Bread Recipes

Homemade Bread | How To Make No-Knead Bread Without A Bread Machine

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hey lovely is so I know the last coupleof weeks have been pretty tough oneveryone and I really hope that you arestaying healthy and happy and safe athome now if you’re anything like me intimes of uncertainty and crisis maybeyou turn to cooking and baking fortherapy I know that I myself have beendoing a lot more cooking lately and inthe last few weeks have probably donemore baking than I have done in theentire year so I thought it would be funtoday to share with you my recipe for areally simple no need bread now ifyou’ve never made bread at home beforeyou’re going to be shocked by how simpleit actually is it all starts byactivating our yeast so for this recipeI am using dry active yeast if you’vegot instant yeast in your pantry you cantotally skip this step it is definitelydefinitely up to you to activate myyeast I am using some warm water so it’simportant that your water be warm nothot hot water will kill your yeast butcool water it won’t activate it as wellso you want it to sort of be just tepidto that I’m going to add just a littlebit of sugar the sugar here it helpsthat yeast activate even further and I’mgoing to be adding 1/2 a teaspoon ofyeast to my water like this super supersimple I’m just gonna give it a quicklittle stir and then all I’m going to dois let this sit for about ten minutesthat’s going to give the yeast ampletime to get activated you’ll see itstart to get a little frothy on top andthat’s how you know it’s workingit’ll also start to have that smell ofbread super quintessential bread smellin the meantime I am going to be turningmy attention to my dry ingredients ofwhich there are two I’m starting withsome all-purpose flour in my boil youcould use bread flour hear it butall-purpose will work just as well sowhatever you have on hand and that’swhat you’re going to use in this recipeto that I’m going to add a nice bighelping of salt so I’ve got about ateaspoon and a half of salt here and allI’m going to do is just mix it in nowyou can do this with a whiskyou can do it with your hands that iswhat I am doing today and you just wantto get that salt nice and incorporatedin your flour and guys that’s it yourdry ingredients are ready to go ouryeast is fully activated you can tellbecause it’s nice and frothy on top andnow it’s time to bring these two thingstogether we are just going to pour thismixture right into our flour mixture andguess what happens next guys it’s allabout the hands now I promised you thisis no need oh so this is really the onlywork you’re basically gonna have to dowith it you want to make sure that youjust basically get all that dry flour upin the wet mixture and after about aminute of mixing this is what you end upwith this really sticky sort of scragglydough and I know it’s hard to believebut it is actually as simple as thatwe’re simply going to place a piece ofplastic wrap over our bowl and thenplace our dough in a nice warm spot inour house you want to make sure thatit’s not too drafty and that it’s above70 degrees Fahrenheitwe’re going to let that dough hang outovernight until it’s basically tripledin volume and of course guys through themagic of YouTube I happen to have onealready risen and it looks a littlesomething like this so I made this onelast night it’s been sitting for about12 hours and look at the magic that’shappened here you’ll notice my dough hasat least tripled in volume and it’s gottons of bubbles throughout that is areally good sign that’s what’s going togive our bread that amazing sort ofspongy texture this is looking reallyreally good the next step in our breadmaking process is going to be turningthis out onto some parchment paper Ihighly recommend using parchment paperfor this cuz this Joe is very sticky andit will stick to whatever surface you’reworking on I also find the parchmentpaper it makes the dough super easy totransfer so basically what we’re goingto do now that our parchment paper isfloured we are going to pull our doughout of the bowl once I’ve got my doughturned out onto my parchment paper I’mgoing to put a little more flour on topof it and then I just want to fold it inon itself and it’s really as simple asfold so I’m going to fold it towards meaway from me and then pulls in bothsides then I’ll flip my dough over sothe seam side is on the bottom and thenyou’ll understand why the parchmentpaper is so essential here we’rebasically it just going to drop it rightinto our second ball so it’s time forour second rise the second rise is goingto be two hours we’re just gonna coverthis with a kitchen towel place it backin a nice warm spot in my house and thenlet it rise for those two hours in themeantime I want to talk to you a littlebit about the baking method of thisbread now to bake the spread we aregoing to be using a classic Dutch ovenyou guys probably know by now I amobsessed with my Dutch oven I use it forall kinds of cooking it’s a really heavyduty and it’s got a tight-fitting lidwhat’s important to know about dutchovens is you don’t have to splurge on asuper expensive one i’m sure you guyshave seen it you can find them forbetween two and three hundred dollarsand that in my world is a little toopricey i actually picked my Dutch ovenup for less than fifty dollars on amazonand it has been amazing in the kitchenso if you do not feel like splurging youdefinitely do not have to do oneimportant thing to note is that we aregoing to be putting our entire Dutchoven including the lid into a very hotoven so you want to make sure that thehandle on your lid is oven safe ifyou’re not certain I highly recommendcovering the handle in a bit of aluminumfoil always better at safe than sorrythat’s my motto at least so the realsecret to success with this recipe isactually getting your Dutch oven supersuper hot the idea is that you want toget it nice and hot before your dougheven goes into it thirty minutes beforeyou’re ready to bake your bread you’regoing to place your Dutch oven into theoven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit it hasbeen cooking in the oven for 30 minutesso it’s steaming hot you want to bereally really careful at this point andnow this is when our parchment paper itcomes in the most handy we’re basicallygoing to take our parchment papertransfer itin to our Dutch oven like this and thenit’s just a matter of popping the lid onmaking sure it’s nice and tight and thenwe will get this right back into theoven we’ll set our timer for 30 minutesand after 30 minutes we can remove thelid and cook it for another 10 to 15minutes and it should be ready and oh mygosh guys the first thing you’re goingto notice is that your house smellsabsolutely amazing the second thingyou’re going to notice is that you’vemade homemade bread congratulations thehardest part I find with this bread ishaving the patience to allow it to coolfor five to ten minutes before cuttinginto it but once you do guys this iswhat you end up with can you believe thetexture of this bread isn’t that to dieforand trust me of the taste is just aswonderful you can serve this up simplywith just a smear of butter or a littlebit of olive oil or you could gettotally fancy and make some sandwicheswith it of course it’s super versatile Ireally hope you guys will givebread-making a try for yourselves and ofcourse if you do be sure to tweet meInstagram me or Facebook me a photobecause you know how much I love seeingyour kitchen creations the full recipefor this bread is linked in thedescription box below so you can find itthere and finally if you haven’t alreadybe sure to subscribe because there islots more deliciousness where this camefrom

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