Bread Recipes

How To Bake, Cheddar Cheese Bread, Easy Recipe

Make easy and delicious cheddar cheese bread, super simple recipe that the whole family will enjoy, perfect for grilled cheese.

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yeah your water your salt and your honeyto your flour mixture go ahead and turnyour mixer on mix and leave it on thereand we’re gonna slowly pour in youryeast mixture make sure you get it allin there you scrape it out the spatulalaughter then you’re gonna add yourstarter you’re gonna let that go forabout one minute just to get everythingincorporated then you’re gonna turn iton number 2 or 3 medium speed and let itgo for 10 minutes process doesn’t stickjust stretch it outI do the four corners one two threeall the way over now you have a nicesoft dough place it inside herewell bow and then we’re gonna cover itand about in two hours later we’re gonnastart folding it alright so it’s beentwo hours as you can see the dough hasdoubled spread out some flour cuz you’regonna be stretching this dough cuzyou’re gonna kind of laminate it whichmeans folding over this is your doughit’s nice and beautiful see how big yougot yeahturn all the contents out you shouldjust plop right out it’s gonna deflatebut don’t worry about thatalright so take your your cheese youkind of just space it out longer like agood zigzag alright fold tuck cheesecheese cheese cheese again kinda slideit over stretch this part out and I justthrow my hair 1/2let’s get him over so you want to allcover them you gonna take this part tuckit over now I’m gonna use a hotel panthat’s the biggest one I got it up anddrop it inyou’re gonna tuck in the sides it’s okayif this cheese pops out tuck in thesides and it’s gonna look like that nowyou’re gonna cover it and you’re gonnalet it proof for another hour all rightso it’s been resting again for anotherhour you can see that it’s proofed allthe way up to almost there over littleover the room take off your top coverand then what you’re gonna do is you’regonna just take some of that cheese yetfrom earlier and you’re just gonna shredit and you’re gonna put it on top that’sgonna melt and turn like a real darkbrown but he gives a real nice taste toyour crust you don’t want to put toomuch because you don’t want to go intothe sides and burning so I just kind ofspread it outnow place it inside oven 375 and you’regonna check on it and then about 25 to30 minutes all right so it’s been dryingit’s nice and cool really nice color

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