Bread Recipes

Filipina Australian life in Australia/ let’s bake banana bread 🍞

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so this is it billsI’m surprising you do not trust Michaelpinyin one benefit of being stuck athome alone[Music]go ahead Anna Anna pepsbanana bread Samara now flirty tone itagain conditioned on baking sodaveronyka’s come in handy to banan so I’mgonna say it up[Music]we lifted off some honeyBun nothing bylost an enemy and on the top of screamhospitality for each other- Anatomy open come in and restaurantit’s a bit cold and heat up Dominicasking him again among business youshall be born alonesmothered up a Nana na ba sa Bacchus andI’m not open connects reunion businessin Africa stress Napoleon will happenwill happen offered it was so strange acigarette and a very nice abilitychocolate a second minute trouble tabooslove yahoo absences school two millionin the canal I’m in Phoenix a to Louieuntil on momentoso it had nothing in sugar d2 somemelted butter sale awakening a[Music]then let me enlighten youthen again nothing bananaand then again an opinion dryingredients in large how you making sodaand soulso I’m going core is some of yourjumping rope a home and then move a wayto stick or what’s a bossy so Ponyvilleon your acne[Music]Scotty today you go in your salon youopen up a night about Stella depth ornow but or Carla Reese so let’s go as Ijust stopped of it because mark is heregood muscles no muscles come on you haveyou got big muscleshey you’re getting cat cat interns yeahI won’t come at the bat we exercise innotion so make this a skimming the lowery’allyeah another brilliant surprising noflour all-purpose flourmaking source whole butter egg milk inthe banana easy you don’t trust mycooking okay with ityou treat you to me[Music][Music][Music]the snappersMalevich nahuelito I’m adding bananabreadso no masalahopefullyso I’ll continue adding banana breadcouponing whoa how are we good for morethan 50 minutes 350 for anyone 175associates so this is it babesI mean Dean aha magneto no banana breadand make a hole and the FAFSAPhilippines you can can’t fit with no itwith not with nothing yeah by havingthose wife sighs help hey folksbeautiful so what are we doing todaysome day and what’s at Mile End yeah Ithink sothe problem our apartment here is thatat nighttime it’s alright the lightsthere’s no it’s only one switch it’sonly one switch so you either have 15lights on like month or you’re nothingluckily we got these lights on as wellso that helps out under the cooktop andarranging but mmm we just want to get anice lab today for the corner so nightTommy when we’re watching telling yousomething we go to that oneI wanna give a bit adjustable settingslike maybe three switches on yeah it’sso you can have a dark sort of hotbright mmm it’s not I think we should gofreedom furniture well maybe we shouldhave free of choice I noticed today Iwent for a long walkum that hyejin him shut down here weshut down for months we only went therelast week to buy a couple of cheaptwenty boy that’s what I bought somewinter shirts for me nothing you’ve gotforward yeah I bought trade just sureit’s casual shoe it’s just sort ofprofessional not you know hot enough noyou left it alone it’s inside sorry weneed to do something that Cape on itit’s going to sweatit’s me it wet we should buy a like atrain Iraqno no no exigent we’ve got a came up tothat much water that’s yeah that’s allof it I’m status real estate runoff Wowthere’s Stevetoday here I never thought that I’ll bebuying a little Eric for your cookinglike he ain’t cooked without a gripbefore honey I didn’t know in the oldhouse 20 feet that’s right you’redusting off your old cooking skills ohyes my cooking skills it’s just none ofthis it’s just gonna it’s like oh okaythe diner’s was here she was sort of atthis level for a long time the cookingand since we moved here sort of gone upand now something like that right upI mean I’m down for morning walk I wakeup early and go for a big war for twohours to exercise come back I’ve goteggs put on toast with cups of tea andI’ve got some fresh banana better thanhaving a minute than my cup of teathat’s nice I’m like thank you you arenutsokay we need someone for the mindI need a shot me you know I’m not no oneI think things are staying up you knowmm-hmmreally what’s the noise might not if I’mgood just ask me no I didn’t say enoughbut now the noise means hmmmeans oh that’s it means missionaccomplished you triphaha that’s hard to get air away thebitching if I said it’s not fresh butyou did the other in bit yeah wait yourprincipal don’t show me Avignon okay youwouldn’t you would and that’s we knowyou wouldn’t want to swear nothing no noI left my sugar because you don’t liketoo sweetoh you want more sugar Noyeah must have app yeah soyou know what love mmm I’ve had worsewould you put any butter or he not gonnadefensive just like you’re asking no nobecause you sing to what your proportionis pretty good for you right now it’snot synthetic that’s not you dry it’snot too sweet it’s not too bland becauseit depends in the person oh oh oh oh thechef oh the bacon and I was expectingthat to be just a bit more because Iwhere’d you go stodgy snottiness like abit thicker me wait surprising you donot trust my opinion they keep sayingbefore self-raising flour said no let mesay maybe it’s gonna be like what didyou say we go stodgyI know stodgy means just be silhouetteyeah and it doesn’t browse at all thishas got not lots gonna importance in abit certainly no but it’s perfect yeahthat’s why I’m so vascular questionsokaydid you use Google’s one I didn’t askyou given the market is nothing wrongyou know I guess I use Google but I amused my own measurement because I don’tlike to sweetwe did[Music][Music][Music]then want me to come in oh my are wegoing to random Ulsanyeah okay so poppadom benign katominarandom odd i using : behind honey pepsSupermarine and target because they youknow you move us in a movie and this onecooling rackAbilene are so movies see Sun is anotheractivity volition it on their mouth lessillness- absolutely – to finally finish on frompizza or pie let’s say yes cast a mug bebig iPhone app elegans we make napocaenemy or takes a billion – abandoningyou coffee shop so we will put our mealwe don’t I’m just cooking you’re doingat home now what’s happening you’ll bemaking all these cakes and homemadeforget all timeyep fresh bread empty so this one is forcake take ago a horn and lemon cakeburrito cinnamon lemon cake and thenlook what did I said before them so wegot to look fun is that right no rollingpin yeahthat was a phone measuring so it’s stillgetting ready for shop for cookingthere’s no one benefit of being stuck athome laughs she’s gonna be cooking forme a lot more yes and it will save usmoneysave us a lot of money don’t let me go alot but still soon as expensive yes andyou cook and soupsreally you’re lucky the rolling pin dosoup and I’m gonna go up on our pumpkinsoup line[Music]okay I’m gonna feed you manyeah well you promised when you saidthat when we come here you’re gonna bedoing what insane as we say we hadapproached in the pudding say you wannasee the Madiba is that right now so thehour and the time you Jane shy so nowwe’re posting the Philippine runningbehind in the next six months but youdon’t change the Philippines every sixmonthsyou know we’re changing here so thensummer we have longer days yeah steakNordic you seeyou

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