Bread Recipes

How to Bake Banana Bread Muffins

How to Bake Banana Bread Muffins

For the full banana bread muffin recipe (that has chocolate chips in it), click here:

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Video Transcription

hi welcome to baking with bunny todaywe’re going to be making banana breadbirds are going to take the sugar onestick of butter stick I’m not oh yes youhave to you have to melt it you have tomelt the butter and and salted orunsalted doesn’t matter okay now we haveto mix now we’re going to put in twoeggswhy don’t you crack them in the cupfirst to make sure you don’t get showtrashcanwhat do we do next Juliannayeah me okay you guys go firstand oh yesokay next we’re going to do threebananas and mix themnow we’re going to do the two cups offlouryou can stop the mixer turn it off andand lift it up and then pour the flourin oh yes okay Starbucks I guess yeahyeah I’m telling you what to do withoutusing my voice[Applause]one teaspoon of cinnamonuse the teaspoon of baking powder firstsecond thoughokay now the cinnamon rightyou can unscrew the cap would it bebetter if you put the spoon in the jaryeah[Music][Applause]yeah who asked you to music whatmore than we used all the ingredientsokay Gatsby used all the ingredients butare we gonna enter pitches yes butbefore we add chocolate chips we’regonna put some in this pan oh yesbecause I don’t like chocolate chips andmy banana bread muffinssomebody’s photobombing you’re makingmoney daddyDylan you can add chocolate chips if youwant to optional now we’re going to addsome chocolate chipslooks good now I’m gonna put thechocolate in okay now you have to cookit in the oven for 25 minutesHere I am again and um this is what itshould look like when you’re when it’sdone cooking and I would like to callsomeoneLandon what what’s the best part ofcooking and bakingyou getting of course yeah okay so nowwhat speaks see how it tastestastes deliciouseven with chocolate chips you want therecipe go to Christina all day calm andsearch banana breaddo you have banana bread on the front ofyour teeth I do yeah try like yeah let’stry one[Music]

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