Bread Recipes

FRY BREAD | How To Make Fry Bread | Navajo Tacos Recipe Idea

Today I am making golden brown fry bread. I will also be making a simply version of Navajo tacos. This recipe had been requested several times and I am so excited to show you how I make fry bread.

Welcome to Simply Mamá Cooks YouTube Channel! I am a Mom to a blended Korean / Mexican American family that loves to share what I cook in my home. I am still learning and enjoy the process of making home cooked food.

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3 cups (410 g) all purpose flour
1 tsp salt (5 g)
2 tsp baking powder
8 fl oz (237 ml ) hot water
2 Tbsp (30 ml ) cooking oil (you can also sub with 2 Tbsp lard or butter)
cooking oil for frying

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Places by Ulas Pakkan, Courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.

How To Make Fry Bread
Navajo Fry Bread Recipe
Fry Bread Recipe

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Video Transcription

welcome back everybody today I’m goingto be making a recipe for fry bread andI’m also going to do my version ofNavajo tacos okay so for my dough here Ihave 3 cups of all-purpose flour andthese are three loosely packed cups Iwill leave the weighed measurements inthe description below to make it a moreaccurate dough for you but if you’re notweighing your ingredients then just makesure you fluff up your flour give it ascoop level to level it off with maybe abutter knife and then put it into yourbowl because a heavy packed cup of flouryou might end up needing more liquid tomake it a pliable dough okay so threecups of flour I’m going to add oneteaspoon of salt two teaspoons of bakingpowder here I have eight fluid ounces orone cup of hot water to that I’m goingto add two tablespoons of cooking oilI’m using grapeseed oil you can also usetwo tablespoons of lard or butter if youlike before I add this I almost made amistake there you want to mix in thebaking powder and salt now I’m justgoing to combine mix until a dough ballforms okay so the dough has cometogether just gonna sprinkle a littlebit of flour and I’m gonna startkneading my dough for about five minutesuntil the dough ball is smooth on thesurface and the gluten has worked you’llbasically you’ll press it and the doughwill kind of spring back that’s whatyou’re looking forokay so here’s what you’re looking forthe the dough is smoother on the surfaceand if you press it it springs backthat’s what you’re looking for when youknow you’re kneading this so I’mactually going to go ahead and dividethis dough into ten dough balls okayso I have all of my dough balls formedand now I’m just going to cover thiswith a damp cloth and I’m going to letmy dough balls rest for at least 20minutes I say 15 20 minutes so I’m gonnaset this aside and I’m going to actuallybe serving this with toppings I’m gonnamake a ground meat because you’ll to goon top of this you know with some freshlettuce and tomatoes so I’m gonna workon my my meat topping while this rests Ihave my pot preheating I’m going to addone tablespoon of cooking oil into thepot and now I’m going to add one mediumsized potato that I’ve just peeled anddicedI’m going to saute and brown my potatofor about five minutes okay so mypotatoes have already cooked for aboutthree to five minutes I’m going to addone pound of lean ground turkey meat youcould have ground beef I had a fraudtouch of ground turkey so I’m going touse that todayso just season this I’m going to use acombination of spices I will put thespices somewhere here on the screen ofthe combination that I use but you coulduse any seasonings and spices that youlike now I’m just going to continuecooking breaking my ground meat apart sonow I’m going to add a quarter cup ofwater and I’m just going to cover with alid I want to lower the heat to a mediumlow heat and just let it simmer coveredand continue to cook for about ten tofifteen minutes basically I want thewater to sorta evaporate but at the sametime cook the potatoes through okay soat this point my potatoes are soft andjust to check you can see you just can’tbreak it with the spoon so I’m going toshut the heat off on this and set itaside until I’m ready to use it okay somy dough balls have rested for well over20 minutes and look how soft andstretchy they are and a good indicationthat it has rested long enough is thatit stretches without snapping back orshrinking back that’s exactly whatyou’re looking for if you start rollingthese out or pulling them into you knowthe pulling them into your fry bread andit shrinks back that means the glutenneeds a longer rest time it needs torest more so these are great so youcould do just kind of sprinkle a littleflour here and then what I’m gonna do isjust you can spread it with your handsjust kind of work the dough and spreadit with your hands you can also use arolling pin which I will eventually dobut for those that you know this doughshouldstretch easily without shrinking backtoo much so I kind of find it easy ifyou sort of press it with your handsmaybe use a rolling pin to get itstarted and then just kind of startpulling it just kind of start pulling itlike that there here we go[Music]and then if it you want to kind of breaka hole in the center that that worksthat keeps it from puffing up too muchso here we go I’m going to do severalmore and then I’m going to start fryingthese as you can hear my fryer oil ispreheating okay so my fry oil ispreheated at 350 degrees Fahrenheit oruntil you stick a wooden spoon and itstarts to bubble around the the handleof the wooden spoon and you’re justgoing to carefully lay it into your[Music]turn it over and it really doesn’t cooklong on each side you’re basicallylooking for a golden brown color andhere we areso here is all of my fry bread and asyou can see it’s fried till golden brownon each side and of course they were notperfect but they looked so perfect rightnow after they’re cooked so do not fretif you can’t get them in perfect circleswhether you roll them out or press themout by hand it’ll all work in the endokay so oopsso there you go so here’s what we areeating today and I’m just going to takea little bit of Mexican sour creamactually this is table cream and I’mjust gonna just lit right over the topand that is it I hope you did thisrecipe a try I hope you like it andthanks for watching[Music]you[Music]

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