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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
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Bread Recipes
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[Music]hello guyswelcome to my channeltoday guys i have another recipeum this is uhbanana bread we havelots of banana it’s too much ripeguys so i want to use it to make abananabread first ingredients guys uh oneone cup of all-purpose flouroil one cup of oilone egg a little saltthree banana oberaifeand 3 4 cupof sugar and1 3 cup of milk andbaking powder 1 teaspoonit starts guys we need to mashthe bananamash itor if you don’t have like this guysyou need the pork to mash itokayi need to put the eggthe milkand the oiland the sugar[Music]with the mix guysthis guys this recipe is very easyno need the machine or any blenderyou need only to mash the bananawe put the salt little saltto mix the sweet and the littlesalt sugarnow guys we put the vanilla little onlyone teaspooni need to moveand we put the flour guys one cup flourand baking powdernow guys we put thewe need to mixthis one guys this is it guys umbanana bread uh need to put in ovenuh one hour 350 degreeit’s very easy guys you try it guysand it’s very nutritive for the kidsthe final product banana bread guyshope you enjoy our recipe today guysplease like and subscribe to my channelthank you god blessyou