Who is craving fresh baked school bread from Epcot!? Here’s how to bake the same school bread that you can get from Epcot’s Norway Pavilion. If we can do it anyone can! Don’t forget to let us know how yours turns out!
The content of this video is not directed towards children under 13.
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Video Transcription
hey guys I’m Michele my mana and I’m gayBo and today we’re gonna attempt to bakeschool bread from Epcot’s NorwayPavillion and she forgot to tell youthat we’re from monarch moment in caseyou don’t know our channel if you’re newhere don’t forget to subscribe and hitthat Bell so you’ll be notified as soonas we post a new video or we go back andsmash act like button and mr. Mike Mikewill err oh that’s right gave us therecipe I also like to a cook he does helikes to cook and bake so he’s yourGabriel’s gonna be our little helperNorman begin we’re just gonna give youwe’re gonna show you what our gradientsare so we have some milk in the fridgewe have some cardamom powder somevanilla extract some vanilla pudding mixsome dry yeast coconut oh yeah flour 25pound bag we don’t and then we have someshredded coconut some powdered sugarsome regular sugar some unsalted butterand an egg and we were lucky to get someof the stuff like the yeast and theflowers like super hard to get thesedays being I’m locked in so we werereally happy that we yeah we were veryhappy that we were able to get that sonow that we’re stuck at home we’re gonnado a little baking and test out thisschool bread sorry oh yeah yeah sorryyou ready you’re ready to bake let’s getbakinglet’s do it[Music]I’m gonna be pouring 1 and 1/2 cups ofmilk in here and then we’re gonna okayyou can and I’m gonna cut this butterwith the paper I don’t yep you’re justgonna cut right through hopefullythat’ll workwe just need you know what we’ll do takethe paper off we’re gonna do we’re gonnado yeah there you go make a line so weonly need to have a stick of butter sowe’re just gonna I got my hand in therethat’s about so we just need a half astick of butter Gabe just cut it rightin half there there we go and we’regonna put it in here all right we’rejust gonna plop it right in here thenwe’re gonna keep that on the stove howyou like it did you measure one in halfcups yeah so they have checked okayso then one a half cups of whole milk1/4 cup and melted butter that’s thehalf a stick and I can’t read the darkheat on stove top until oh okay thenSusy it’s more I’m gonna add in theyeast and the sugar so put that overhere I’ll turn it on to put over hereokay we’ll get that goingstill you don’t want it to be boiling weonly want it to be 1 so we’re gonna helpkeep an eye on that and now in themeantime we’re gonna measure the sugarhow much sugar do you need I don’t thinkit’s that much 1/2 okay yeah let me open[Applause]I’m gonna open the sugar because it’sbrand-new we have to wait and so no oneadd in yeast and sugar okay yeah we canjust keep it that’s 1/4 cup right nothat’s 1/2 so this is 1/2 cup thatshould go good heavens this is why Idon’t beoh wait a minute what was are you shirtwe’re having cup of sugar 1/2 a cup ofsugar we’re gonna boost what it saysuntil warm yeah so we got to let thatwarm up and then we’re gonna get on itused to mean we need a pack so I’m justgonna cut a path out here okay buddyyou’re gonna break the egg okay it’slike it says a pack which one day so wejust met don’t open it until we dump itin there just right here ready we golet’s get this out of the way startingto melt it’s just it’s just butter andmilk so when it’s warm and but then weturn it off what do we do I’m addingyeast and sugar stir let’s it until theAesop’s foamy about 10:00 right I thinkwe turn it off though does it say – nopejust oh man they should have put thatpart in the recipe so I’m kind of thinkit says heat into a warm right heat onstovetop into warm and then I think weturn it off have to make everything Idon’t have to spell these things now ina little bit more everybody just doesn’tneed to be a good kicker a kickeroh yeah coconut kickerI opened the yeast packet just to get itready but that’s all right I think Ithink this is gonna be okayand actually you know what it’s howdoesn’t cheat it tells us that we’regonna mix all this stuff in the bowl soonce we put the the sugar in the yeastin here then the nextis to add the cardamom powder the flourone cup at a time into this pan so itlooks like we mix it all in there andthen we’re gonna let the dough rise foran hour I’m going to use my instant potbecause it actually can do it faster Ohyep so that’s a little dump it in thereis no no no I think it down we don’twant it like boiling or anything boy sothe butters melted so that went prettyfast I swear I heard her egg crack but Idon’t see any cracks so I think we’regoodalmost melted so then we’re gonna sowhat do you do you let it oh we have tolet it sit and sit until yes so me okayand then while we’re letting it sit willkind of come back and have our flour andour cardamom powder ready to go and thenthat’s just sugar and then I will showyou I’ll show you what the dough lookslike before we put it in the what dothey