The Glen 3034 Bread Maker lets you conveniently knead atta, make bread, jams, cake and many more foods. This is truly a versatile appliance that delivers professional results without much efforts.
It has 12 programmed menus for you to choose which includes – Basic, French, Whole Wheat, Quick, Sweet, Dessert, Ultra- Fast, Dough, Jam, Cake, Bake; Home Made.
It allows making different kinds of healthy, fresh and preservative free breads in hygienic way. It comes with a detachable non-stick baking pan with handle for convenient removal of bread and cleaning after every use.
Glen bread maker keeps the bread warm for up to one hour and in case of a power failure the memory function helps to keep the temperature settings for 10 mins.
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Video Transcription
[Music]hello friends and welcome to our reviewof the blend bread maker3:03 for this is a versatile appliancewhich not only bakes fresh homemadebread but also lets you conveniently yououghta and make jams it has 12 presetmenus for you to choose which includesbasic white french whole-wheat quicksweet bread ultra-fastmilling toe jam cake and bake itconsumes only 615 watt of power and isfully automatic just put ingredients asper the recipe set the cooking time andpress tough that’s all the bread makerwill start at the pre-designated time tobake the bread so that in the morningyou get freshly baked healthy andpreservative free breads in a hygienicbook the detachable non-stick baking panwith handle is convenient to use andwith a capacity of 3.5 liter you canmake 700 to 1000 gram bread you canselect the crust and color of the brickthe electronic control panel lets youset the bread maker for different bakingand kneading choicejust put the flour and the water set onthe function door and let the breadmaker do all the job and give you freshdough automatically without the touch ofthe handone of the best features of this breadmaker is a see-through viewing windowthat allows you to monitor the status ofthe BT website it also has the provisionof live inside of Bethel Weaver it alsoallows adding of nutsdry fruits and other ingredients whilethe baking is an operation an audibletone signals you to add mix iningredients into the machine with thisbread maker you get three fast optionsto enjoy the perfect crust of yourchoiceGlen bread maker keeps the bread warmfor up to one hour and in case of apower failure the memory function helpsyou keep the temperature settings fortendons to summer this is a greatappliance for kitchen that needs doughmix fresh fruit jams healthy breadscakes and many more items withoutimpossible plan 3:03 for bread makercomes with two years bread warranty forall the details please refer to theproduct page