Bread Recipes

How to bake Beer Toast Bread ✪ MyGerman.Recipes

Beer Toast Bread combines two of Germanys favorite culinary specialties: Beer and Bread! So if Beer and Bread are having a baby, this is it, right? 😉

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in my last video I showed you how tobake a regular toast bread today I willshow you a different toast bread it’scalled a beer toast bread for a beertoast bread you have to prepare a pieceof dough that is basically nothing elsethan 250 grams of flour and 250millilitres of beer and I mix that andlet it soak overnight my otheringredients are 250 grams of flour 1/2 atablespoon of vinegar about 35 to 55milliliters of warm milk 55 grams ofbutter 7 grams of salt 15 grams of maltan egg yolk half a tablespoon of honeyand a package of dry yeast I will takethe prepared via dough and put it intomy bowl and then I add the flour on topok and I add the milk about half of itsome honeyand the dry yeast mix this a little bitand then let it stand for a couple ofminutes until this becomes foamyokay you can see the bubbles here I willnow add the remaining ingredientsI’ll wait with a salt a little bitbefore I add it but I cannot already addthe vinegar and I still have some milkleft over just in case I need a littlemilk for my dough okay so this goes intothe mixer and we’ll mix for ten minutes[Music]okay after 10 minutes of kneading upsthis is the dough it’s a lot softer andmore liquid than the previous toastbread dough and it’s a little moredifficult to work with it it reminds mevery much of the door of a sourdoughbread okay all rightand I will give it a short need for myhand now and just like the other toastbread I will fold it to the center[Music]and then I let it rest for a couple ofminutes now it’s time to put the doughinto the pan and I will flip it fromeach side to the center roll it a littlebit and put it into my baking pan sopress it into the corners just like thisand now this goes into my oven forproofing not for baking so if you havean oven that can prove you can put it inthere if you have an warm spot in yourhouse not a hot spot then you can put itthere just to let it rise for about 50to 60 minutes as you can see here thedough has rised very nicely it’s even alittle bit over the edge of the bakingpan so in my last toast bread I just puta baking sheet on top and somethingheavy on top of that to bake it thistime I want to show you a different wayto do it I have a second baking pan andI will just put it on top of this oneand this goes into the oven just likethis and I will bake it at 480 degreeFahrenheit for 10 minutes that’s 250degrees Celsius after 10 minutes I willknow what to the temperature to 410degree Fahrenheit which is 210 degreesCelsius okay so I didn’t let this baketoo long I would say overall it was like25 to 30 minutes I checked in betweenhow the bread looks and Wow here comessome steam and it looks very nice[Music]you can hear it sounds hollow when Iknock on it yeah and I will let thiscool now on a frac and cut it open laterso you can see how it turned out this isa really beautiful bread I I reallyloved how it turned out beautiful colorlet me know that it’s cord completelycut this open so we can see how itturned out on the inside yeah this looksreally beautiful it’s very light it’snot you know they’re the toast breadthat you buy in the store is a lot morefluffy and you might be a little bitdisappointed because you kind of expectthat here too but so there are nochemicals in this bread while there arequite a few chemicals in in thestore-bought bread that makes it fluffyand and airy and light this is a littledifferent but the taste is amazing andit does not smell like beer let’s seehow it tastes I have some butter on bitand you can decide if you want some Jamsomething sweet you know some Nutellamaybe or if you want to have some cheesesome some hearty spread some cold cutson it that’s totally up to you I’ll justhave it with some butter and see whatit’s likeand so it’s a dream it’s very deliciousnow if you like it’s maybe a tiny littlebit too much of this saltmmm because the butter here is saltedbut other than that and you can just putit in the toaster or eat it the way itis absolute delicious yeah I hope youlike it as much as I doif you like this recipe if you like thisvideo please give me a thumbs up andsubscribe to my channel so you willnever miss one of my videos[Music]you[Music]

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