call proof of the dough to let itrise so probably like stir it to kind oflike break it down more oh that would bean idea here we go let’s get a what I doand I’m done I want you to get ready wejust don’t want it to be boiling yeahand then after that are you sure we surewe turn it off yeah and we’re just gonnamove off that burner I just want to makesure this butter is not really gross tous kind of like a ghost okay now whatdoes they put the sugar and the yeast inthere add in East and sugar stir Iwonder if we do the yeast first does itsay yeast and sugar or sugar and heatand add any Eastin sugar so yeast if Icould just sprinkle it aroundokay and then we’re gonna put the sugarin all right and then stir until thesubscribe me so about you start tenminutesstore it the whole timelet it sit until these six foamy stirbut it’s it I’m just stirring it so nowwe’re gonna add in the cardamom powderand we’re gonna add in the flour one cupat a times because I think our yeast iskind of foamy nope we’re gonna just do alittle scoop at a time let’s do wasn’thelping minnetonka let’s get a scooperthen but you know what that’s too big toscoop in there really says one cup Idon’t know but the scooper is in thereso we’ve already measured this is howmuch flour we needed four cups of flourno we’re gonna scale it is so just acouple couple this is a third so two orthree of these at a time it doesn’tmatter it’s just staying a little at atime so he really stir up I would followit mother well we’re just gonna stickhere I’m gonna wait don’t let me forgetwhat I’m measuring let me get that spoondon’t do it I’m gonna do this everythingokay let go please listenlet’s get do it like they know it but Ijust want to mix this in a little bityou before we use your hand okay gameyou can do a scoopit totally smells like bread I’mthinking we were supposed to yeah that’sfine dump it in there and I know it saysuse your hands but I don’t know if youthink about if you all got it but as Itry I’m gonna get the lump so there’ssomeone some hanging I’m afraid to putany more in there I’m trying to get thelumps of yeast out I think it wassupposed to all be mixed in hang on stopdoing that there’s chunks it there’schunks of yeast in here yeah you cansmell it because it smells like bread Iknow but I’m trying to get the chunksit’s got like I don’t think we like mixthe yeast in it’s just kind of also goodbread we’ll just be a little bit chunkyno it’s the yeast has to be spreadevenly or it’s not gonna give can youmove out of the way please you’re I meanI can’t stir and try to smell it yeahwell it smells like bread is what itsmells like where are those chunks ofyeast there’s a big brown I don’t knowif you guys can see it’s Oh see there’sone see there’s this big brown chunksthey’re black yeah big black chunks ofyeast or something in there that’s thetournament powder oh it is oh we’re goodwe’re goodthat’s okay as soon as it starts gettingthicker I’ll use my hands I hope yourhands are clean you have nails so ohyeah get ready not build all our flourwe already measured okay we’re down yeahyou’re done cuz we already had itmeasured and now you spilled it all overthe place don’t touch it sorry don’ttouch it can I do I know we’re doneyou can watch Mickey sandwich yeah hereplay with this thing I can scoop it overthere and play something I work playwith the flour right there there you goall rightcuz then we’re gonna have to knead itwith our hands that’s why it’s you can’tuse like a mixer because it usuallythick okay you know what don’t smush itall around though you can play with itso don’t fling itall right we’ll show you what it lookslike when we’re finished it’s like oldit was all stacked to see it’s like allstuck on the parchment paper but we justmade it work so the reason I have it onparchment paper and not rising in a bowlis because I wanted to use my instantpot and if you put in your instant poton the yogurt setting it actually canrise like twice as fast so so here wehave it it’s a little stuck to my youcan see it’s totally stuck to theparchment paper so I’m hoping we’ll beable to get it out when we’re done butanyways so we’re gonna stick it in aninstant pot it’s already on the yogurtsetting for three it’s for thirtyminutes and then you just put a glasslid on here like this and it’s alreadyit’s already going maybe I should add acouple more well it’s too late now soanyway we had it in there but um so onceit’s risen we will show you what we donext I think we roll it out and thenwe’re gonna make the jello we’re gonnamake the jello while it’s rising so youdon’t need to you don’t need to watchall that oh that’s so silly so basicallywe don’t need the jello to put it inanything and so once the breads like alldone at the end you like scoop out thetop and then you just kind of fill itwith the jello so we don’t just want toget prepared yeah it needs time to setin the refrigerator so that’s what we’regonna be working on now while this isrising so we’ll be back to show youokay so now we’re gonna check our doughit should be done and it should be yeahI’m gonna take on Seleucid a skate brocan I please have it no no he’s gonnawhole thing I’m sucking