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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello everyone welcome back to mychannel Kitty Nassif diary I am at theethicist patient and a blogger from theland of promise mindanao Davao Cityhello hello everyoneand these are inevitable shockingkitchen and welcome to my cooking bakingblog today guys samanya home doctor whatare you nanbanana bread yes banana bread guys atall bringing Kona Young Saeng shout outfor Thank You stocking friendfriend NASA Dinah Claire Louise deathhello Amiga Thank You sandy enough in adilemma Eterna Pasha Amiga Donovanconnection banana bread died not pairedwith them Thank You chaperon sponsors aZygon Jana content Allenby to someinternal guys knocked on top cap arenamuhuali bring sagging Li bring Gulaiyeah and I said I’m gonna tell DaytonaTottenham actually maha-bhagavata meNapoleon arming company melancholiaknock upon share come in and mangafruits and vegetable semana I began Imean so simple and nothing and actingbanana bread if you put young Sun Kingagain the blank inertiayeah and yen and soybean tapas happinessyeah and harinaa Chaka baking powder yeah and a Chakait log yeah it blog a Chaka a scene ascene a Chakaasuka yellow onion a local cotton bananabread you Blanco go guysand 11 guys are my version young myfirst shocking I knowhey yo yo yami-bakura hollow evenKubasakiit’s a La Nina Lacour sagging harinaI’ve seen a SoCal baking powderit blows okay with my Hello Kitty sandoh yeah and my Hello Kitty is put andforth and hakama Hello Kitty monk ohParris oh so cotton kosa harina and solatina- nah I don’t know young harina a chaChi Yong your sagging young neliganAthena it alonepero young it login de cosas either hidtwo guys Kisei me inside my manga itlove nasarah peaI’m vena cava or Ella gay communityAssad monk again but a Makita okay andit globeAkasha Allah they journey yeah nila likea combination semantic guys cuz anotherNASA Oh Sarah belong it log like adirection epoxy on it flow well and I’mat upon Allah Hartman and humble guys Isay hello and a number on it lowlybetter 800 Kayla Hassan explode I mean Iknow and question I upload it movementthat long it long but in again yeah hehad moneyyeah and then next guys Mogambo Shannonmaking powder concealer and a lot econobaking powder guys necessary newlanguage of the I know Ronnie and Iliganyou and one tooI was in a nothing guys three todayChina I knowsamer a minimun technolog a nobis Cana 3spoon of baking powderyeah but the tacos Mian guys the kasnianis nagabhushanam contain a scene contentlambda is bumper and onion new releaseof the mise en coming assume a lot moreyeah a Chaka a show Kyle Hockman gluetaco guys pancha pancha : Dale Talde 3alumni insulting4 5 6 a.m. 6 on none asuka-san chatinshallah hakama can you guys mulattobabies necessary Nia Lancome cotton andMatt amis au Estonian an indie MachadoMatt amis de una Baha’u’llah Baha’u’llahmy go-to guyspancha pancha pancha Yan Lang and thenloggin Falana batterpero del Valle humming batter fried inAl and I’m Omar Doreen and margarita laillaha you guys as evil happeningbarteringYankoand the Elkanah marker aid yeahmagic magic length of mahogany’s a toyempanada butter margarine for Aslandominions arbitrarily you measure in anillogical that was a melt new youngbatter can you handle it on their AkamaiJerry Mathers the redirectionyeah it’s a night and finished productguys tapas in Levesque on Atossamuhawwil de la Vega guys it Williamhappy banana mixture tapas illa llahbecome a young handsome animal be a toyyoung genomic on Amana baking pan guysactually pan leche flan Tom date OhGaneshaAnagha hace más Miranda Khan takenPelham para Malou total aah gasps aahgasps aah say chimera Mina Machado Iknow the national mottoguys if a man came on a banana so hebacon ashes our oven already :but Pelican kamehameha Pamela tuna bacontoaster oven[Music]hello guys I’m back and beaten onQuattro has a grabby so brand in millionguys nihilo up to takashina they alsoplug in itgrab be the opposite pocket Acosta inyou guys you’re askingbanana bread nag you know what I am Notsure guys a one Coco a new larceny tothe köppen I know that was a young comain a canal hello hello homemade na hallohallo guys casting rabbit Elega and init k aguma hominin hallo hallo Daleknock lock down number and depending onmy bass ke goin along the homemade loloh I’ll say to young lil o to open inand a banana bread we went to play in itchildren yeahthe Pigman Copa young lass a guy isgoing on lasagna so bubbly Kakuma Mia