Bread Recipes

How to BAKE a BANANA BREAD…in lockdown! 🍌

Were you even in lockdown if you didn’t make a banana bread? I’m following Mary Berry’s iconic banana bread recipe & baking one at home (where else?) while updating you on life & what YouTube looks like for me moving forward.

VonShelf Hand Whisk –
The recipe itself…





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[Music]hey there guys how you doing a hopeyou’re doing well thank you so much forall the positive love that I’ve beenpositive love there’s not negative loveis that I don’t know it’s been great tosee some of your creations from homethat you’ve been sending in andmessaging me with that’s great keep thatup I hope you’re not sick of thosevideos because we’ve got another onecoming up today right now I’ve got mylittle bit MTV Evan over my hands hopeyou’ve enjoyed the videos we got anotherone coming up right now this is whatit’s all about I need to stop doing thatThat’s not meas you guys know this is an importantone for anybody who’s in a lockdownwhich is all of us right now what youeven in lockdown if you didn’t make abanana bread and of course it’s prettygood because it’s maryberry when did sheever lead us wrong in Mary we trustwe’re gonna keep the ingredients simpleas well you don’t you very much for thiswe’re gonna need 100 grams of butter 175grams or 6 ounces of castor sugar yesonly two eggs two ripe bananas 225 gramsof self-raising flour 1 teaspoon ofbaking powder and 2 tablespoons of whatthe Germans call mish – you know if theydo call it that that’s just what I callit when I go to Germany I still don’thave baking parchment I keep forgettingto buy it so what I’ve actually done andit’s worked well for me in the past isjust taking a loaf tin you will need aloaf tin for this because you’re makinga banana loaf I haven’t got bakingparchment so I have literally as alwaysjust pre buttered that’s one shepreheated your oven to 180 degrees youwant to just take a mixing bowl a bigold mixing bowl like this one and youwant to put your ingredients in it’sreally that simple[Music]now step one done you just put all inthe bottle easy Mary makes easy for youdoesn’t you so there you go it’s all inthe bowl now you’re gonna take yourelectric whisker ideally with whisks inthe end I haven’t put them in there yetand you want to just whisk it alltogether make sure it’s nice and youknow it looks like a cake mixture wewill lick the bowl we know what themixture looks like[Music]now you want to point into yourpre-preparedloaf tin and then it goes in the oven at180 degrees hopefully if you werelistening you’ve already preheated theoven if you weren’t listening I can’thelp you so once it’s in the loaf tinlike so it then goes into the oven foraround an hour you’ll want to keep aneye on it obviously you don’t want tooverdo it and you still want it to benice and kind of gooey and warm insidebut you certainly don’t want to burnyour banana bread you have to makeyourself a banana bread if you’re inlockdown you have to read a book and youhave to I don’t know go for a 5k run soif you’ve done all the hoos things welldone if not why not start with a bananabread let’s stick it in the oven sowhile the banana bread is in the oven Ithought I just have a little have a chatsay hi and let you know what’s going onwith us no a lot lot dead like everyoneelse my wife for those of you that don’tknow that a new to this channel is aviolin teacher and a really good one atthatshe has been teaching her lessons viaSkype and zoom and all these differentthingssince the social distancing measurescame into place so she’s been doing thatand she’s had a lot of uptake on that sofor her it’s relatively business asusual for myself I had a couple ofpeople asking me recently for YouTubeand vlogging and all of that is my job Idon’t get paid to do this this is kindof just me doing it out of a labor oflove well at first it was out of boredomand I just carried on because I’ve beenenjoying it very much for me it’scertainly not about the money butequally wouldn’t it be great to dosomething you loved and get paid to doitso I’m enjoying exploring this wholeworld and this whole opportunity to dothese things right now that I have andso we’ll see where it takes us I’m alsoa full-time student as well so I’mbusying myself you guys see a very smallportion of my day I am writing essaysI’m kind of reading books and learningthings you know helping Jo with herbusiness and working on the flatpainting and things you know is I’mkeeping busy I’m certainly not just sitaround all day and watching Netflix bythe way if anybody has any really goodideas as to what we should be watchingwe are open lots of people have beensuggesting Tiger King as an option I didwatch the first two episodes of TigerKing I wouldn’t say it was my cup of teareally I can see why people liked it itwas intriguing you know you see thetrailer and you think oh that looksweird and then you watch it and it isquite weird we watch the stranger ofcourse everyone’s seen that if youhaven’t seen the stranger that I wouldrecommendalthough the ending disappointing Ithought I thought it was rushed so yeahlet us know in the comments belowor drop us a line some other way ifthere’s some great program that we oughtto be watching I just thought I’d have alook see how the banana bread was doingbecause you know time I hadn’t gone offbut forward keep an eye on it and justdo do the right thing like I did do theright thing but you certainly don’tlearn better you’ve not read not surewhat’s going wrong there we followed therecipes of the letterlet’s see if we can save it normally myrecipes go well it still looks okay Ithink it’s probably still going to beedible but that’s not something you wantto have to clarify it make something youdon’t have to say to people think it’salright think it’s okay but there we gothat’s the finished banana bread in thelight of all of this what I would say isit probably doesn’t need an hour fundidn’t preheat the oven to 180 degreeswhich I did bake for about 1 hour untilwell risen and golden brownyeah how long have I got left on thetimer so it was right at the end of thetimer as well we were within the last 10minutes I apologize I’ve led you astrayfor the first time or maryberry Marigafine I said and of course it’s prettygood because it’s maryberrywhat the cheer believed us wrong buttoday Mary today today you’ve let usdown ok guys I think I managed to saveit as you can see the inside remainsunaffected and I have actually justtried a little bit off camera because ifit was disgusting I don’t want a gag oncamera but it’s not disgusting it tastesdamn goodstill warm the chocolate chips you cansee have lended nicely I put those in asa late addition to the recipe had themin the cupboard afforded chochmah in thebowl I would have liked a little bitlighter than that but don’t let itdeceive you because this is still verytasty and I’m still going to eat all ofit but share it with the wife obviouslybut let’s give it a tasteenergy it doesn’t take burn at all justtake chocolate even honoré warm slightlymoist you want it to be a little bitmoist in there doing quite dense youknow yes that’s what banana bread shouldbut like I think inside when I came outof the oven it looked dessert was ruinedbut I’m happy I’m happy with it you mayas well leave me to finish this becauseI’m gonna stand here and eat themajority of it before Joe finishes ateach end violent please do subscribewrite the link below that would be greatif you could do that if you haven’talready the content is coming thick andfast just the way I like it hopefullyjust the way you like it I’ll see you inthe next video take care stay safe andenjoy your banana bread bye bye anyway

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