Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Music][Music]and you say not a Chinese here it isshun start I start to know the poorsmuggle up on bread if fresco eat o.okappa pause the first school go intobread yeah number one yenmr. Brandner sure mr. Brandner so mymilitary opponent not so if fresco ditophysician and nuts and press could betalked into my inertia my science here’sassume in etosha – yeah so don’t knowman tires are all Rus minions have beenocula and the post personal Agnes itKananga whispered poonacha the de casaseven me seven now auras the bookhospital not a table for seven ofblackness itOh Don pero con gusto name your numberdaddy boy didn’t die so long it took onbreakfast them entire seven o clock[Music]