first it says wehave to go punch the dough down so so Idon’t know it doesn’t does it look likeit rose at all to you uh kind of thinkit like Scott solution when looking atfirst in our directions over therebecause now you should have put some inplastic wrap to cover before you didthis so that live in it well I don’tknow but hang on a secondwait so I’m wondering I don’t know if itlooks like it doesn’t look twice thesize I need briefly does it look twicethe place dough double in size dudedouble in sizeyeah it looks like poofier does it looklike it doubled in sizeoh no not reallyhmm can i let’s just punch it rightit’s because you stint it got stuck tothe parchment paper if you have greasedit and I don’t know we’re not sure whatit specific so we’re gonna just punch itdown like it says what I was gonna do itpunch punch it down and need briefly solike okay there’s a bunch of down in mebriefly let me go to punch it don’tpunch it punch it I said I’m gonna punchit she’s like there we gonow we’re gonna I’m gonna move this overhere here and then I’m gonna get a newpiece of parchment paper oh yes it looksgood now just just be careful justcareful it’s like a sticker it’s justlike a sticker you just have to unstickit from the thing and then I’m gonna goget some new parchment paper and youknow what we do we’ll just put a littleflouryeah we’re rolling you know I came I’mnot gonna have you roll I’m gonna add azipper sticky and I think we need to adda little bit of flour I’m gonna berolling Gabriel yeah you know what GabeI know I said once we get it rollingthen you can try and roll once we get itrolling you can try and roll but yeah infact it just feels like kind of like howit did before just like less sticky okayno okay okay inches we need 18 inches sohow long did we say a change in levelshe measured where’s our measuring[Music]and then don’t put the thing on thereyeah a flowerI’ve learned from your mistakes whyshould we get a ruler so we need 12 Ohgave that the ruler okay don’t touch thedough but just kind of hold it up andsee if for 18 inches don’t touch thedough well there’s about 18 inches huhlike six more oh okay all right so nowwe need like it says cut it into 12equal pieces so it says place okay itsays roll into a ball flat and slightlyand placed on parchment paper yeah Iknow it’s like you kind of almost haveto squeeze no added too much I know Iknow don’t roll them like that squeezethem so all the dough sticks togetherlike see inside there’s holes likebecause whatever I did it didn’t Ididn’t do it right so we have to makesure is OK maybe turn it inside out turnthem inside out that’s smooth and youcan add flour if they get sticky momthat’s not sticky I think we had it -mine are super sticky really yeah I knowalright so then we’re and then after weget our balls then we’re gonna just letthem rise for 20 minutesand um see now we’re gonna put the whipwist a and like kind of glaze maybe Ishould whisk it a little more they listit a while ago sitting there there yougo I’m hoping that these like rowsenough they don’t really look likethey’re so I just dude the TA just brushthe hole yeah I brush the whole thingwith the glaze yeahthey’re its girlfriend and now we’regonna put it in the oven for what 15minutes yeah it’s gonna turn a goldenbrownhopefully huh so he Anna’s making theglaze and I need a knife I shouldn’tshould have got itI’m gonna get a short one I’m justtrying to like keep it right let’s fillit I’m gonna get it so it says okay sothey came out mrs. Miko what does it saymake a small hole cut a small hole inthe top of each bun without goingthrough so this is where the puddinglike mini clam chowder bowl it is it’slike a mini bread bowl this is funny wecould totally make these you should likedip they dip these little guys in theretoo what do you think no because theremight not be any oh it’s just powderedsugar we’ll do that later so actuallyall the cooking is done this is just thefinishing touch mom don’t waste it I’mnot wasting you have to get this stuffhey I want to try one it’s interestingit’s that hardened mom I’m not sure if Ilike that stuff got spice grant Papawants more he’s like put lots of coconutokay we’re good how does that look goodGabriel let me go get you some moresugaroops now for the finishing touch you’regonna do one okay stick it right herestick it right there and then squeeze OhOh keep going oh nice there we gocool coolkeep going wait hang on we got to pullit up a little we want to make that onea little fuller I think this one shouldbe a little fuller – okay we want tomake sure oh no hang onwe want to make it pretty hang on Keanethere we go Wow mate asking to taste ityou’re gonna have to fill up with umwe’re gonna have to fill the pudding upput on these if you want to squeeze somemore squeeze it onto that one we madeliterally doughnut holes and thensqueeze and then squeeze and then Ithink we’re done right oh you’resqueezing it back in there okay thanksfor watching we’ll see you soon anddon’t forget to smash the white bunny -so Lucy real soon wow you said all mylines any and make sure to give a thumbsup too if you’re new to this channelthanks Gabe[Music]you