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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
our ingredients are one package ofactive dry yeast 2 2 1/4 cups warm water110 degrees to 115 degrees andtablespoon of canola oil 3 and 1/2tablespoons of sugar 1 tablespoon ofsalt the steps are in it number 1 andour large bowl dissolve yeast and 1/2TSP sugar and warm water let stand untilbubbles form on surface what’s togetherremaining 3 tablespoons sugar salt and 3cups flour stir oil into yeast mixturepour into flour mixture and beat untilsmooth stir and enough remaining flour1/2 cup at a time to form a soft doughstep 2 turn onto a floured surface kneaduntil smooth and elastic 8 to 10 minutesplace in greased bowl turning once togrease the top cover and let rise in awarm place until doubled one toone-and-a-half 6-yard punch dough downturn onto a light surface layers flouredsurface divide dough in half sheet eachinto a loafplacing to grease 9 to 5 inch loaf panscover and let rinse until doubled one toone and a half hours bake at 375 untilgolden brown and bread sounds hollowwhen tapped or has reached an internaltemperature 200 degrees 30 to 35 minutesremove from pan to wire racks to cool uhI took a taste of my bread and it tastedvery sweet in a very yummy it wascrunchy on the outside but soft on theinside so like a perfect texture andyeah and you knead the dough themolecules change because of the chemicalreactionand it’s SS bond the browning of thebread is themaiya large reaction baking soda reactsto an actual acid so it makes a chemicalreaction an electric oven heats up by awire so that wire creates radiationwhich heats up the bread so the outsideof the bread gets hotter that’s why ithas like that crunchy texture to it andthe inside is softer because it has moremoisture in it so in our doughthere’s yeast wheat sugar sugar cane cowchicken and these are all nutrients sowhen our bread tastes sweet that meanswe had to sugar and I want to tastesalty means added salt I think my dollwas perfect so and my bird so I don’tthink I need to change anything in mybrain but if I what I’ll try add somemore sugar because I like the sweetnessof the breadthe essential question how can we applythe chemistry in thermodynamicspresenting in McGee’s book on food andcooking to explain the baking of leafand onions breadswell the Maggie’s book and on cook foodand cooking that website it has a lot ofinformation about the science behindyeast and molecules and all those kindsof stuff how they bond and stuff so wecan use that on leaves and on thesebreads because leaves bread is verydifferent from these bread and terms ofscience