Artisan Ciabatta Bread/Rustic Italian Bread/No Knead Rustic Bread
Complete Written Recipe:Artisan Ciabatta Bread:
Artisan Ciabatta Bread Ingredients
Flour 350g
Salt:1 tsp
Yeast:1 tsp
Method of making Artisan Ciabatta Bread
Step 1.Prepare the dough
Step 2.Proof the dough(2 hours)
Step 3.Shape and Divide the dough
Step 4:Final Proofing(45 minutes)
Step 5.Bake the Bread.
Bake @ 450 F for 10 minutes and then reduce the temperature to 400 F for 12-15 minutes
High Baking Temperature and Steam inside the oven are important to get rustic artisan ciabatta bread
Its so easy to make this ciabatta bread and the resulting bread is so good with crispy crust and soft crumb inside.
Hope you found this ciabatta bread recipe easy and hope you will make this at home and; you and your family will love it.
Enjoy Rustic artisan bread at home.
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Video Transcription
this ciabatta bread is one of theeasiest breads that we can make at hometo make this bread we’ll need only fourbasic ingredients and we don’t need anyspecial equipments to make this breadand I tried to simplify this recipe insuch a way that we don’t even need aproofing canvas which we usually don’thave at home and the process of makingthis bread is so relaxing and satisfyingand the resulting bread is a circle withthat crispy crust and with that lightand airy soft crumb inside all that wemake use in this recipe is a goodtechnique and some time so let’s see howto make this rustic artists and ciabattabread in our own home kitchen[Music]say let’s start by preparing our breaddough into a bowl add in the water herefused lukewarm water which is notcalled in our heart but just slightlywarm then add in salt and yeast and mixuntil they get the salt and then add theflour and combine everything togetherhere I’m using the very end of thispudding spoon to mix them together andthat’s it our bread dough is now readyso if we need to prove our bread doughfor two hours so wrap it with a plasticfilm and keep it in a warm environmentor on the countertop usually to givemore structure to our bread dough weneed to knead the dough but as this is ahigh hydration dough we can’t knead thedough by hands but during this proofingtime we are going to do a magic whichwill transform our dough into awell-structured dough so we are going tostretch and fold the dough in every halfan hour which is so satisfying to do soit’s been half an hour and we are goingto stretch and fold the dough to alignthe gluten strands and now we can see ifwe touch the dough it’s too sticky tohandle but here we have a simple trickwhen our hands are wet the dough won’tstick to your hands and it will make iteasy for us to handle the doughsay don’t forget to dip your hands inwater before we do this stretch and foldso stretch the dough and fold it ontoitself and turn the ball 90 degree andrepeat the same on all the four sidesand you may see the dough may tear atsome parts but that’s ok it’s becausethe gluten strands are not developed[Music]here I’m doing the same steps once againso that we are doing double folding inthis first round[Music]and now cover it with a plastic film andkeep it in a warm environment or on thecountertop so it’s been another half anhour and you can see our tool has risenslightly and that Luton stands are nowmore uniform and more aligned and now weare going to stretch and fold it onceagainso we did our second round folding let’swrap it again and leave it on thecounter or in a warm environment foranother half an hour and now it’s thethird folding or the final folding[Music]and now it’s been another half an hourand a duel has risen well and now let’stransfer this duel on to a well flouredwork surface and remember until is stillvery sticky and at this point to preventit from sticking to the surface we needto test the work surface generously withflour and again just the top of thedough with some more flour and now weneed to stretch the dough fromunderneath and shape it into a rectangleand we need to take care no to deflatethe air pockets completely and it’stotally ok if we happen to dig yes a fewair pockets here and there[Music]and now we need to roll it just as we’veall had jelly rolland pinch the edges to seal and nowdivide the dough into three equal partsand transfer each portion into anotherwell floured work surface we need togive enough space between each dough asit will expand during this time and dustthe top of the dough with some moreflour so that it will not stick to thecling film and now we need to prove ourshaped dough for 45 minutes which is thefinal proofingand after the final proof in our doughhas risen well and let stands with itsown to a parchment paper[Music]and while transferring this dough gentlystretch the dough to make it anelongated rectangular shape and now ourdough is ready to go into the oven socarefully slide the parchment paper withthe loaves on to the preheated bakingstone if we have one or we can also usean inverted baking tray and just asafter in here and immediately spray withsome water and close the oven door andbake it for 50 fan high preheated ovenfor 10 minutes and then reduce thetemperature to 400 Fahrenheit and bakefor another 12 to 15 minutes[Music]and after baking will get beautifulciabatta bread which is a golden brownin color with that crispy crunchy crustand with that crumb which is super softfull of air pockets and the bread isultra light and airy and it’s so good toslice them and to help them with someplain extra-virgin olive oil or to slicehorizontally and to make a sandwich andwhichever way you decide to enjoy thebread I’m sure you will love the textureand flavor of this bread and I hope youwill make this at home and I hope youwill not only enjoy the delicious breadbut also the process of making it and ifyou like this video please give yourvaluable thumbs up and please write tome your valuable comments and pleasedon’t forget to share this recipe withyour friends and family who love bakingbread at home and thank you so much foryour love and support and thanks forwatching this video see you next time[Music][Music][Music]you