Bread Recipes

Day 7 : Making Sourdough bread

This is the final bread baking ceremony to get your family a loaf of sourdough.

150g sourdough starter
480g AP flour
10g rye flour
10g whole wheat flour
360g water
10g salt

Follow the video for procedure. I let this ferment overnight for 12 hours. Your preference on how sour is up to you. Leave comments and I will respond to your questions.

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hey there this is the last and final dayday 7 we’re gonna take your starter andyou’re gonna actually make your firstloaf of bread using the starter thatwe’ve been growing up for six days let’sget startedhey so day two and what this is this isyour your poolish we made this lastnight this will be 150 grams of youryour starter for your batch of bread therecipe we’re gonna making today is theOlmstead township sourdough okay recipesright here I’ll post this in the notesreal simple 150 grams to start it’salready measured out tear off your scale60 grams of wateralright so 500 grams of flour told 360grams of water if you do the math it’slike 60 some person or something likethat it’s a pretty wet dough yeah thisthing’s in real time sorry mixing bowlwhat else would it become on Merc they’re 489 out of whiteflour all-purposeyou can use bread flour if you want tohere it’ll be a little bit more chewyit’s alrightwhole wheat flour 10 grams enoughfeeding the trolls 10 grams of rye flourthe wheat flour and the rye flour we’regonna give it a little bit of flavoragain only 10 grams we have a total of500 grams of flour in here spoon mix upyour starter it’s gonna look like thisit should be floating right now thatmeans because it’s super healthy healthymeaning that there’s some bubbles inthere carbon dioxide that kind of stuffshould float to the top it just lets youknow that you have a healthy starter youwant to do is you want to mix this up toincorporate it so that you get rid ofall the dry flour you want this to becompletely incorporated so that theflour is sort of a shaggy mess no dryflour leave this sit here for a minutesalt 10 grams 10 grams of salt do notmix it in here break the salt downwe mix it up with my spoon set thataside we’re gonna let this rest for 15minutes reason why we let this rest iswhat we want to do is we want to dowhat’s called Auto lies we want thatflour in that water to really soak inand bind all those flour grains andincorporate themselves they’ll also helprelax the gluten a little bit and get usready to start mixing the bread makesure you have clean hands because thenext step is with your hands salt we’renot going to add it right now we’regonna add it after our first turn thereason why we do that is we want to givethe yeast a jumpstartso even chloride table salt not iodizedsalt you want to use kosher salt thisstuff will slow down east growth andbecause we just started this starter wewant it to have the best jump start soleave this set aside for now see in five10 10 minutes 15 minutes whatever okayhere’s our bread Satur for a bit takethis out of the bowl we’re gonnaincorporate this salt so I’m going totake him a little bit the time and justsort of rub it on that on that doughokay I know what you’re saying why didyou do that why did you set aside thesalt well here’s the thingMatala SACEUR oughta lies flower isreally not what we’re doing hereactually what I should have done isadded just the flour and water togetherand then just added the starter later onbut it’s okay it’s fineyou’ll be all right I know bread nerdsare gonna look at this and leave allkinds of trolling comments no big dealokay this method of kneading the doughis called slap and fold it’s uh it worksgreat with wet dough let this sit andrest for 20 minutes every 20 minutes forthe for three times so 20 40 60 minutesover an hour every 20 minutes you’regonna take it and stretch it and roll itover itself stretch it and roll overitself stretch more here do that threetimes then you’re gonna leave it aloneuntil it doubles in size catch you in afew minutes okayreal simple stretch from one end turn itstretch one and turn it I do it likefour quadrants all four corners just areyou doing is you’re just trying to buildup that gluten redistribute that yeastalright this thing’s been fermentingwhich is called bulk ferment for severalhours I want to say three hours yoursmight take a little longer what we’redoing here is we’re gonna do our finalslap and fold kneading just again liftit up drop it on itself and flip it ontop and then we’re gonna do is we’regonna place it in a container and set itin the fridge overnight between 8 or 24hours 8 hours if you don’t like it sour24 if you like it really sour purpose ofthat is that’s gonna really bring upthat lactic acid and have it turn intothat sour dough okaynext day I’ll let this thing go about 12hours looks like it doubled in size bulkferment I’m gonna open some flour I knowadding raw flour is not ideal but allwe’re doing here is just adding a littlebit of flour so we can get it out we’regonna put some flour on this worksurface a lot of bread makers like touse just rice flour because rice flouris not it’s not the same as usingregular white flour I don’t know whatthe deal is but people don’t like rawwhite flour who knew I just kind of ranwith this add a little bit of flouragain we’re just this is you knoweyeballin okay so that thing I got myhand that’s called a that’s called a ABanise I’m sorry Bannatyne that’s uh it’sa French it’s regular floursorry about that b-roll so the benettonis great because what that does is thatgives it a surface to rise on and sohere we’re doing is we’re gonna justkind of degassed it just a little bit wedon’t want to get rid of all of thosebubbles but you’ll see there’s gonna besome pretty big bubbles in there likecheck this out watch this I start topushing around a little bit Boop there’sa big old bubble right there it’sawesome so this is a really healthysourdough starter it’s working reallywell so I’m gonna just kind of tuck iton top of itself and