Bread Recipes

Easy pudding#aish al saraya#bread recipe#no bake


Pistachios 1 cup chopped
White bread 15 nos

To prepare Sugar syrup
Sugar 1cup
Water 1cup
Rose water 1 tsp
Orange blossom 1 tsp (optional)
Lemon 1tsp

To prepare Custard
Milk 2 cups
Sugar 2tsp
cornflour powder 5tsp
Fresh cream 3/4 cup
Condensed milk 3/4 cup
Orange blossom (optional)
Rose water 1tsp

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Video Transcription

hi and welcome to my channel today I’mgonna make a Lebanese pudding I showserie let’s check what are theingredients you need to take 15 breadcut it into two piecesmake me three foot cupthree foot cup of fresh cream 1 cupsugar 2 cups of milkpistachios 1 cup chopped rosewater 1 cupwater corn Flo Phi tbsp 1 tbsp lemon nowlet’s see how to make it take whitebread remove thrust and toast it you canalso use over make sure both sides aretoasted well and you can keep it asidenext we need to make sugar syrup forthat you need to take a pan and add 1cup water and 1 cup sugar and stircontinuously[Music]now you need to add 1 tbsp lemon juiceand 1 tbsp rose water if you prefer thetaste of orange blossom you can even addthat stir continuously for three to fourminutes on low heat then you need toincrease the heat for a minute and stirit continuously once it forms into thickconsistency you can remove it and keepaside now you’re going to make custardfor this you need to add 1 3/4 cup ofmilk keep one foot cup of milk aparthard fresh grave[Music]that condensed milk[Music]take 1/4 cup of milk that we have keptapart and added to the con floor and mixwell add it into the saucepan and stillcontinuously for six to eight minutesuntil the mixture boils and thickensnow if you prefer to be more solid youcan add 2 tablespoon of sugar add 1 tbspof rose water and also you can add 1tablespoon of orange blossom can placebread in a dessert bowl keep it withoutleaving any space and add sugar syrupbow it you need to add well so that thebread gets soaked[Music]now keep one more layer of threads addagain sugar syrup we can pour custardabove and sprinkle on chopped pistachiossprinkle well you need to refrigerate atat least for eight hours so that thebread gets soaked well with all theseflavors it is ready to serve

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