Bread Recipes

First time making bread in a bread maker

We were given a bread maker, so we decided to have go at making bread

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[Music]good afternoon everybodyhere we are for another vlog and in thisone Chelsea’s gonna attempt to make somebread in the new bread maker we gothopefully it turns out pretty goodand I’ll come back to you with theresults say hi for the viewers whichbread are you making test to see if Ican actually make ribbon totally this isone of our ways we’re gonna start savingmoney and not having to worry aboutanything during the covert pandemicI got sicker but not being able to getbread when I needed it especially thegluten-free bread and it was just athought oh let’s um make our own breadand my ex’s model must be able to see myinternet history because I was throughgoing and then I’ll put some yeast – I’msorry as well Semmy get out of thekitchen please ah why don’t you let Samdo the East ParkSam USA hi everyone Sammy’s gonna be theapprentice Baker today he’s gonna helpChelsey make the white bread in the ournew bread maker all right stay tuned forthe results and we will be back soon ishHey all righty the bread is underway andcooking I don’t know if you can save itit’s spinning away in thereand according to a time it should beready in about three hours time this isjust gonna be a normal white bread tostart off with and then we might startexperimenting later on with otherflavors so please like share andsubscribe to my channel to see what wegot up to and see what interesting readcombinations we come up with cheers guysthe bread makers finally finished andjust ignore hiccups and I don’t knowwhat to say about that doesn’t reallylook like bread if I’m honest that heywe had a good crack house only the firstgo so hopefully you can do better at itnext time I don’t know what that is elsefunny I reckon of the first attempt it’scrusty it smells the best way I canexplain that is if you’ve ever let atoddlers nappy get really full away itlooks like that that is the only way Ican explain that that did not cook onthe inside at all it’s good acrossreally nice crappin but it is as youguys can see not a bread the mixturedidn’t mix in properly and a lot of itis still on the outside like glue tasteslike glue not that I’ve ever eaten glueguys I’m not one for sniffing glue oranything like that but that if glue yeahthat’s what I’d imagine boy woodso I would consider this a fail for thefirst attempt Chelse has just decided totry again so we’ll see how this oneturns out we figured out where we wentwrong and she forgot to activate theyeast which is a key thing you need todo in bread making so we’ll see how thisone turns out and we’ll update you whenit’s finished all right catch you soonbite alright so the second attempt forthe yeast failed so this is attemptnumber three for the bread let’s see howthis goes in about ten minutes hopefullyit should start bubbling and yeah we’llsee how this second attempt of the wholebread mixing goes stay tuned we’ll beback soonbye alright with trying again this isattempt number twoChelsey just measuring out all theingredients now we’ve got in that pinkbowl you can see on the bench the yeastis kind of not really doing anything atthe moment but it’s supposed to bebubbling shortly they have attemptnumber two goes we’re just putting themixture into the bread makermake sure it’s all level just say is allno this is the first time we’ve everused a bread maker so bear with us weshall be back very shortly with the nextstage of this mixture honeyall right guys we’re back and gonna havea look at attempt number two about bread[Music]No looks like we had another failureunfortunately because as you guys cansee the mixture didn’t mix through againand it’s a very flat bread for somereason I think the bread grab me a knifeso we’re just gonna cut it open and seewhat it looks like on the insidehow do you like igloo it’s done the samething as before it’s turned to glue butit’s got nice golden crust on it but yaknow it’s still a failure unfortunatelyguys so I think what we might do iswe’ll try again tomorrow and adjust it alittle bitthose with bread bakers heed warningyeah unfortunatelyyes you guys will see in the video itwas another failure but we are gonnapersevere and try again tomorrowpossibly until then peace have a goodnight see you tomorrowyou

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