create like a nicetight ball I just want this thing to bereally nice and sharp I’m gonna playaround this for a few minutes and we’regoing to drop it in the Banat onand we’re gonna let that proof if you donot have a Benetton and I’m sure many ofyou do not it’s totally fine take a teatowel take something that doesn’t have alot of like not a terry cloth but a teatowel dust it with flour stick it in abowl you’ll be just fineit’s all good okay so we’re gonna do onefinal ferment this is gonna be that lastferment we’re gonna put some plasticwrap on it cover it with a tea towelsome sort of towel we’re let it sit forabout an hour hour and a half or so thisis now time to warm your oven up to fourhundred ninety degrees hey there okay sohere’s what we’ve done night before weput that that starter that was in themason jar it took a couple spoonfuls outof that mix it up made our levan ourpoolish our biga whatever you want tocall it that was put into a bowl itfermented overnight first thing we didin the morning we mixed up a batch ofdoughit’s been fermenting most of theafternoon it went into the refrigeratorsat in the refrigerator for six hours ofthink six comes out of the refrigeratorgoes on the board we threw it around acouple times we put it into our ourfinal ferment which is what we have hereokay so let’s take a look at this hereyou got your final ferment bounces backwhere it’s supposed to be we’re all goodwe’re all good here okaya couple things you need to do when youmake bread okay not ever he’s gonna havethis stuff I get it I totally understandwhat we’ll improvise we’ll do what weneed to do parchment paper reallyimportant okay Park the paper parchmentpaper is you’re gonna put this on top ofthe parchment paper and move around nextthing you’re gonna do is you’re gonnatake and you’re gonna use a appeal ifyou don’t have the peel use a sheet panyou need an oven which you can’t seeright now but the oven is set to fourhundred ninety degrees I’ve got itwarmed up I also have a piece of stonewhich you may not be able to see rightnow I can’t tell but there’s pizza stonein there and then that’s it that’s allyou need for those of you that have theother stuff that I’m talking about let’stake it a step further so you also havewhat’s called a hotel pan you can seethis thing’s pretty beat-up kind ofgross but what I do with this is I peelthe bread with the peel onto the pizzastone I put this onto a little bit andthrow some ice cubes in here what itdoes is it creates a steam those of youthat have electric ovens with like thelittle coil thingy at the bottom youshould be fun it’s completely sealedthis dough I think I said is that a 6570 percent hydration it’s really wetthere’s gonna be a lot of steam comingoff of this bread that’s fine for thoseof us that have gas um thank you gasovens the problem gets gas ovens is thatthe back of the oven has a vent and thatmeans any moisture leaves the oven it’sthe way that events it out so what we’regonna do is running a cap so what’s coolabout this is though is you put this ontop of itand it creates a steam steam steamjacket now there are some of you thatare just professional bread makers theyhave what’s called a closed I thinkthat’s what it’s called it’s a it’s aclay pot some of you bake them in dutchovens that’s pretty smartyou take a cast-iron pan and they take aDutch oven and put on top of it thatalso works toothis is what is gonna make yoursourdough bread a game-changer steam isvery very important okay so I’ll gothrough how we’re going to do all that afew minutes another thing too is this iswhere you become an artisttake a knife and you’re gonna do what’scalled slashing you’re gonna slash thatthat that loaf of bread now I’ll gothrough this okay so we’ll make surethat we’re doing this together but thatthat slashing is really gonna make thatbread crack it’s gonna pop it’s gonnaget that nice little crispyyou know the decorative parts gonna makeit look Pro style okay so let’s getstarted next step is we’re up totemperature right now I’m gonna peelthis thing onto the pizza stone and I’llshow you how to prep this up and get itgoing we’ll also do some slashing allright so this is the part I was talkingabout put on the parchment paper nowthis little tool that I have so it’s arazor blade with I think that might belike one of those like lobster meatthings I’m not sure but that razor bladeis a nice sharp cut and then that peelsit right in the oven now you can getreally creative with it you shouldGoogle some of these examples there’ssome really cool slashing techniquesthat are out there there’s ice so theice goes in there next you’re gonna hearit sizzle for a little bit so the icegoes in and when you put the hotel panon it I leave in there for about 20minutes for the first part of baking andthen pull itall right so this thing baked for a good50 minutes I thinkat 490 degrees for 20 minutes with thisyou know the whole thing sealed up smellof that is amazingdo the rise on that thing there’s like anice tap you get at the bottom you justknow you hit that right temperature andstuff but it’s wow that loaf of breadturned out amazing it literally lasted Ithink eight hours and create the wholething so definitely see if you candouble up on that all right if you haveany questions comments come on feel freethat b-roll the girls pretty cool um dome a favoryou know subscribe because I’m gonna bethrowing some more videos out there I’vegot a rye bread going on right now whichis pretty cool but this should get youall of you some good crusty bread 50minutes was in the oven like I said 20minutes at 490 I pulled the hotel panout and then I let it go for a littlewhile longer it’s not bad this colorcorrections awful though sorry I canonly shoot this stuff at night andlighting is an issue right now but nicewhite crispy and then soft inside chewynice crustawesome crumb really Stoke with this sohopefully guys are doing the same thingand hugs love you guys follow me onTwitter

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