Hey guys! In todays video I am trying out a new gluten free and sugar free banana bread recipe! Like many of you I am trying to stay away from refined white sugar, but I still love sweet things! This recipe stays away from white sugar but still has the same delicious banana bread taste and its gluten free! I hope you enjoy and let me know if you try it!
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Recipe I used: https://yummyinspirations.net/2019/04/gluten-free-banana-bread-with-coconut-flour/
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everyone and welcome back to you atmy channel today i am coming at you withanother baking video today we are makinga gluten-free and white sugar-freebanana bread so we’re going to start outwith mashing up 3 ripe large bananas ofcourse you need bananas[Music]and then the recipe that I’m using thatcalls for 50 grams of unsalted meltedbutter I think I’m just using about 3tablespoons though melting that in themicrowave and then pouring it in it tothe banana mixture[Music]and then next I am adding one teaspoonof baking soda into a separate Bowl andthen the recipe calls for a pinch ofsalt not really sure the exactmeasurements on that so I did just apinch and then one teaspoon of groundcinnamon as well and then I’m adding ina third of a cup of coconut sugar andhalf a cup of coconut flour and then ina small bowl again I am cracking andmixing together two large eggs andpouring that into the wet mixture[Music]and then you’re supposed to use oneteaspoon of vanilla extract but Iunfortunately did not have any and theinternet told me that maple syrup is agood substitute so I am just doing oneteaspoon of pure maple syrup and then ofcourse adding the dry ingredients intothe wet and just mixing together untilcombined and then of course I amgreasing at the loaf pan and pouring inthe batter and after everything is inthe pan I am placing it into a 350degree oven for 45 minutes hey Siri seta timer for 45 minutes okay your timeris set for 45 minutes okay so like thatwas actually a really really quick andeasy to do so I am hoping that it turnsout okay this is the first time that Iam trying this recipe and I’m justtrying to be better about myself tryingto be better with the sugar which is whywe’re using natural coconut sugar aswell as maple syrup the maple syrup wasin place of vanilla extract because Ididn’t have any I looked it up on theinternet and it said maple syrup was thefirst alternative and since this issweet I did do a little less of thecoconut sugar just to make sure I’m notover sweetening it plus the bananas aresweet in themselves so yeah I will beback in 45 to 55 minutes and see how itturns out and then we’ll do it a stuffokay so I just pulled this out of theoven and I don’t know what size pan therecipe people were using but this looksa little bitso this wasn’t even in for the full 45minutes but the toothpick came out cleanso be back once it’s cool to do a tastetest but I haven’t feel like it’s gonnabe a little crispy okay so this does notreally look very appetizing but I’mexcited to try it I did try to flip itonto the cooling rack and it started tojust like seep through so I put it backin the pan but it is cool enough now totry so I’m going to cut into it and seewhat happen very soft right here it’slike definitely falling apartand very moist but it looks it looksnormalha pad tackle are really good for whatit is and how it looks um it’sdefinitely very like soft in the middlelike it did meet some more time to cookbut it made me so scared with how theoutside looks but it’s not bad oh thankyou guys so much for watching this videoI hope you enjoyed it if you did pleasegive it a big thumbs up and subscribe tomy channel down below I will be postingvideos every single Wednesday at 11 a.m.Eastern Standard Time so be sure you’resubscribed and have the postnotifications on to be notified everysingle time that I upload I will havethis recipe linked down below as well assome similar options because this onewas a little weird to follow but itactually turned out pretty decent so I’mkind of proud of that okay but yeah so Ihope you guys enjoyed it and I will seeyou in my next video bye[Music]