Bread Recipes

How To Bake Cheesy Ensaymada | Pinoy Bread

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hi everyone welcome back to our channelMilo Lila another cooking episode andtoday we are going to meCici and Samantha I got the recipe fromfoxy foxy I am going to put the link forher blog on the description box belowfor the complete recipe so keep onwatching let’s bake bread butter and I’musing this one I bought this at ChrisalreadyI bought this from Amazon and it’s thepremium nonstick so they can be streamat perfect for making pastry pizza breadcookie food food great product nonstickso the coordinating man easy to cleaneasy to store a whole dish and I put itback after cleaning and drying I’ll putit back in the box and put it awaylet’s not your hair firstlet’s prepare the Deacons so let’s let’sproceed tell me about it it’s one cup ofmilk 1/2 cup of sugar 1/2 cup softenedbutter 1 tablespoon yeast pinch of salt1/4 cup butter for brushing later 3 and1/2 cup flour 3 egg yolks for ourtoppings we will need 1/2 cup softenedbutter sugar 1/2 cup powdered sugar andgrated cheese cheese of your choice I’musing mild cheddar cheese for today solet’s proceedlet’s start by proofing the yeastwe will also need warm water about 1/4cup of warm water you add 2 tbsp ofsugar can you get the spoon a today andthen add your yeast and you get a spoonseeif you see bubbles it means that ouryeast is alive all we need to do is towait for 10 minutes – 15 minutes untilit will become active okay pour the milkinside the bowl then the sugar and thebutteradd the soul the egg yolks and half ofthe flour add it gradually mix whileadding[Music]and add the yeast continue to add theflour just mix them well and if it’sready to need you may need it inside abowl first then transfer it to yourworking surfacemake sure to sprinkle flour on theworking surface and continue to knead mydaughter is helping me[Music]just continue to knead the dough untilit becomes soft and elastic brush theball with butter and place the doughinside it cover it with cling wrap butbefore that brush the dough with butterso that it will not stick let the doughrise for an hour so after it’s risenjust punch the dough for the air andsprinkle your working surface and dividethe dough into 8 equal piecesso roll the dough into lugs I’m usingthis cupcake liners to prevent fromsticking to the molder and this moduleis a Yorkshire pudding holder but I’musing it for my enzyme Ida so all youneed is to form it into a spiral formand arrange it into the molder let itrise again for 15 to 30 minutes and thenbrush it with butterpreheat your oven to 150 degrees ashesbake it for about 20 to 25 minutes whilebaking let’s prepare the toppings mixbutter and powdered sugarand set this aside the bread is readyremove it from the oven and make sure ithas cooled down before we apply thebutter mixture because it will just meltand we don’t want it we want thesoftened butter to stay on top of ourbread so I’ve tried it and it’s stillhot so we need to wait for our looked alittle bit longer so the bread hascooled downI’ve applied a brushed butter on top ofit and then sprinkle some cheese a lotof cheese so here is our finishedproduct our cheesy inside my done I hopeyou enjoy the video please don’t forgetto subscribe to our Channel and click onthe notification bell for more updates

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