest ratherand then right after 15 minutes is doneyou can pull it out and check it out ifit’s already cooked I can insert atoothpick just to test it and this caseI don’t have a toothpick I have only bychopsticks which is doable for testingas you can see it’s until wet inside soI’m gonna put it back insidebread toaster and set it into 300degrees so you just put the temperaturedown a little bit so it won’t burn thetop and then set the timer for another15 minutes and that’s itafter that you have wallah bread puddingcinnamon banana bread and an instantyou don’t need an open to make it youjust utilize what you have it’s and mypart I have my bread toaster so thereyou goI can make it inside there no matter howsmall it is you just saw by a small panthat fits inside your toaster and youcan do such well I hope you enjoy myrecipe if you did please hit thenotification bell or notification ballfor my next cooking tips or baking tipswhatever it comes in my mind and as youcan see the bread is very nice andtexture you can see there there is ahole in a small holes and again it’svery good try it if you want to pull thebutter in itgo ahead and

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